Historical records matching Agnes Mildmay
Immediate Family
About Agnes Mildmay
Agnes Sharp Genealogy
1. Agnes Sharpe born 08-10-1513 died 1565-05-13
2. Robert Sharpe
3. Elizabeth (unknown)
4. Robert Sharpe
8. William Sharpe
Marriages of Agnes Sharpe:
Adam Winthrop
Children of Agnes Sharp and Adam Winthrop:
- Adam Winthrop b. 1548-08-10
Agnes Sharpe married Adam Winthrop, Jr. in 1534 in London, England. Agnes and Adam had eight children. They were the grandparents of Gov. John Winthrop.
Agnes Sharpe, named in her father's will, 1525.
Adam Winthrop of Groton, CO. Suffolk Esq., 1st husband : m. 20 July 1534. WUl 20 Sept. 1562; prob 5 Jan. 1563 In the name of god Amen. The 20th daye of September Anno Domini 1562, I Adam Wyntrope of Groton in the Countie of Suffolk, gentleman and late clothworker and Cittezen of London, being whole of mynde and in good and parfect remembrance, thanks be given to almightie god, doe ordayne and make this my presente testamente and laste will in manner and forme followinge ; revoking and disannulling all other willes & testaments heretofore by me made, or caused to be made, first I bequeath my soule to almightie God, and my boddie to be buried in the parrish churche yarde of Groton aforesaide. Item, I doe give to the poore people of Groton ten pounds to be given and distributed to the most needest by my executors or Administrators. Item I do give unto John Wyntropp my sonne, the leaoe and whole terme of yeres of my mancon house Wherein I nowe doe dwell, wholy as I have yt by leace, withall the buildings, Orchardes, gardens, tenements with th'appurtenncs, to the saide John, to his heires and assigners. Neverthelesse I will and give the saide leace and mancon house, withall the premisses and all and singular th'app'tenncs, unto Agnes my wife during her naturall life. Item I doe give unto Agnes my wife all that my mannor of Groton with the Advowson of the bennefice there, with all and singular wooddes, lands and tennements, courts and proffits of courts rents and servics, with all and singuler thapp'teniics and commodities whatsoever they bee, to the saide mannor belonging, or in any wise appertayning, during her naturall lief. Item I doe giue vnto the saide Agnes, during her naturall life all those landes and tenements, meddowes, and pastures which I purchased and had of Thomas ffacon by exchange or otherwyse. And also all those landes and tennements whiche I purchased and had of John Doget, with all those exchanged landes whiche I had of Francis Clopton Esquire. Item I doe give to the saide Agnes my wife, during her natural life, all those landes and parcells of lande which I bought of Rose Bonde widdow. And after the decease of the said Agnes, I will and give all that my foresaide Mannor with the Advowson of the benefice with thappetenn'cs as is aforesaide, And also all those landes which I had of Thomas fiacon and of John Doget, with also all those exchanged lands with M' Clopton, and also all those landes and parcells of lands whiche I bought of Rose Bonde widdow, with all and singular the premisses, unto John Wyntropp my sonne and to his heires males of his boddie lawfully begotten. And for lack of such Issue males of the saide John lawfully begotten, I will the saide mannor with the advowson of the bennefice, with all the other the premisses with theire app'tenn'cs, and also the other landes and tennements, with the exchanged landes and other the premisses with theire app'tenn'cs, shalbe and remayne unto Adam Wyntrop my sonne, and to the heires males of his boddie laufully begotten. And for defalte of such Issue of the saide Adam, I will all and singular the premisses with theire app'tenn'cs to remayne unto Willyam Wyntropp my sonne, and to his heires males of his boddie laufully begotten. And for lack of suche Issue of the saide Willm, I will and give all the saide p'misses with theire app'tenn'cs before rehersed, unto my fower daughters : That is to saye Alice, Bridget, Mary and Susan, and to theire heires then living : and when the saide Manno and all th'other premisses shall so dissende and come. Item I doe give unto Willm Wjmtrop my sonne and to his heires all my landes and tennements, woods and pastures and feedings, both free and coppie now being in the occupac'on and meonoring of John Tylor of Groton, excepte the lande called Lynseye Chappell lande iu the occupac'on of the saide John Tylor Item I doe giue vnto the saide Willm and to his heires all those landes and tennent both free and coppie, now in the occupao'on and meonoring of John Yeamon, which Nicholas Colquyn hath of me to fanne. Item I doe give to the saide Willm and to his heires so muche of the landes exchanged with M' Clopton as doe lye within and to the fanne that the said John Yeman occupieth. Item I doe give unto Agnes my wife my ij tennements in Churche streete, now in th'occupacon of John Lyrskin and the wydoe Waspe during her naturall lyef. Item I doe giue vnto the saide Agnes, terme of her lief, my Coppie land which I holde of the Manno' of Beerhouse in Edwardston. And after her deceace, I will the foresaide i] tenements with the saide lande to remayne vnto John Wyntropp and to his heires males of his boddie laufully begotten, and soe forth, accordingly as aboue, for defalte of such Issue of the saide John. Item I doe give vnto Willm Wyntropp my sonne all my wearing apparrell and rayment to my boddie belonging. Item I doe giue to the saide Willm Wyntropp and to his heires all that my landes and tennements, both free and coppie, lyeng at Woodkerstreete in Boxforde, now in the use and occupac'on of Raufe ^erland.