Immediate Family
About Adelasia Obertenghi, d'Este
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adela_of_Saluzzo (c.995-after 1055)
- http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/NORTHERN%20ITALY%20900-1100.htm#Ade...
b) [ADELASIA (-after 11 May 1055). "Adila comitissa filia quondam Azonis Marchio et relicta quondam Anselmi itemque Marchio et Anselmus et Hugo germanis mater et filii prædicto quondam Anselmi…ex nativitate mea legem vivere Langobardorum…et nos…lege vivere Salica" donated property to the monastery of Santo Pietro di Saviliano by charter dated May 1055[332]. No other suitable "Azonis Marchio" has been identified who could have been Adelasia´s father except for Alberto Azzo [I] Conte di Luni. "Adela comitisa…conius quondam Anselmi marchio…Ugo et Anselmus filii et mundoaldi mei" promised not to disturb the possessions of the monastery of San Marziano by charter dated 11 May 1055[333].
m ANSELMO [II] Marchese, son of ANSELMO [I] Marchese & his wife Gisela --- (-before 7 May 1027).]
Adelasia Obertenghi, d'Este's Timeline
1055 |
May 11, 1055
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Savona, Liguria, Italy
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