Adriana Hendrina (Beatrix) Smit b4c13d7 bapt 18.10.1767 was married first to Matthys Carstens and then to Maarten Johannes Smit. Her second name was Beatrix See documents.
c13 Alewyn » 4.7.1734, boer † Stellenbosch 25.1.1787 x Swartland 10.10.1756 Engela Helena VAN NIEKERK » 16/26.1.1738 d.v. Johannes van Niekerk en Engela du Plooy
d7 Adriana Hendrina » 18.10.1767 x Malmesbury 25.2.1787 Matthys CARSTENS » 26.6.1768 s.v. Louis Carstens en Elisabeth Kriel xx 23.3.1800 Marten Johannes SMIT * c. 1767
Her second name is Beatrix. See documents.
1767 |
September 14, 1767
October 18, 1767
Drakenstein, Cape Province, South Africa
October 18, 1767
Swartland, Cape Of Good Hope
1788 |
January 27, 1788
1789 |
July 6, 1789
Malmesbury, West Coast DC, Western Cape, South Africa
1791 |
June 6, 1791
Cape Province, Republic of South Africa
1794 |
1795 |
September 1, 1795
''Lude Vontijn'',, Swartland, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa