Immediate Family
About Agnes ‘Johane’ Poole
Burke below calls her "Agnes", but the Visitations calls her "Johan". This seems to be the same woman, one name her mother's name and one name her father's name.
- 'A genealogical and heraldic history of the commoners of Great Britain and ... By John Burke
- A genealogical and heraldic history of the commoners of Great Britain and ... By John Burke
- Pg.581
- John Drake, esq. of Otterton. This gentleman espoused Agnes, daughter of John Kelloway, and had issue, John, his heir. Richard. Robert. Thomas, of Hertford, in Devon, who m. Hellena, daughter of Bennett Hillen, esq. of Fen Autri, in the same shire. 'AGNES, m. to WILLIAM, second son of John POLE, esq. of Shute, in Devonshire.
- The eldest son,
- John Drake, esq. of Axmouth, married Margaret, daughter of John Cole, esq. of Rill, in the county of Devon, and had with Gilbert, ancestor of the Drakes of Spratshays, an elder son, his successor,
- John Drake, esq. of Ashe. This gentleman m. Anne, daughter of Roger Grenville, esq. of Stow, in Cornwall, by whom (who d. in 1577) he left at his decease in 1558,
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- 'The descendants of William and Elizabeth Tuttle, who came from old to New England in 1635, and settled in New Haven in 1639, with numerous biographical notes and sketches : also, some account of the descendants of John Tuttle, of Ipswich; and Henry Tuthill, of Hingham, Mass. (1883)
- http://www.archive.org/stream/descendantsofwil01tutt#page/n61/mode/2up
- The Drakes of Ashe, in Devon were a very distinguished family, of whom was John Drake, Esq., one of the Council of Plymouth, a member of the original company established by King James, (unreadable (1 06)), for settling New England. Several of his sons came to New England and settled. Richard, with two or more sons and nine daughters, settled in Hampton, N. H.
- John Drake of Otterton had Richard, Robert, Thomas, who went to Hartford in Herts 'AGNES mo. of Sir Wm. POLE, the great Antiquary', and John of Exmouth, Devon, who recovered Ashe and m. Margaret dau. of John Colehill, and had, among others:
- I. Joan Drake, m. Walter, son of William and Jane Grenville, dau. of Sir Thomas Raleigh. He m. (2) __ Daniels; (3) Katharine, dau. of Sir Philip Champernown and wid. of Otho Gilbert; by d m. had Sir Walter Raleigh, b. 15?2. 1, John Raleigh, m. Ann Fortesque, sis. of Gertrude who m. Sir Bernard Drake of Ashe. 2. George Raleigh, m. Katharine, dau. of Otho and Katharine (Champernown) Gilbert, and sis. of Sir John, Sir Humphrey and Sir Adwin Gilbert.
- II. Sir John Drake, Exq., of Ashe, High Sheriff of Devon; d. 1588; m. 1529, Amy Grenville, sis. to Sir Richard, and had: 1. Sir Bernard Drake, b. abt. 1530; a distinguished Naval Officer; d. Jan. 11, 1585; gave Sir Francis, s. of Edmund Drake, b. 1545, the great Admiral, a box on the ear for assuming the family arms, Sir Francis being of a younger branch. He m. Gertrude Fortesque, and had; 1. John, d. 1628; m. Helena, dau. of John, Baron Boteler of Herts, and his wf. Elizabeth, half-sis. to Geo. Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, and had: 1. Sir John. 2. George, d. unm., 1664. 3. Thomas of Ireland; d. s. i. 1659. 4. Henry, settled at Barnstaple, Devon, of which he was Mayor, 1679. 5. Dorothy. 6. Mary. 7. Eleanor. 8. Elizabeth, m. Sir Winston Churchill. (1). John Churchill, b. at Ashe (while his mother was on a visit to her father) Duke of Marlboro; m. Sarah Jennings. (2) Arabella, had 4 chil. by James, Duke of York, afterwards James II, King of England. She afterwards m. Col. Charles Godfrey, and had, 1. Charlotte, m. April 23, 1700, High Bascawen, Viscount Falmouth and had 18 chil. (3) George. 2. Margaret, m. John Sherman and had dau. Alice, m. Richard Percival, ancestor of Earls of Egmont. 2. Robert Drake of Wiscomb, m. and had 7 sons and 3 daus. 1. William. 2. Bernard. 3. John, m. and had i. 4. Robert. 5. Henry, killed in army; s. i. 6. Nicholas, m. Katharine, dau. of William Tothill and wid. of Wm. Kingsley. 7. Humphrey. 8. Gertrude. 9. Amy. 10. Ursula. 3. Richard Drake, b. 1534; of Surrey; d. July 11, 1603, Equerry to Queen Elizabeth. Introduced his kinsman, Francis Drake, afterwards the great Admiral, to the Queen; m. Ursula, dau. of Sir Wm. Stafford. 1. Francis Drake of Shardeloes, d. 1613; m. Joan, dau. of Wm. Tothill of Shardeloes, Esq. At her house Thomas Hooker sojourned, afterwards ??u de? of the Conn. Colony. 2. George Drake of Spratshays, Esq.; supposed of this family; had dau; Katharine m. John Ford of Bagton, Devon, Eng. who had Sir Henry Ford, Secretary of Stateof Ireland for Charles II; sold Bagton to Mr. Tothill, whose descendants sold it to Lord Ashburton.
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Drake Pedigree, 1620
IGI Individual Record FamilySearch™ International Genealogical Index v5.0 British Isles
Johane DRAKE Pedigree Female
Birth: About 1546 Otterton, Devon, England
Father: John DRAKE Family
Mother: Agnes KELLOWAY
Record submitted after 1991 by a member of the LDS Church
Agnes ‘Johane’ Poole's Timeline
1482 |
Otterton, Devonshire, England
1515 |
August 9, 1515
Shute, Axminster, Devon, England, United Kingdom
1841 |
March 18, 1841
Age 359
1941 |
February 15, 1941
Age 459
February 15, 1941
Age 459
February 15, 1941
Age 459
February 15, 1941
Age 459
February 15, 1941
Age 459
March 18, 1941
Age 459