Involved in the death of Richard I, King of England.
BOSON dit ADEMAR [V] de Limoges, son of ADEMAR [IV] Vicomte de Limoges & his wife Marguerite de Turenne (-murdered 1199). The Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis names "Ademarum" as son of "Brunicendis filius Ademarus" and his wife "Margarita sorore Bosonis de Torenna"[651]. "Ademarus filius Ademari vicecomitis" confirmed donations of property by his ancestors to Notre-Dame de Dalon by undated charter dated to [1148/99][652]. He succeeded his father in 1148 as Vicomte de Limoges. The Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis records that Henry II King of England granted "terram vicecomitis Ademari [Limoges]" to "Gaufredo de Novo-burgo…frater Rotrodis comes Perticæ, et Guillermo qui cognominabatur Pandolf" after this accession[653], presumably during the minority of Vicomte Boson Adémar [V] although the passage does not specify this. The Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis records that "Guillermus filius Wlgrimi Comes Engolismensis, Ademarus Vicecomes Lemovicensis, Oliverius filius Gulpherii senioris de Turribus" were among those who left for Jerusalem in 1178[654]. "Ademarus Lemocicensis vicecomes" donated property rights in "Banac" to Notre-Dame de Dalon before leaving for Jerusalem, by charter dated 10 Jul 1179, witnessed by "Raimundus vicecomes Torenensis, Eblo vicecomes de Ventedorn…Eschivaz de Chabanes…"[655]. "Ademarus vicecomes Lemovicensis" confirmed the donations made by his ancestors to Notre-Dame de Dalon by charter dated 1184[656]. "Ademarus vicecomes Lemovicensis cum filiis suis" prohibited a construction at Uzerche monastery by charter dated 1187, witnessed by "Guido filius vicecomitis, Eschivatus miles de Chabanes…"[657]. "Ademarus vicecomes Lemovicensis…et Guido filius eius" witnessed a charter dated 1192 under which "Guido Archambaudi de Felitio" donated property to Notre-Dame de Dalon[658]. The Chronicon Bernardi Iterii records the death in 1199 of "Ademarus vicecomes senior"[659]. He was murdered allegedly by Philippe Seigneur de Cognac who considered Vicomte Ademar responsible for the death of his father Richard I King of England[660]. Roger of Hoveden records in 1199 that "Philippus filius Ricardi regis Angliæ nothus", to whom the king had granted "castellum et honorem de Cuinac", killed "vicecomitem de Limoges" in revenge for his father’s death[661].
m ([1154/56]%29 SARAH of Cornwall, daughter of RENAUD [de Dunstanville] Earl of Cornwall & his wife Beatrice FitzWilliam (after [1141]-1216, bur Saint-Yrieux de la Perche). The Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis records that Henry II King of England arranged the marriage of "Ademarum" and "consanguineam suam Sarram filiam Roberti Comitis de Glocestria"[662], although it is difficult chronologically for Sarah to have been the daughter of Earl Robert. Her paternity is clarified in a later passage of the Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis which records that Henry II King of England returned his territories to Adémar and arranged his marriage to "Sara una ex tribus filiabus Rainaldi Comitis de Cornouailla"[663]. The Chronicon Bernardi Iterii records the death in 1216 of "Sarra vicecomitissa"[664]. The Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis records the death "anno 1216" of "Sara" and her burial "in festo S. Columbani…apud S. Aredium"[665].
Vicomte Ademar [V] & his wife had seven children:
1. MARGUERITE ([1154/56]-). The Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis names "Guidonem, Ademarum et Guillermum…Peregrinus…filiam Margaretam…Aquiliam…Humbergam…Mariam" as children of "Ademarum" and his wife "Sarram", specifying that Marguerite married "filio Aimerici de Rupecavardi" and afterwards "filio Audeberti Petragorici comitis"[666]. The reconstruction of her supposed descendants in the Rochechouart chapter, if correct, suggests that Marguerite must have been one of her parents’ oldest children. Another possibility is that she was born from an earlier, otherwise unrecorded, marriage of her father. It is not possible to identify the "Audeberti Petragorici comitis" who is named in the Chronicon, the only known counts of this name having existed at an earlier period. This is somewhat surprising as the Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis appears generally accurate in its genealogical details. The correct identity of Marguerite’s second husband as Hélie [VII] Comte de Périgord is suggested by the charter dated [1228/29] under which "Archambauz coms de Peregurs fils n'El Talairan et neps al vescomte de Lemotges" donated property "lo moli Sancti Martialis que Peir Vegers tenia" to Notre-Dame de Chancelade[667]. From a chronological point of view, this appears to be the best solution from among the comtes de Périgord who are known from other primary sources. However, it should be emphasised that the issue is not without doubt, firstly in light of the usual confusion about the translation of the word "neps/nepos", secondly because the vicomte de Limoges in question is not named, and thirdly because there remains the possibility that another "Audebert" in the Périgord family also bore the title "comte", unrecorded in other sources so far identified (see for example Audebert, son of Boson [IV] Comte de Périgord). m firstly (before [1168/70]%29 --- de Rochechouart, son of AIMERY [VI] [Vicomte] de Rochechouart & his wife ---. m secondly (before [1180/85]) [HELIE [VII] TALAIRAND Comte de Périgord, son of HELIE [VI] TALAIRAND Comte de Périgord & his wife Raymonde de Turenne-Ribérac ([1155/60]-before 1211).]
