Adélaïde d'Auxerre (abt 849 - abt. 929)
daughter of Conrad II of Auxerre Count of Auxerre, Marquis of Transjurania [Welf] and Waldrada
married Richard 'le Justiciar' Duke of Burgundy
1. RODOLFE [Raoul] (-Auxerre, Yonne 15/16 Jan 936, bur église de l'abbaye de Sainte-Colombe de Sens). m ([911/19]%29 EMMA, daughter of ROBERT "le Fort" Marquis en Neustrie, Comte de Paris [later Robert I King of France] & his [first/second wife ---] (-2 Nov 934).
2. [ERMENGARD. Ermengardis, wife of Giselbert, has been accepted as the daughter of Duke Richard since Du Chesne in 1625[35]. More recently this affiliation has been challenged, in particular because she is not mentioned in her mother's will[36]. In addition, if it is correct that Giselbert's mother was the daughter of King Boson (see BURGUNDIAN NOBILITY), she would have been her husband's first cousin. m GISELBERT, son of MANASSES Comte de Vergy & his wife --- (-956).
3. HUGUES "le Noir" (-17 Dec 952, bur Besançon).
4. BOSON (-Sep 935, bur Reims, église de l'abbaye de Saint-Rémi). m ([928]) as her first husband, BERTA d'Arles
From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard,_Duke_of_Burgundy
Richard, Duke of Burgundy (858–921), also known as Richard of Autun or Richard the Justiciar, was Count of Autun from 880 and the first Margrave and Duke of Burgundy.
By his wife Adelaide (married 888), daughter of Conrad II, Count of Auxerre, and Ermentrude of Alsace, he had several sons and daughters:
ADELAIS, daughter of CONRAD Marquis of Transjurania [Welf] & his wife Waldrada --- (-after 14 Jul 929). "Adeleth…comitissa" donated property "villam Poligniacum in comitatu Warasco" to Autun naming "filii mei Hugonis comitis" by charter dated 24 Apr 922, subscribed by "Hugo comes, Rodulphus comes, Boso comes" and witnessed by "Wallonis comitis…"[18]. Her origin is deduced by her being named as sister of "Rodulfi regis" (Rudolf I King of Burgundy) in the latter's 10 Jun 888 charter[19], as well as in her own 14 Jan 929 grant to Cluny, the 929 charter also naming "Richardi principis domni mei"[20]. After her husband died, she retired to a monastery. She transferred the monastery of Roman-Moutier to the monastery of Cluny by charter dated 14 Jul 929[21].
m ([887/88]%29 RICHARD, son of comte BUVINUS [Bouvin] & his wife --- d'Arles (-[31 Aug or 1 or 29 Sep] 921, bur Abbaye de Sainte-Colombe de Sens, Yonne). The Annales Bertiniani name "Richardus frater Bosonis" when recording that, after the capture of Vienne by the forces of King Carloman, he took “uxorem Bosonis et filiam eius” back to “comitatum suum Augustudensem” in 882[4]. Gingins-la-Sarra suggests that Richard was the uterine brother of King Boson, their mother having married secondly Theoderic [VI] “le Trésorier” Comte d´Autun (see CAROLINGIAN NOBILITY)[5]. He refers to the testament dated to [Jan 876] of Ekkehard Comte d´Autun, possibly the brother of Theoderic [VI], which names "…Theoderico et Richardo filio eius…" among the beneficiaries[6]. He identifies “Richardo” with the future duke of Burgundy, although there seems to be no basis for assuming that this co-identity is correct other than the name. The name Richard is well-established in the Bosonid family, which does not appear to be the case in the Theoderic/Nibelung family to which Theoderic [VI] belonged, where it was probably recently introduced through Theoderic´s wife (Settipani suggests that she was the sister of King Boson´s father[7]). In addition, Richard Duke of Burgundy named one of his sons Boson, although this is not conclusive for establishing his paternity as the name also appears in Duke Richard´s maternal line. On the other hand, none of the typical names of the Theoderic/Nibelung family appear among the descendants of Duke Richard. In any case, the chronologically does not appear favourable. Richard is named as count in 876 (see below). If he had been King Boson´s uterine brother, he could not have been more than ten years old at the time, which is incompatible with his bearing the comital title. Gingins-la-Sarra´s hypothesis cannot be dismissed entirely. However, it is a convoluted interpretation of the otherwise simple statement in the Annales Bertiniani that Richard was King Boson´s brother. Unless further information comes to light in other sources, it is suggested that the simple explanation is the best. An agreement dated Feb 876 of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks names "Bosonis…ducis et sacri palatii archiministri atque imperiali missi, Richardi comitis…" as present in Italy with the king, although it fails to specify the family relationship