^ Item I doe give unto Agnes my wife during her naturall life all and nnguler my howses, buildings, landes and tennements, pastures, wooddes and feedings, both free and coppie, with theire app'tenn'cs, now in the use and occupa'cou of Nicholas Colquyn. And also all those landes and tennements with theire app'tenn'cs in the use and occupa'con of John Warde, with also all the late Chappell of Lynsey, with all the landes and tennements. Rents, Tythes, fedings and pastures, with the keping of the faire and the proffits of the same. And all the other rights and commodities to the same belonging. And also all those my other landes and tennements both free and coppie vnbequeathed, being noe pcell nor member of my saide Manno', to the saide Agnes for terme of her lief : And after her deceace, I will and bequeath all those foresaide landes and tennements, both free and coppie with theire app'tenn'cs, in the occupa'con of the saide Nicholas Colqujm and John Warde, And also all the other premisses with theire app'tenn'cs vnto Adam Wyntropp my sonne and to his heires males of his boddie laufully begotten. And for lacke of suche Issue of the saide Adam I will it unto John Wyntropp my sonne and to the heires males of his boddie lawfully begotten. And soe successively for defalte of suche Issue of John Wyntrop unto Willm Wintrop my sonne and to his heires males of his boddie laufully begotten. And for lacke of such Issue of the saide Willm, I will all the saide premisses remayne wholy to my four daughters, That is to Alice, Bridget Mary and Susan, to them and to theire heires, then and when the premiss shall soe dissende and come, equally to be divided betwene them parte and parte lyke. Item I doe giue and bequeath vnto John Wyntropp and to Adam Wyntropp my sonnes, vj* a peece at theire age of 21 yeres, to be payed yerely vnto them and vnto eyther of them by the handes •f Agnes my wife during her naturall life. Whiche saide some I will yt be levied and taken yerely ate of all my landes and tennements, goodes and cattails, bequeathed to Agnes my wife. Item I doe giue vnto Alice Wyntropp my daughter threescore and six poundes thirteene shillings and fower pence which is in the handes of Willm Wyntropp my sonne as yt appereth by his bill obligatorie. Item I doe giue vnto my daughter Bridget other threescore and six poundes thirtiene shillings and fower pence whiche is also in the handes of the saide Willm, delivred to hym by my wief, as also yt doth appere by his bill obligatorie ; whiche saide some I will yt be payed to the saide Alice and Bridget at the daye of theire marriage, or at theire severall age of 21 yeres, if they be not married before. Item I doe give unto my 2 daughters Mary and Susan to cache of them fiftie poundes a peece, to be payed to them by my executors at the daye of theire marriages or at theire seuerall age of 21 yeres, if they be not married before. And if any of my fower daughters doe departe this worlde before their legacies be payable by this my will. That then I will that her or theire parte and parts of suche as shall departe be equally devided emonge the residue that oulive of the saide 4 daughters. Item I doe give unto Thomas Hen all and singular suohe leace and terme of yeree as be hath of me by indenture, accordinge to the purporte and tennure of the same Indenture: And I will hym also to have yerely other fower lodes wood towards his fuell ou and besides that whiche is alreddie graimted to him in his saide leasa Item I give unto John Wyntropp my Sonne all suche Implements and moveable household stuf as hereafter followeth . ffyrst the Seeling in the hawle of wainsoote rounde aboute the hall in my man'ooa house, The wyndowes, portalls and skreenes, a frame and a longe table in the saide hawle. Item a fetherbed with a bedsteede in the parlcP wholye fumisshed, the Cupboorde there, all the shelves in the Kitchen Buttrie and backhouse, the leade in the back house with all the necessaries there groundefast and nayldfast, the presse in the storehouse and in the chamber, all which premisses I will them to John Wyntrop my sonne and to his heires. Nevertheless I will them to remayne still there, and that Agnes my wife to have th'use and occupieng of every of them during her lyef tyme. Item I doe give unto Will'm Wyntropp all my Implements and householde stuf whatsoever they be, now being within my house in Sainte Michaells in Comehill in London, excepted and reseruid to the saide Agnes my wife, the use having and occupieng of them during her naturall life, with a Chamber in my saide house at all tymes whensoeu she the saide Agnes shall come to my saide house in London, with also her deputie or servants with her freely, withoute any let or interrupc'on of the said Will'm hys heires or assignes, frely and withoute eny monney or charge payeng for them during her life. And also the best chamber, with all the pewter, Brasse, bedding and other necessaries and implements there, to be at th'use and occupieng of the saide Agnes freely at all tymes at her coming to London, with all the other commodities of the saide house to her also