2. ADEMAR (-1195). The Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis names "Guidonem, Ademarum et Guillermum…Peregrinus…filiam Margaretam…Aquiliam…Humbergam…Mariam" as children of "Ademarum" and his wife "Sarram"[668]. The Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis records that "Ademarus Vicecomes Lemovicensis adolescens…fecit Abbati Petro hominium solemniter in Capitulo", dated to [1165] from the context[669]. The Chronicon Bernardi Iterii records the death in 1195 of "Ademarus junior vicecomes Lemovicensis"[670]. On the assumption that the passage refers to a son of Ademar [V], it most likely that Ademar was his oldest son who was installed as joint Vicomte during the lifetime of his father.
3. GUY [V] (-Avignon 29 Mar 1230, bur Limoges Saint-Marcial). The Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis names "Guidonem, Ademarum et Guillermum…Peregrinus…filiam Margaretam…Aquiliam…Humbergam…Mariam" as children of "Ademarum" and his wife "Sarram"[671]. "Guido filius Ademari vicecomitis" confirmed the donation by "Ademarus Lemocicensis vicecomes" of property rights in "Banac" to Notre-Dame de Dalon before leaving for Jerusalem, by charter dated [after 10 Jul 1179][672]. "Ademarus vicecomes Lemovicensis cum filiis suis" prohibited a construction at Uzerche monastery by charter dated 1187, witnessed by "Guido filius vicecomitis…"[673]. "Ademarus vicecomes Lemovicensis…et Guido filius eius" witnessed a charter dated 1192 under which "Guido Archambaudi de Felitio" donated property to Notre-Dame de Dalon[674]. Vicomte de Limoges. "Guido vicecomes Lemovicensis" donated property in "manso Motarii" to Notre-Dame de Dalon by charter dated 1202[675]. The Chronicon Bernardi Iterii records the death "IV Kal Apr" in 1229 of "Guido vicecomes Lemovicensis"[676]. The Majus Chronicon Lemovicense records the death in 1230 of "Guido vicecomes Lemovicensis" and his burial "in capella Sancti Martialis Lemovicensis"[677]. m firstly --- d'Auvergne, daughter of ROBERT [IV] Comte d'Auvergne & his wife Mathilde de Bourgogne [Capet] (-1210). The Chronicon Bernardi Iterii records the death in 1210 of "uxor Guidonis comitis Lemovicensis, que fuit soror comitis Arvernorum"[678]. m secondly ERMENGARDE, daughter of --- (-[20 Aug] [1263]). "Gui vicomte de Limoges" confirmed his previous donations to Notre-Dame de Dalon and those of "sa…mère Ermenjart", and adds a donation for the soul of "sa sœur Marie", by charter dated 29 Jul 1249[679]. The primary source which confirms her family origin has not been identified. An indication of her family connections is provided by the dispensation issued by Pope Innocent IV at the request of “H. vicecomitissa Lemovicensi, ipsorum consanguineo” for the marriage between “Dalmatio...filii Gualfridi Dalmatii domini de Burg Dau” and “Ysabelle sponse tue” despite 3o consanguinity, dated 21 May 1248, for the marriage[680]. The necrology of Saint-Martial records the death “XIII Kal Sep” of “vicecomitissa mater Guidonis”[681]. The editor of the compilation consulted suggests that this entry refers to the mother of Vicomte Guy [VI] but gives no indication why it could not apply to any of the other vicomtes de Limoges named Guy. Vicomte Guy [V] & his first wife had one child: a) ADEMAR (--1223). The Chronicon Bernardi Iterii records the death in 1223 of "Ademarus vicecomes junior", in a later passage naming him "Ademarus unigenitus filius Guidonis vicecomitis Lemovicensis"[682]. Vicomte Guy [V] & his [first/second] wife had one child: b) MARGUERITE ([1210/15]-9 Sep 1259, bur Châtenet). Her marriage date is estimated from her oldest son being a minor when her husband died, as suggested by the charter dated Sep 1245 quoted below. “Aimery vicomte de Rochechouart, Aimery son fils, et Marguerite femme du dit fils” reached agreement with “Guy vicomte de Limoges” to abandon “au dit vicomte de Limoges les domaines de Gorre, Oradour, Cussac, Cuffares, le droit en la forêt de Treus, la moitié du domaine de Maraval” by charter 3 Apr 1242[683]. “Margarita vicecomitissa Rupis Cauardi” swore homage to Alphonse Comte de Poitou for “castro Ruppis Cauardi...et de castro Perusii” by charter dated Sep 1245[684]. The fact that Marguerite swore homage instead of her son suggests that the latter was still a minor at that date. “Aymericus de Rupecavardi vice-comes domicellus” confirmed a donation to Limoges, naming "Margaritam vice-comitissam Rupis-Cavardi matrem nostram et Aymericum de Castronovo et Aymericum de Panta milites", by charter dated 1 Jun 1251[685]. The testament of “la vicomtesse Marguerite”, dated Jul 1252, chose her burial "en la chapelle du Châtenet, au tombeau de feu son mary", bequeathed "trente livres de rente à Guillaume de Rochechouart son fils sur la terre qu’elle reçut en dot dans la vicomté de Limoges, avec la vigne qu’elle avoit acquise d’Adhémar de Maumont chevalier…à son déffaut à Guy de Rochechouart son fils et en outre…avec une coupe d’argent doré qui luy seroit donnée lorsqu’il sera armé chevalier", to "Adhémar de Rochechouart son fils cinquante livres de rente à prendre sur celle de cent livres que luy avoit donnée le comte de Poitiers", ordered that "Guy, Adhémar et Simon ses fils soient substitués les uns aux autres, en cas de mort sans hoirs", bequeathed "à Foucaud son autre fils, cinquante livres sur les biens de Cussac…dès qu’il aura atteint l’âge de seize ans", her lands "qu’elle avoit eues de ses père et mère à Aimery son fils aîné", made a bequest to "Marguerite sa nièce, fille de Guy son frère pour la faire religieuse", and named as executors "Guy de la Roche son gendre…son seigneur le vicomte de Limoges son frère…"[686]. An epitaph in the church of Saint-Yrieix records the death “in die Sancti Aredii” of “Aimericus de Rupe-Cavardo, maritus Margaritæ, filiæ Guidonis vicecomitis Lemovicensis” and the death 9 Sep 1259 of “Margarita”[687]. m ([1225/28]%29 AIMERY [X] Vicomte de Rochechouart , son of AIMERY [IX] Vicomte de Rochechouart & his wife --- [de Mortemart] ([1205]-25 Aug 1245, bur Châtenet). Vicomte Guy [V] & his [second] wife had one child: c) MARIE (-before 1255). The chronology of her descendants suggests that Marie was born from her father’s second marriage, although that is not beyond all doubt. "Gui vicomte de Limoges" confirmed his previous donations to Notre-Dame de Dalon and those of "sa…mère Ermenjart", and adds a donation for the soul of "sa sœur Marie", by charter dated 29 Jul 1249[688]. An anonymous Chronicon of Saint-Marcial records that "Maria, sorore Guidonis, vicecomitis Lemovicensis" married "Archambladus vicecomes Comborum", when recording the death of the latter in 1277 and the succession of "Guido primogenitus suus", commenting that Guy married firstly "Amissiam filiam Echivati de Cabanisio" during the lifetime of his father and after her death "Almodiam filiam Gaufredi de Thouvaz"[689]. m as his first wife, ARCHAMBAUD [VII] Vicomte de Comborn, son of BERNARD [II] Vicomte de Comborn & his wife Marguerite de Turenne (-1277). Vicomte Guy [V] & his second wife had one child: d) GUY [VI] "le Preux" (after 1223-Brantôme, Dordogne 13 Aug 1263, bur Limoges, église Saint-Martial). The Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis names "Guidonem Probem" as son of "Guido"[690]. His birth date is confirmed by his older half-brother being described as “unigenitus filius” in the record of his death quoted above. Vicomte de Limoges. “Aimery vicomte de Rochechouart, Aimery son fils, et Marguerite femme dudit fils” reached agreement with “Guy vicomte de Limoges” to abandon “audit vicomte de Limoges les domaines de Gorre, Oradour, Cussac, Cuffares, le droit en la forêt de Treus, la moitié du domaine de Marval” by charter 3 Apr 1242[691]. “Guido vicomes Lemovicensis” and “Aymericum vicecomitem Rupis Cavardi sororium nostrum” agreed their respective rights in the forest of Trein by charter dated 1244[692]. "Gui vicomte de Limoges" confirmed his previous donations to Notre-Dame de Dalon and those of "sa…mère Ermenjart", and adds a donation for the soul of "sa sœur Marie", by charter dated 29 Jul 1249[693]. The Brevissimum Chronicon of Saint-Marcial records the death in 1263 of "Guido vicecomes Lemovicensis"[694]. The Majus Chronicon Lemovicense records the death "Id Aug" in 1263 of "vicecomes...apud Brantome" during the siege of the place[695]. m firstly --- de Blazon, daughter of THIERRY de Blazon Seneschal de Poitou & his wife --- (-before 1258). The Majus Chronicon Lemovicense records in 1143 that "vicecomitissa Lemovicensis, filia Tilberi de Blason, quæ dicebatur consanguinea Reginæ Franciæ", being childless by her husband, faked a pregnancy and took a child of "filiam cujusdam coloni Parochiani de Bessenhac", but the vicomte imprisoned her on suspicion of adultery, the truth being revealed after a supposed collaborator in concealing the adultery was burned alive “apud Hahen“ whereupon the vicomtesse was released on the intervention “per Reginam“[696]. Roblin highlights two 17th century transcriptions of the same source which specify what appears to be the correct date of 1243, indicating that the "vicecomitissa Lemovicensis" in question must have been the wife of Vicomte Guy [VI][697]. He also highlights that the revised date is corroborated by the appearance in [1230] of Thibaud de Blaizon, sénéchal de Poitou, who received hommage from various dignitaries in Limousin in the name of the French king. m secondly ([1258]) as her second husband, MARGUERITE de Bourgogne, widow of GUILLAUME [III] Seigneur de Mont-Saint-Jean, daughter of HUGUES IV Duke of Burgundy & his first wife Yolande de Dreux (-27 Aug 1277). The Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis names "Margarita filia Ducis Burgundiæ" as wife of "Guidonem Probem"[698]. An anonymous Chronicon of Saint-Marcial records that "Margarita filia ducis Burgundie et vicecomitissa Lemovicensis" subjugated the castle of Limoges in 1274[699]. Dame de Molinot, by grant of her father as dowry, in return for her first husband transferring his rights to Vergy to her father. Her subjects at Molinot rebelled against her in 1265, her father helping her to crush the revolt[700]. The testament of “Hugo dux Burgundiæ”, dated Sep 1272, bequeathed property to “Margaretam filiam meam vicecomitissam Lemovicensem”[701]. A fragment written by Bernard Guidonis records that "domina Margarita vicecomitissa Lemovicensis, filia ducis Burgundiæ, relicta...domini Guidonis vicecomitis Lemovicensis" founded the monastery "locum Sancti Pardulphi in Petragoricensi diœcesi, in confinio Lemovicensi"[702]. An anonymous Chronicon of Saint-Marcial records the death "mense Augusti die Veneris pos festum beati Bartholomei" of "Margarita vicecomitissa Lemovicensis"[703]. Vicomte Guy [VI] & his first wife had one child: i) MARGUERITE (after 1243-[Jul 1252/Aug 1263]). Her parentage is confirmed by the testament of [her paternal aunt] “la vicomtesse Marguerite”, dated Jul 1252, which made a bequest to "Marguerite sa nièce, fille de Guy son frère pour la faire religieuse"[704]. She was presumably born after the episode of her mother’s fake pregnancy, recounted above, and died before her father. Vicomte Guy [VI] & his second wife had one child: ii) MARIE ([1260]-1292). The Majus Chronicon Lemovicense records that "unicam filiam" was only three years old when her father died in 1263[705]. The Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis names "Mariam unicam hæredem" as daughter of "Guidonem Probem" and his wife "Margarita filia Ducis Burgundiæ", recording that she was betrothed to "Ludovicus Rex Francorum filio suo Roberto" in 1270[706]. The Majus Chronicon Lemovicense records