between them[8]. "Richardus comes" is named as present in a charter dated 4 Sep 876 under which Emperor Charles II "le Chauve" granted property "villam…Piredus in pago Senonico"[9]. He presumably assumed the role of his brother Boson as missus in Italy in early 877, when the latter was recalled by Emperor Charles II. "Richardi comitis, Teutbaldi comitis, Bernardi comitis" subscribed the charter dated 25 Jul 879 under which "Boso…et coniunx mea Hirmingardi proles imperiales" donated property "in pago Laticense…in villa Lantinus" to the abbey of Montiérender[10]. Comte d'Autun. At first sight, this might appear to provide the missing connection with Theoderic [VI], who was also Comte d´Autun. However, it is recorded that King Boson disputed Theoderic´s right to the county, in which case it is unlikely that he would have awarded it to Theoderic´s son. Richard established himself in the future duchy of Burgundy, north of his brother's realm, with his capital at Autun. “Carlomannus…Rex” restored property “villam Taniacum” to the church of Autun, at the request of “Richardi Comiti Augustodensis”, by charter dated 1 Dec 880, the text ending with “Theodoricus Comes ambasciavit”[11]. He was invested as lay abbot of Saint-Symphorien by Carloman King of the East Franks in 880. He succeeded his wife's uncle Hugues l'Abbé as Comte d'Auxerre in 886. He led the Carolingian army which besieged his brother King Boso at Vienne in 882. The counties in Burgundy, except Mâcon, submitted to him.
He was later known as RICHARD "le Justicier" Duke of Burgundy, although it is unlikely that he was considered at the time as founder of a unified duchy of Burgundy as such, rather as the suzerain of various counties who held the title "duke". "Richardo marchione…eius filiis Rodulpho, Hugone atque Bosone…comitibus" were present at the restitution of property at "Tiliniaco et Canavis" by charter dated 5 Sep 901[12]. The death of "Richardus marchio de Burgundia" is recorded by Flodoard in 921[13]. The Annales S. Benigni Divisionensis record the death "II Kal Sep 921" of "Ricardus comes"[14]. The Historia Francorum Senonensis records the death "Kal Sep" of "Richardus dux Burgundiæ", and his burial "in basilica sanctæ Columbæ"[15]. The sacrementaire of Sens cathedral records the death "III Kal Oct" of "Ricardi comitis"[16]. The necrology of Auxerre cathedral records the death 1 Sep of "Richardus comes"[17].
[Mistress of Richard (1): ---. As mentioned below, it is likely that Duke Richard's son Gebuin was illegitimate. If this is correct, the name of his mistress is not known.]
Duke Richard & his wife had [four] children:
1. RODOLFE [Raoul] (-Auxerre, Yonne 15/16 Jan 936, bur église de l'abbaye de Sainte-Colombe de Sens). Flodoard names "Rodulfo filio Richardi"[22]. He is named "Rodulfo rex filio meo" in the grant of "Adeleydis comitissa soror Rodulfi" to Cluny dated 14 Jun 929[23]. Rodulfus Glaber names "Rodulfus, Richardi ducis Burgundiæ filius"[24]. He succeeded his father in 921 as RAOUL Duke of Burgundy. He was elected as RAOUL King of France in 923 to succeed his father-in-law. The Historia Francorum Senonensis records the death "XVIII Kal Feb" of "Rodulfo rege", specifying his burial "in basilica aanctæ Columbæ"[25]. The necrology of Auxerre cathedral records the death 14 Jan of "Rodulphus rex"[26]. m ([911/19]%29 EMMA, daughter of ROBERT "le Fort" Marquis en Neustrie, Comte de Paris [later Robert I King of France] & his [first/second wife ---] (-2 Nov 934). Flodoard names "Emma regis Rotberti filia" when recording that she obliged Seulf Archbishop of Reims to consecrate her queen at Reims in 923 in the absence of her husband fighting[27]. Rodulfus Glaber names "Emmam…sororem…magni Hugonis" as wife of "Rodulfus, Richardi ducis Burgundiæ filius", suggesting that she was instrumental in persuading her brother to support her husband's accession as king[28]. "Emme nostri imperii consortis" and "Emma coniux mea" is named in the charters of "Rodolfus Francorum rex" dated 21 Jun 931 and 1 Jul 931[29]. Flodoard records the death of "Emma regina" at the end of his passage dated 934[30]. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés records the death "IV Non Nov" of "domna Emma regina"[31]. King Raoul & his wife had two children:
a) LOUIS (-before 14 Jun 929). The Chronicle of St Bénigne de Dijon records that "Rodulfo rege…filius eius Ludovicus…ex Emma regina" died before his father, the latter dying "absque liberis"[32]. He must have died before his paternal grandmother's 929 grant to Cluny as he is not named among the witnesses, unlike his presumed sister.