as freely as is aforesaide. Furthermore I will that if Will'm Wyntropp my sonne his heires executors or assiguers, John Wyntropp or Adam Wyntropp my sonnes, or any of them, or theire heires executors or assignors of any of them, or any other for them, or for either of them, or in eny of their names of either of them, or by any by or of theire procurement doe molest or troble Agnes my wife her executors or assignes, or doe attempte or otherwyse goe aboute to disproue or adnichillate or disanull this my will, in all or eny parte thereof, That then I will that the parte and parte gifts and bequests, as well of houses lands and tenements both free and coppie with th'app'tenn'cs as other moveables and bequests, made and given to them, and to them and theire heires, and to the heires of eyther of them that soe shall molest or troble Agnes my wife, or attempte or otherwise goe aboute to disprove adnichillate or disanul this my saide will, in all or in eny parte therof as is aforesaide, to be frustrate and voyde and of none effecte and to haue noe benifite of this my laste will, but then I doe give all the parte and parts gifts and bequests of hym and them, or made to hym and them and theire heires of hym and them that soe shall molest or troble Agnes my wief, her executors or assiguers, or attempte or otherwise goe aboute to disprove adnichillate or disanull this my will, in all or in eny parte thereof as is aforesaide, unto Agnes my wife to her heires, executors or assiguers, eny thing or things contayned in this my will to the contrary notwithstanding. Provided alwayes and I will, that if there be any Article, Worde, clause or sentence in this my laste will that is not or be not made pfecte and formall according to the lawe. That then I will that Agnes my wife her executors and assignes shall take lemed councell in the lawe, from tyme to tyme to make them pfecte and formall acording to the law, and as the said Agnes my wief her executors and assignors and her leraed councell in the lawe shall make them ; not altering my legaces and bequests I will to be my will and to stande as my laste will and testamente. All the residue of my goods Cattalle, Chattells, debts, householde stuf, plate, Juells and all other moveables and unmoveables whatsoevr they be unbequeathed I doe give them wholy unto Agnes my wife, whome I doe ordayne and make my whole executrix of this my will. And I will that Richarde Burde of Ipswiche to be Supervisor of this my will. And I doe give hym for his paynes 10 pounds. And to my syster his wife xx' to make her a Ringe. And to my sister Whiting other xx". Witnesses hereunto Thorns Gale, John Spencer, Thomas Osborne, Richard Bronde, and John Warde. Furthermore I will that Agnes my wief her executors or assignes shall WM/^ and recover by the vertue of this my will ; and my mynde is if the saide Willm will not and doe not paye at any tyme after this present date of this my will, if he refuse or denie, or doe not paye it to my saide wife the money of bothe the within written billes which is CC marks, he be by the saide Agnes her heires executors or assigners required to paye it. And after the reooverie of it the saide Agnes her executors or assigners to repaye it agayne to my saide children, according as is menc'oned in this my will. Witnesses for Thomas Gale : by me John Spencer by me Thomas Osborne a witnes , John Warde a witness . by Richarde Bronde : By me Adam Wyntropp.
Agnes Sharpe, aged 18, 1534, 2d= wife of Adam Winthrop. She m. 2d Wm. Mildmay at Groton, 8 May 1563 ; d. 13 May, 1565,
aged 48 ; buried in Springfield Chancel, Essex.
-William Mildmay of Springfield Barnes co. Essex, Gent., 2d husband. Will, P.C.C. 10 Holney,13Feb. 1570 ; probate 24 Feb. 1570 ; bequests to Susan Winthrop, &c., &c.
. . . dau. of Paschall of Much Baddow in com. Essex, Esq., 1st wife.
Above info from (#47598358
- http://thepeerage.com/p69127.htm#i691268
- https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Mildmay-17
- https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Reade-94
- * “Sir Walter Mildmay and Tudor Government.” Stanford E. Lehmberg. GoogleBooks
- Visitation of Essex 1612 Page 251: Mildmay Archive.Org
- https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/200673854/william-mildmay
- “Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1”. “Adam Winthrop.” Page 23. “William Mildmay, son of Thomas Mildmay of Chelmsford and Anne (Reade) Mildmay, married (1) Elizabeth, daughter of John Paschall of Much Baddow, co. Essex, and (2) Agnes (Sharpe) Winthrop, widow of Adam Winthrop of Groton. Muskett, 47; Morant, Essex, II. 18; Visitations of Essex, I (H. S., Pub. , XIII), 260, 262.”
- Reference: Find A Grave Memorial - SmartCopy: Mar 30 2019, 12:05:37 UTC
Agnes Mildmay's Timeline
1513 |
August 10, 1513
Islington, Middlesex, England (United Kingdom)
1516 |
August 10, 1516
Age 3
Christian Church, Islington, Middlesex, England (United Kingdom)
1539 |
November 15, 1539
St. Peter's, Cornhill, London, England
1543 |
May 3, 1543
Lavenham, Suffolk, England (United Kingdom)
1544 |
March 1, 1544
Lavenham, Suffolk, England (United Kingdom)
1546 |
January 20, 1546
Groton Manor, Suffolk, England
1548 |
August 10, 1548
Groton Manor, Groton, Suffolk, England
1550 |
May 17, 1550
Groton, Suffolk, England
1552 |
December 10, 1552
Edwardstone at Groton Manor, Suffolk, , England