Matching family tree profiles for Aeltje Gerrits Lansing

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Immediate Family
About Aeltje Gerrits Lansing
- 'The Lansing family. A genealogy of the descendants of Gerritt Frederickse Lansing who came to America from Hasselt, province of Overijssell, Holland, 1640. Eight generations
- http://www.archive.org/details/lansingfamilygen00muns
- http://www.archive.org/stream/lansingfamilygen00muns#page/n14/mode/1up
- Killian Van Rensselaer, Patroon and Lord of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck, died in 1647, and the estate descended to his son Johannes, then a minor. Brandt Arentse Van Slectenhorst was appointed Director to represent the young Patroon. His son, Sieur 'Gerrit Van Slectenhorst married Altje Lansing, daughter' of Gerrit Frederickse Lansing.
- http://www.archive.org/stream/lansingfamilygen00muns#page/n20/mode/1up
- 1. Gerrit Frederickse1 Lansing, son of Frederick Lansing, married Elizabeth Hendrickse.
- 2. Gerrit2 Lansing.
- 3. Hendrick G. Lansing.
- 4. Johannes G. Lansing.
- ' 5. Altje Lansing, married Sieur Gerrit, son of Brandt Arentse Van Slectenhorst.
- 6. Gysbertie Lansing, married Hendrick Janse Roseboom in 1679.
- 7. Hilletje Lansing, married Storm, son of Albert Andriese Brant Van der Zee.
- Gerrit Frederickse1 Lansing was a citizen of Hasselt, Province of Overijssell, Holland. He came to New Amsterdam (New York) about 1640 and was one of the early settlers of Rensselaerwyck. He died and his widow married Wouter Van Den Uythof of Albany. The heirs of Gerrit Frederickse Lansing executed a Power of Attorney in favor of Jan Barentse ten Kate of Zwolle and Gysbert Janse Vermeer of Hasselt, Holland, on October 3, 1697. (Albany County deed book No. 3, page 51.)
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- 'Genealogical notes of New York and New England families
- http://www.archive.org/stream/genealogicalnote00talc#page/112/mode/1up
- 1.
- Gerrit Frederick, son of Frederick Lansing, of the town of Hassel, in the Province of Overyssell, came to New Amsterdam with three sons, and probably to Rensselaerwyck about 1650. He had also three daughters, all his children having been born before leaving Hassel. They were
- 2 Gerrit, b. ___; m. Elsje, daughter of Wouter Van Wythorst.
- 3 Hendrick, b, ___; m. Lysbet ; d. July 11, 1709.
- 4 Johannes, b. ___ ; m (2) Geertje Van Schaick, widow of Hendrick Coster, in 1678.
- ' 5 Altje (Alida), b. ; m. Gerrit Van Slightenhorst.
- 6 Gysbertie, b. ___ ; m. Hendrick Roseboom, 1679 ?
- 7 Hilletje, b. ___ ; m. Storm Van der Zee (Bradt). He died about 1679.
- Gerrit F. Lansing was probably dead before the 3d of October, 1679, as on that day the above-named children made a joint conveyance of property.
- http://www.archive.org/stream/genealogicalnote00talc#page/114/mode/1up
- 5.
- ' Altje (Alida), daughter of (1) Gerrit Frederick Lansing, was probably born in Hassel ; married Gerrit, son of Brant Arentse VanSlightenhorst, of Neuwkerk, in Guilderland, and had
- 27 Hillegonda.
- 28 Gerrit.
- 29 Rachel.
- 30 Gouda.
- ' Altje (Alida), daughter of (1) Gerrit Frederick Lansing, was probably born in Hassel ; married Gerrit, son of Brant Arentse VanSlightenhorst, of Neuwkerk, in Guilderland, and had
- ' Gerrit Van Slichtenhorst died in Kingston, Januarv 9, 1684. He came to Beverwyck with his father in 1646 ; was Schout fiscaal for a short time, He was one of the commissioners of Schenectady in 1672, but removed to Kingston. He owned several houses and lots in Albany and also in Claverac.
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- 'Ulster County, N.Y. probate records in the office of the surrogate, and in the county clerk's office at Kingston, N.Y. : a careful abstract and translation of the Dutch and english wills, letters of administration after intestates, and inventories from l665, with genealogical and historical notes
- http://www.archive.org/stream/cu31924068180532#page/43/mode/1up
- Testamentary disposition, dated Febr. 16, 1682/3, and written in Dutch.
- ' Survivor to possess everything until death or remarriage, (wife's name being Aeltie Lansinck), when one half of the estate, whether houses, land, gold, silver, coined or uncoined is to go to the children ; the minors to be brought up in an honest and Christian manner. Children to divide equally at death of both parents, if survivor had remained unmarried. In the latter case, he or she to be entitled to keep possession of the entire estate, unless inclined to share with the children. After the death of both the minors, Hillegont and Gerrit, Ragel and Gouda are to receive, in advance, and above their share, fifty beavers or the value thereof.
- Wm. Fisher G: V: Slichtenhorst
- Wessel Ten Broeck Aeltye Lansynck
- Quod attestis : Wm. de la Montagne, Secr.
- (In the margin: It was forgotten in the above will that the minors are to be brought up from (the proceeds of) the estate. On attaining their majority, they are to divide in accordance with the provisions in the will. Dated Febr. 22, 1682/3.