b) [JUDITH (-([14 Jun 929/935]). "Juditte filie Rodulfe regis" witnessed the grant of "Adeleydis comitissa soror Rodulfi" to Cluny dated 14 Jun 929[33]. Settipani assumes that this indicates that she was the daughter of Raoul King of France, but this is not beyond doubt. The charter in fact refers to three individuals named "Rodulfi regis", the donor's brother Rudolf I King of Burgundy, her nephew Rudolf II King of Burgundy, and her son. The last named is referred to in the witness list, in a later position than the entry naming Judith, as "augusti Rodulfi regis", which may suggest that he was a different "Rodulfi regis" from the one who was Judith's father. If Judith had been the daughter of Rudolf I King of Burgundy, it is most likely that she would have been named "soror Rodulfe regis" in the subscription, referring to her living brother. The most likely possibility is that she was the daughter of Rudolf II King of Burgundy, presumably his oldest child and the only one who at the date of the charter was considered old enough to have witnessed the document. If it is correct that Judith was the daughter of Raoul King of France, she must have predeceased her father if the Chronicle of St Bénigne de Dijon is right when it says that he died "absque liberis"[34].]
2. [ERMENGARD. Ermengardis, wife of Giselbert, has been accepted as the daughter of Duke Richard since Du Chesne in 1625[35]. More recently this affiliation has been challenged, in particular because she is not mentioned in her mother's will[36]. In addition, if it is correct that Giselbert's mother was the daughter of King Boson (see BURGUNDIAN NOBILITY), she would have been her husband's first cousin. m GISELBERT, son of MANASSES Comte de Vergy & his wife --- (-956). He became GISELBERT Duke of Burgundy, after Raoul and Hugues "le Noir" ceded him their rights to Burgundy in [936]. After his death, Lothaire King of France took direct control of his part of Burgundy[37].]
3. HUGUES "le Noir" (-17 Dec 952, bur Besançon). Flodoard names "Hugo filius Richardi"[38]. Comte in the area outre-Saône, the future Franche-Comté, before 914. "Hugo inclitus comes et marchio, nosterque fidelis et propinquus" is named in the charter of Emperor Louis III [de Provence] (his first cousin) dated 920[39]. "Ugonem comte palatio filius Ricardi" is named in a charter dated 18 Jan 926 in which Bertagia challenges an inheritance[40]. He is named "Huguone aliis quoque filiis meis" in the grant by "Adeleydis comitissa soror Rodulfi" to Cluny dated 14 Jun 929, listed before Boson[41]. Comte de Mâcon from 931. "Hugonis frater meus" is named by "Rodulfus Francorum rex" in the latter's 1 Jul 931 charter[42]. Comte et Marquis de Provence 936. After the death of his brother King Raoul 936, he and Hugues "le Blanc/le Grand" Capet, and his brother-in-law Giselbert, divided Burgundy between them. He was seen by Hugues "le Grand" Capet as a potentially too powerful candidate for the French throne after his brother's death in 936, prompting Hugues to recall the future King Louis IV "d'Outremer" from England, whom Hugues "le Noir" refused to recognise as king until 938[43]. He is named "nostri principes…alter Hugo dux scilicet Burgundionum" in a charter of "Ludovicus rex" dated 1 Jul 946[44]. The Chronicon Floriacensi records the death in 952 of "Ugo Dux Burgundionum et Alanus Brittonum"[45].
4. BOSON (-Sep 935, bur Reims, église de l'abbaye de Saint-Rémi). Flodoard names "Boso filius Richardi"[46]. He is named "Bosone aliis quoque filiis meis" in the grant of "Adeleydis comitissa soror Rodulfi" to Cluny dated 14 Jun 929, listed after Hugues[47]. Comte in Upper Burgundy, lay abbot of Moyenmoutiers. He was killed at the siege of Saint-Quentin, Aisne against Hugues "le Grand"[48]. m ([928]%29 as her first husband, BERTA d'Arles, daughter of BOSO Comte d'Arles, later Marchese of Tuscany, & his wife Willa --- (-after 18 Aug 965). "Bertam, Willam, Richildam et Gislam" are named (in order) as the four daughters of Boso and Willa by Liutprand[49], who in a later passage names Berta as "Bosonis Arelatensis comitis viduæ" and mentions her marriage soon after the death of her first husband to Raymond, by virtue of which she was deemed guilty of incest[50]. She married secondly ([936]) Raymond Comte de Rouergue Marquis de Septimanie, who became Duke of Aquitaine in 936.
