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Adolf Kassel

Also Known As: "Avraham", "Adolph"
Birthplace: Aschaffenburg, Bavaria, Germany
Death: August 27, 1943 (64)
KZ Auschwitz, Poland (Holocaust)
Immediate Family:

Son of Sigmund Kassel and Seppi Kassel
Husband of Olga Kassel
Father of Ilse Kassel and Henry Kassel/Cassel
Brother of Greta Rosenau

Managed by: Private User
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Immediate Family

About Adolf Kassel

Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:

Entry in the »memorial book« of the German Federal archives:

Kassel, Adolf

geboren am 21. April 1879 in Aschaffenburg / - / Bayern wohnhaft in Frankfurt a. Main

Emigration: Niederlande

Deportation: ab Westerbork 1943, Auschwitz, Vernichtungslager

Todesdatum: 27. August 1943 Todesort: Auschwitz, Vernichtungslager Schicksal: für tot erklärt

He continued the business of Sigmund Kassel & Son in Frankfurt, and sold it to Bayrische Vereinsbank, where he remained as a Director and local manager.

From 1914 to 1918 he served in the German Army.

In 1922 he moved to Frankfurt (about the time his mother passed away) and with his father bought a share in the business of Paul Strassburger & Co.

This business was liquidated circa 1934 by the German government for religious reasons.

He opened his private banking business at Arndstrasse 50, Frankfurt. In 1938 he fled to Amsterdam Holland, staying at 81 Beethovenstrasse. In 1943 he was taken to Camp Westerbork and was seen in Theresianstadt in 1944, where he perished.

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Adolf Kassel's Timeline

April 21, 1879
Aschaffenburg, Bavaria, Germany
October 15, 1910
Aschaffenburg, Bayern, Deutschland (Germany)
October 25, 1912
August 27, 1943
Age 64
KZ Auschwitz, Poland