This profile was added on 16 Sep 2007. Since then until 22 Mar 2022, no one has found and added a historical source to support the data on this page.. It's worth noting that the FMG website, doesn't not include this person in the presumed family. The task will either be difficult or impossible to validate this profile's connection to the presently hyperlinked parents.
First name unknown, as is date and place of death.
unnamed daughter d'Evereux
born: about 0985 ?Longueville, Normandy, France
Died: 1037
Father: Robert d'Evereux Archbishop de Rouen
Born: about 0965 Normandie, France
Mother: Havlive (Herleve) de Rouen
Born: Abt 0968 Normandie, France
Died: about 1050
(end of information)
Spouse: Gerald Fleitel
Born: about 0985 Longueville, Normandy, France
(end of information)
987 |
Évreux, Eure, Haute-Normandie, France
1027 |
Age 40
1994 |
June 16, 1994
Age 40
November 4, 1994
Age 40
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