Duke Richard had one child [probably illegitimate] by [Mistress (1)]:
5. GEBUIN . "Giboinus germanus suus", apparently referring to Hugues "le Noir", is named in a charter dated 18 Jan 926[51]. It is likely that he was illegitimate as he is mentioned in none of the sources which list the other brothers of Hugues. same person as …? GEBUIN . There is no direct proof of co-identity of the two persons named Gebuin, but the chronology is favourable and the unusual name indicates that this is probably correct.
Adelaide d'Auxerre
F, #105195
Last Edited=27 Feb 2002
Child of Adelaide d'Auxerre and Richard 'the Justicer' d'Autun, Duc de Bourgogne
-1. Rudolf de Bourgogne, Roi de France d. 936
Forrás / Source:
Richard, Duke of Burgundy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
By his wife Adelaide (married 888), daughter of Conrad II, Count of Auxerre, and Ermentrude of Alsace, he had several sons and daughters:
Rudolph, successor and later King of France
Hugh the Black, later Duke of Burgundy
Ermengard, married Gilbert, Duke of Burgundy
Willa, married firstly Hugh, Count of Vienne, and secondly Boso, Count of Arles
Adelaide, married Reginar II, Count of Hainaut
Richilda, married Litaud I, Count of Mâcon
Bouchard, Constance B. "The Bosonids or Rising to Power in the Late Carolingian Age." French Historical Studies, Vol. 15, No. 3. (Spring, 1988), pp 407–431.
After the death of Charles the Fat in 888, Richard supported the claim of Duke Rudolph to be King of Upper Burgundy and married his sister Adelaide, daughter of Conrad II of Auxerre. ...
By his wife Adelaide (married 888), daughter of Conrad II, Count of Auxerre, and Ermentrude of Alsace, he had several sons and daughters:
From Wikipedia article on her husband Richard
daughter of Conrad II of Auxerre Count of Auxerre, Marquis of Transjurania [Welf] and Waldrada
married Richard 'le Justiciar' Duke of Burgundy
1. RODOLFE [Raoul] (-Auxerre, Yonne 15/16 Jan 936, bur église de l'abbaye de Sainte-Colombe de Sens). m ([911/19]%29 EMMA, daughter of ROBERT "le Fort" Marquis en Neustrie, Comte de Paris [later Robert I King of France] & his [first/second wife ---] (-2 Nov 934).
2. [ERMENGARD. Ermengardis, wife of Giselbert, has been accepted as the daughter of Duke Richard since Du Chesne in 1625[35]. More recently this affiliation has been challenged, in particular because she is not mentioned in her mother's will[36]. In addition, if it is correct that Giselbert's mother was the daughter of King Boson (see BURGUNDIAN NOBILITY), she would have been her husband's first cousin. m GISELBERT, son of MANASSES Comte de Vergy & his wife --- (-956).
3. HUGUES "le Noir" (-17 Dec 952, bur Besançon).
4. BOSON (-Sep 935, bur Reims, église de l'abbaye de Saint-Rémi). m ([928]) as her first husband, BERTA d'Arles
ADELAIS, daughter of CONRAD Marquis of Transjurania [Welf] & his wife Waldrada --- (-after 14 Jul 929). "Adeleth…comitissa" donated property "villam Poligniacum in comitatu Warasco" to Autun naming "filii mei Hugonis comitis" by charter dated 24 Apr 922, subscribed by "Hugo comes, Rodulphus comes, Boso comes" and witnessed by "Wallonis comitis…"[18]. Her origin is deduced by her being named as sister of "Rodulfi regis" (Rudolf I King of Burgundy) in the latter's 10 Jun 888 charter[19], as well as in her own 14 Jan 929 grant to Cluny, the 929 charter also naming "Richardi principis domni mei"[20]. After her husband died, she retired to a monastery. She transferred the monastery of Roman-Moutier to the monastery of Cluny by charter dated 14 Jul 929[21].
