Immediate Family
half sister
half brother
About Agnès ou Isabeau de Châteaudun
a) GEOFFROY [V] (-after Nov 1218). "Hugo Castriduni vicecomes" sold "terram nemoris Vindocinensis...inter Romilliacum et Calviniacum" to Marmoutier, with the consent of “Johannes de Lavardin, Gaufridus de Lavardin, Hugo de Sancto Agilo, Dometa uxor eius et filius ipsius, Gaufredus Vogrin, Ursio de Fracta Valle et Nevelo filius eius et eorum uxores et liberi...eorum...Johanna vicecomitissa uxor mea et Gaufredus filius noster”, by charter dated to [1175/84][965]. Vicomte de Châteaudun. "Gaufridus vicecomes Castriduni" confirmed the foundation of "la chapelle de la Chauvelière", with the consent of "Adelicia uxore mea et Philippo et Hugone filiis meis", by charter dated to [1190][966]. "Gaufridus vicecomes Castriduni" donated property to Hôtel-Dieu, Châteaudun with the consent of "Adelicia uxore mea, Philippo filio meo et Agnete sorore mea" by charter dated Feb 1200[967]. "Gaufridus Castriduni vicecomes et dominus Montis Dublelli et domina Adelicia uxor mea" granted letters of immunity relating to Cormenon by charter dated 1 Mar 1202[968]. "Gaufridus vicecomes Castriduni" freed a serf, with the consent of "Adelicia uxore mea et heredibus meis Gaufrido et Isabella", by charter dated 1202[969]. "Gaufridus vicecomes Castriduni" donated property to Hôtel-Dieu, Châteadun with the consent of "Adelicia uxore mea et Gaufrido filio meo et filiabus meis Isabella, Adelicia, Iohanna et Agnete" by charter dated Oct 1209[970]. "G comes Castriduni et A uxor mea" donated property to the abbey of Bécheron with the consent of "Gaufrido filio nostro, et Ysabella, Adelicia, Johanna, Agneta filiabus nostris" by charter dated 1212 in which he names "dominus Jobertus de Guerchia avus meus et Johanna mater mea filia ipsius, comitissa d'Alençon"[971]. "Gaufridus vicecomes Castriduni et…Adelicia vicecomitissa" donated a fair to the priory of Mondoubleau, with the consent of "Gaufrido filio nostro, filiabus nostris Ysabella, Adelicia, Johanna et Agnete", by charter dated May 1213[972]. [Seigneur de la Guerche]: a charter dated 1217 records that “defunctus Jobertus dominus Guirchie bone memorie” had donated “pedagii sui in toto dominio Guirchie” to Bécheron, later confirmed by “Gaufridus vicecomes Castriduni et Aalicia uxor mea” with the consent of “Gaufridus filius noster et filie nostre Ysabella, Aalicia et Johanna et Agnes”[973].
m firstly ADELICIA de Nevers, daughter of ---. "Gaufridus vicecomes Castriduni" confirmed the foundation of "la chapelle de la Chauvelière", with the consent of "Adelicia uxore mea et Philippo et Hugone filiis meis", by charter dated to [1190][974]. "Adelicia uxore mea…" consented to the donation by "Gaufridus vicecomes Castriduni" to Hôtel-Dieu, Châteaudun by charter dated Feb 1200[975]. She is named "Adèle de Nevers" in Europäische Stammtafeln[976] without naming her parents. Her connection, if any, with the family of the Comtes de Nevers has not been established. "Gaufridus Castriduni vicecomes et dominus Montis Dublelli et domina Adelicia uxor mea" granted letters of immunity relating to Cormenon by charter dated 1 Mar 1202[977]. "Gaufridus vicecomes Castriduni" freed a serf, with the consent of "Adelicia uxore mea et heredibus meis Gaufrido et Isabella", by charter dated 1202[978]. "Adelicia uxore mea…" consented to the donation by "Gaufridus vicecomes Castriduni" to Hôtel-Dieu, Châteadun by charter dated Oct 1209[979]. "Gaufridus vicecomes Castriduni et…Adelicia vicecomitissa" donated a fair to the priory of Mondoubleau, with the consent of "Gaufrido filio nostro, filiabus nostris Ysabella, Adelicia, Johanna et Agnete", by charter dated May 1213[980]. A charter dated 1217 records that “defunctus Jobertus dominus Guirchie bone memorie” had donated “pedagii sui in toto dominio Guirchie” to Bécheron, later confirmed by “Gaufridus vicecomes Castriduni et Aalicia uxor mea” with the consent of “Gaufridus filius noster et filie nostre Ysabella, Aalicia et Johanna et Agnes”[981].
m secondly ALIX de Fréteval, daughter of URSO [II] Seigneur de Fréteval & his wife Grecie de Faye (-after 18 Jun 1257). The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. ["G comes Pertici" donated property to Notre-Dame de la Trappe with the consent of "Aales uxoris sue et liberorum suorum…Girardo primogenito suo" by charter dated [1200][982]. "Gaufridus vicecomes Castriduni" donated property to Notre-Dame de la Trappe with the consent of "Aaliz uxore mea et G filio meo" by charter dated 1210[983]. It is possible that both of these sources refer to Geoffroy's first wife.] Geoffroy [V] & his first wife had [nine] children: i) PHILIPPE
vii) AGNES (-19 Jul after 1271). "…Filiabus meis Isabella, Adelicia, Iohanna et Agnete" consented to the donation by "Gaufridus vicecomes Castriduni" to Hôtel-Dieu, Châteadun by charter dated Oct 1209[1023]. "Gaufrido filio nostro, et Ysabella, Adelicia, Johanna, Agneta filiabus nostris" consented to the donation by "G comes Castriduni et A uxor mea" to the abbey of Bécheron by charter dated 1212[1024]. "Gaufridus vicecomes Castriduni et…Adelicia vicecomitissa" donated a fair to the priory of Mondoubleau, with the consent of "Gaufrido filio nostro, filiabus nostris Ysabella, Adelicia, Johanna et Agnete", by charter dated May 1213[1025]. A charter dated 1217 records that “defunctus Jobertus dominus Guirchie bone memorie” had donated “pedagii sui in toto dominio Guirchie” to Bécheron, later confirmed by “Gaufridus vicecomes Castriduni et Aalicia uxor mea” with the consent of “Gaufridus filius noster et filie nostre Ysabella, Aalicia et Johanna et Agnes”[1026]. The primary source which confirms her marriage has not yet been identified. Morandière quotes (in translation) a charter dated 1231 under which "Jehan d’Estouteville" donated property to Valmont, for the souls of "Henri mon père et de Mathilde ma mère…et de Agnès mon épouse et de Robert mon frère", witnessed by "Raoul d’Estouteville miles…", but does not cite the corresponding primary source[1027]. “Johannes de Estotevilla miles dominus de Boscheto et Agnes uxor mea” renounced rights over the priory of Lancé in favour of Marmoutier, with the consent of “Robertus primogenitus noster, Radulphus et Astulphus filii mei”, by charter dated 1249[1028]. “Domina de Estoutevilla soror quondam Gaufridi vicecomitis Castriduni“ claimed “portionem suam iure hereditario contingentem de vicecomitatu Castriduni” from “domino Roberto de Drocis...cum filia sua“ by charter dated 1260[1029]. m (before 1231) JEAN [I] Seigneur d'Estouteville, son of HENRI Seigneur d’Estouteville & his wife Mathilde d’Eu (-after 1262).
Agnès ou Isabeau de Châteaudun's Timeline
1205 |
1245 |
1271 |
July 19, 1271
Age 66
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