- Wm. Montagne, testis Gerrit Van Slichtenhorst
- Hinderick Kip Aeltie Lansinck
- ' (Aeltie Lansinck was dau. of Gerrit Lansick, who came from Hassell, near Swoll in Overysell, and died previous to Oct. 3, 1679. having also had sons Gerrit, Hendrick, Johannes, and daughters, Gysbertje, w. of Hendrick Roseboom, and Hillitie, widow of Storm Van der Zee.
- ' Gerrit Van Slichtenhorst was son of Brandt Arentse Van Sclichtenhortt, of Niewkerk in Gelderland, who was appointed a director of the Rensselaerwyck Colony in 1646, but returned to Niewkerk, where he died about 1668. Gerrit Van Schleghtenhorst was one of the magistrates of Schenectady in 1672, and died in Kingston, Jan. 9, 1684).
- Liber VI., page 95. T. D. R., Liber 3, p. 21.
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- 'Calendar of wills on file and recorded in the offices of the clerk of the Court of appeals (1896)
- http://www.archive.org/stream/calendarofwillso01fern#page/444/mode/1up
- 1963 1678 June 4, 5 p.m. ___ Dutch
- van den UYTHOF, Wouter, of Albany, baker, and wife Elisabeth Heyndricx. Children by first husband 'Aeltie Lansingh', Gysbertie Lansingh, Gerrit Lansingh, Heyndrick Lansingh, Johannes Lansingh and Hilletie Lansingh. Real and personal estate. The survivor executor. Witnesses G. Swartt, Albert Ryckman and Adriaen van Ilpendam, Notary Public. Albany Co. Records, Notarial Papers, II., p. 37.
- ________________________
- 'Kingston Dutch Reformed Church
- 'Marriages 1660-1809
- http://genealogyresearchcentral.com/KDRCMarriages%201660-1809.htm
- 1661 18 Dec; Aart Martensen Doorn, jm, of Well, Holland; Geertruy Andriesse, wid Jacob Janse Stoll, of Doesburgh, both liv Kingston.
- 1682 12 Sep; Aard Martenz Van Dooren, wid Geertruid Andries, of Wel, Gelderlant, liv Kingston; Jannetie Nimmer, wid John Spraak, of England, liv New York. [not married]
- '1684 09 Dec; Aard Martenz Dooren, wid Geertruyd Andries, of Wel, Gelderland; Aeltie Lansing, wid Gerard Slegtenhorst, of Hassel, Overyssel, both liv Kingston.
- __________________________
- 'Baptismal and marriage registers of the Old Dutch Church of Kingston, Ulster ... By Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Kingston, New
- http://books.google.com/books?id=WX_kpCyMbA0C&pg=PA781&lpg=PA781&dq...
- Pg. 23
- 'Aart M. van Dooren and Aeltie Lansing are named as witnesses.
- Baptisms
- 409 Jan Hap . . Jacob . . Aart M. van Dooren.
- Magtel van Vlied . 1 Feb. . . 'Aeltie Lansing'
- Pg. 506
- ...[Not married] 55 AARD MARTENZ van DOOREN (widower of Geertruid Andries), of Wei, 4 in Gel- derlant, resid. in Kingston, and JANNETIE NIMMER [? ...
- Pg. 508
- '72 AARD MARTENZ DOOREN, (widower of Geertruyd Andreis), of Wei,' in Gelder- lant [Gelderland], resid. in Kingstouwne, and AELTIE LANSING, (Widow of Gerard ...
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- http://www.juch.org/McNeill/ntf/ntf01454.asp
- Marriage Index: Selected Areas of NY, 1639-1916
- 'Lansing, Aeltie Marriage date : Dec 9, 1684
- 'Spouse : Dooren, Aard Martenz
- Sex : F
- 'Location : Horley [Hurley]
- 'The following additional information is known about Aeltie Lansing: (widow of Gerard Slegtenhorst), of Hassel, (The present Hasselt, 5.5 miles N. of Zwolle, capital of the Province of Overyssel, Holland.) in Overysel [Overyssel], resid. as above.
- 'The following additional information is known about Aard Dooren: (widower of Geertruyd Andries), of Wel, (Well, in the southern part of the island of Bommelerwaard, in Province of Glederland, Holland.) in Gelderlant [Gelderland], resid. in Kingstouwne.
- 'The following additional information is known about this marriage: First publication of Banns, 21 Nov. Marriage # 72.
- 'Location: This marriage is recorded and/or took place at Horley [Hurley].
- Source information: Hoes, Roswell R. "Baptism and Marriage Records of the Old Dutch Church, Kingston, NY". 1891. Contains the following information: Pub Info 1660-1810., page 508.
- Kinship publication code: 2-13
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Aeltje Gerrits Lansing's Timeline
1637 |
October 23, 1637
Hasselt, Overijsell, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
October 23, 1637
Hasselt, Overyssel, Holland
1660 |
October 23, 1660
Niskayuna, Schenectady, New York, USA
1663 |
Beverwyck, Rensselserswy, New Netherland
1664 |
Fort Orange, Nieuw-Nederland
1671 |
Albany, Albany, New York, American Colonies
1685 |
September 1685
Age 47
New York, New York, New York, American Colonies
???? |