Immediate Family
About Aengus Tuirbheach (Lebor Gabála Érenn)
Aenghus Tuirmheach Teamhrach, King of Ireland, d. ca. 325 BC in Tara, Ireland
Father: Fir Cetharraid
Some sources list Aenghus' father as Temrach or Eder Sal Teamrach, and jump over several of the generations listed here to Eochaidh Ailtleathan. He was called Aenghus Tuirmheach because the nobility of the race of Eremon are traced to him. The Annals of the Four Masters does not give his father's name, but the proposed lineage here contradicts the lineage given for Sirna Saeghlach in the Annals.
Aenghus slew Fearghus Fortamhail to become the eighty-first monarch of Ireland ca. 384 BC and reigned for thirty years.
Enna Aighneach, King of Ireland, d. ca. 293 BC in Ireland, cause of death was the battle of Ard Crimhthainn by Crimhthann Cosgrah.
Fiachu Fer-mara
was the 81st Monarch; his son, Fiacha Firmara (so called from being exposed in a small boat on the sea) was ancestor of the Kings of Dalriada, and Argyle in Scotland, this was from his younger son, Fiacha Fearmara, from who the kings of Dalriada, in Scotland, down to Loarn, the maternal grandfather of Fergus Mor Mac Earca were descended . This Aongus was slain at Tara (Teamhrach), B.C. 324.
Part III, Chapter IV of Irish Pedigrees, by John O'Hart, published 1892, pages 351-9, 664-8 and 708-9.
From http://www.rpi.edu/~holmes/Hobbies/Genealogy/ps11/ps11_026.htm
was the 81st Monarch; his son, Fiacha Firmara (so called from being exposed in a small boat on the sea) was ancestor of the Kings of Dalriada, and Argyle in Scotland. This Aongus was slain at Tara (Teamhrach), B.C. 324.
Part III, Chapter IV of Irish Pedigrees, by John O'Hart, published 1892, pages 351-9, 664-8 and 708-9.
Aengus Tuirbheach (Lebor Gabála Érenn)'s Timeline
-424 |
-384 |
Age 39
-360 |
400 |