Roger de Valognes (died c. 1141–42) was an Anglo-Norman nobleman who held lands around Benington in Hertfordshire, a tenure that made Roger the feudal baron of Benington. In 1136 he was a supporter of King Stephen of England's seizure of the English throne from Matilda, the daughter of the previous king, Henry I. Roger built Benington Castle and gave lands to Binham Priory in the early part of Stephen's reign, but was dead by 1142. His barony passed to his first two sons in succession and his third son became a royal official in Scotland.
Roger married Agnes, a sister of Pain fitzJohn and daughter of John fitzRichard. They had five sons – Peter, Robert, Philip, Geoffrey, and John.[1] They also had a daughter, Cecily, who married Henry of Essex.[10] Agnes survived Roger and died after 1185. She never remarried.[11]
John fitzRichard is known to have had the following issue:
From Medlands:
John Fitz Richard & his wife had five children:
5. AGNES ([1125]-after 1185). “Rogerus de Valoniis” confirmed the foundation of Binham monastery by “patris mei Petri de Valoniis”, by undated charter, probably dated to after 1135, witnessed by "Agnes de Valoniis uxor mea, Petrus et Robertus et Gaufridus et Johannes filii mei…"[471]. “Petrus de Valoniis” confirmed donations to Binham monastery by “Petrus…de Valoniis avus meus et…pater meus Rogerus”, by undated charter dated to after 1154, witnessed by "Agnes de Valoniis, Robertus et Gaufredus et Rogerus et Johannes et Philippus de Valoniis…"[472]. …. The Complete Peerage says that her age suggests that she may have been the daughter of a second marriage[476]. m ROGER de Valoignes, son of PIERRE de Valoignes & his wife Agnes --- (-[1141/42]).
The "VESCY" section of the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy's "ENGLISH LORDS T - Z" page (link below), Stirnet's "Vesey01" page (link below) and Find A Grave's memorial for this Agnes (link below) only mention her marriage to Roger de Valoignes/Valoines/Valognes.
Stirnet's "Vesey01" page (link below) identifies this Agnes only as Agnes.
Date of birth might specifically be 1095.
Birth surname has also been reported to be Fitznigel.
Date and place of birth have also been (erroneously?) reported to be:
Date and place of birth have also been (erroneously?) reported to be:
1090 |
1106 |
Benington, Hertford, Hertfordshire, England
1109 |
Valognes, Cotentin Manche, Normandy, France
1120 |
1134 |
1185 |
Ewyas, Herefordshire, England
???? | |||
???? |
Knaresborough, Yorkshire, England
???? |