the birth in 1256 of "Robertus filius Ludovici...regis" and his betrothal to "filia vicecomitis Lemovicensis"[707]. A charter dated 17 Jun 1273 records the obligation of "Jahan duc de Bretangne" to pay "la vicontaisse de Limoges" for the marriage of "Artur nostre nevou" and "Marie la fille à ladite vicontesse"[708]. An anonymous Chronicon of Saint-Marcial records the marriage in 1275 of "Arturus filius comitis Britannie" and "Mariam filiam vicecomitisse Lemovicensis" at Tours[709]. The Majus Chronicon Lemovicense records the marriage "in crastinum beatæ Mariæ Magdalenæ" in 1275 of "Maria heres vicecomitatus Lemovicensis, neptis ducis Burgundiæ" and "Arturo herede Britanniæ, nepote regis Angliæ"[710]. Vicomtesse de Limoges. Betrothed (1270) to ROBERT de France Comte de Clermont, son of LOUIS IX King of France & his wife Marguerite de Provence (1256-7 Feb 1317, bur Paris, église des Jacobins). m (Betrothed 17 Jun 1273, Papal dispensation 24 Nov 1275, Tours 1277) as his first wife, ARTHUR de Bretagne, son of JEAN II Duke of Brittany & his wife Beatrix of England (1262-Château de l'Isle 1312, bur Vannes). He succeeded as Vicomte de Limoges, de iure uxoris. He succeeded in 1305 as ARTHUR II Duke of Brittany. See the document BRITTANY for their descendants, the later Vicomtes de Limoges who were also Comtes de Penthièvre.
4. AIGLINE . The Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis names "Guidonem, Ademarum et Guillermum…Peregrinus…filiam Margaretam…Aquiliam…Humbergam…Mariam" as children of "Ademarum" and his wife "Sarram", specifying that Aigline married "filio Guillermi de Gordon"[711]. m --- de Gourdon, son of GUILLAUME de Gourdon & his wife ---.
5. HUMBERGE de Limoges . The Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis names "Guidonem, Ademarum et Guillermum…Peregrinus…filiam Margaretam…Aquiliam…Humbergam…Mariam" as children of "Ademarum" and his wife "Sarram", specifying that Humberge married "Gaufredo de Lesigniaco"[712]. The chronology of Humberge’s life is difficult to determine. However, considering the dates of her parents and the other members of this family, it appears unlikely that she was born later than [1160/80]. This would suggest that she must have been the first wife of her husband and died before 1200 when he is named in a charter with another wife. m as his [first] wife, GEOFFROY de Lusignan Seigneur de Vouvent, son of HUGUES [VIII] "le Brun" Seigneur de Lusignan & his wife Bourgogne de Rancon (-1216).
6. MARIE . The Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis names "Guidonem, Ademarum et Guillermum…Peregrinus…filiam Margaretam…Aquiliam…Humbergam…Mariam" as children of "Ademarum" and his wife "Sarram", specifying that Marie married "Ebolo filio Eboli de Sybilla filia Radulfi de Faya"[713]. Another passage in the Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis names "Ademarus Vicecomes Lemovicensis filiam…Mariam" as wife of "Ebolus", commenting that she died childless[714]. m ([1190/95]%29 as his first wife, EBLES [V] Vicomte de Ventadour, son of EBLES [IV] dit ARCHAMBAUD Vicomte de Ventadour & his wife Sibylle de Faye ([1171/75]-1236 or after).
7. GUILLAUME "le Pèlerin" ([1179]-1223). The Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis names "Guidonem, Ademarum et Guillermum…Peregrinus…filiam Margaretam…Aquiliam…Humbergam…Mariam" as children of "Ademarum" and his wife "Sarram", explaining that Guillaume received his nickname because he was born on the day his father set out on pilgrimage to Jerusalem[715]. The Chronicon Bernardi Iterii records the death in 1223 of "Ademarus vicecomes junior, W. avunculus ipsius", in a later passage naming him "W quondam decanus S. Aredii, frater Guidonis vicecomitis Lemovicensis" and recording his death "octava die Pentecostes"[716].
1135 |
1160 |
1165 |
1170 |
1173 |
1199 |
April 6, 1199
Age 64
???? |
Limoges, Haute-Vienne, France