m ([887/88]%29 RICHARD, son of comte BUVINUS [Bouvin] & his wife --- d'Arles (-[31 Aug or 1 or 29 Sep] 921, bur Abbaye de Sainte-Colombe de Sens, Yonne). The Annales Bertiniani name "Richardus frater Bosonis" when recording that, after the capture of Vienne by the forces of King Carloman, he took “uxorem Bosonis et filiam eius” back to “comitatum suum Augustudensem” in 882[4]. Gingins-la-Sarra suggests that Richard was the uterine brother of King Boson, their mother having married secondly Theoderic [VI] “le Trésorier” Comte d´Autun (see CAROLINGIAN NOBILITY)[5]. He refers to the testament dated to [Jan 876] of Ekkehard Comte d´Autun, possibly the brother of Theoderic [VI], which names "…Theoderico et Richardo filio eius…" among the beneficiaries[6]. He identifies “Richardo” with the future duke of Burgundy, although there seems to be no basis for assuming that this co-identity is correct other than the name. The name Richard is well-established in the Bosonid family, which does not appear to be the case in the Theoderic/Nibelung family to which Theoderic [VI] belonged, where it was probably recently introduced through Theoderic´s wife (Settipani suggests that she was the sister of King Boson´s father[7]). In addition, Richard Duke of Burgundy named one of his sons Boson, although this is not conclusive for establishing his paternity as the name also appears in Duke Richard´s maternal line. On the other hand, none of the typical names of the Theoderic/Nibelung family appear among the descendants of Duke Richard. In any case, the chronologically does not appear favourable. Richard is named as count in 876 (see below). If he had been King Boson´s uterine brother, he could not have been more than ten years old at the time, which is incompatible with his bearing the comital title. Gingins-la-Sarra´s hypothesis cannot be dismissed entirely. However, it is a convoluted interpretation of the otherwise simple statement in the Annales Bertiniani that Richard was King Boson´s brother. Unless further information comes to light in other sources, it is suggested that the simple explanation is the best. An agreement dated Feb 876 of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks names "Bosonis…ducis et sacri palatii archiministri atque imperiali missi, Richardi comitis…" as present in Italy with the king, although it fails to specify the family relationship between them[8]. "Richardus comes" is named as present in a charter dated 4 Sep 876 under which Emperor Charles II "le Chauve" granted property "villam…Piredus in pago Senonico"[9]. He presumably assumed the role of his brother Boson as missus in Italy in early 877, when the latter was recalled by Emperor Charles II. "Richardi comitis, Teutbaldi comitis, Bernardi comitis" subscribed the charter dated 25 Jul 879 under which "Boso…et coniunx mea Hirmingardi proles imperiales" donated property "in pago Laticense…in villa Lantinus" to the abbey of Montiérender[10]. Comte d'Autun. At first sight, this might appear to provide the missing connection with Theoderic [VI], who was also Comte d´Autun. However, it is recorded that King Boson disputed Theoderic´s right to the county, in which case it is unlikely that he would have awarded it to Theoderic´s son. Richard established himself in the future duchy of Burgundy, north of his brother's realm, with his capital at Autun. “Carlomannus…Rex” restored property “villam Taniacum” to the church of Autun, at the request of “Richardi Comiti Augustodensis”, by charter dated 1 Dec 880, the text ending with “Theodoricus Comes ambasciavit”[11]. He was invested as lay abbot of Saint-Symphorien by Carloman King of the East Franks in 880. He succeeded his wife's uncle Hugues l'Abbé as Comte d'Auxerre in 886. He led the Carolingian army which besieged his brother King Boso at Vienne in 882. The counties in Burgundy, except Mâcon, submitted to him.
He was later known as RICHARD "le Justicier" Duke of Burgundy, although it is unlikely that he was considered at the time as founder of a unified duchy of Burgundy as such, rather as the suzerain of various counties who held the title "duke". "Richardo marchione…eius filiis Rodulpho, Hugone atque Bosone…comitibus" were present at the restitution of property at "Tiliniaco et Canavis" by charter dated 5 Sep 901[12]. The death of "Richardus marchio de Burgundia" is recorded by Flodoard in 921[13]. The Annales S. Benigni Divisionensis record the death "II Kal Sep 921" of "Ricardus comes"[14]. The Historia Francorum Senonensis records the death "Kal Sep" of "Richardus dux Burgundiæ", and his burial "in basilica sanctæ Columbæ"[15]. The sacrementaire of Sens cathedral records the death "III Kal Oct" of "Ricardi comitis"[16]. The necrology of Auxerre cathedral records the death 1 Sep of "Richardus comes"[17].
[Mistress of Richard (1): ---. As mentioned below, it is likely that Duke Richard's son Gebuin was illegitimate. If this is correct, the name of his mistress is not known.]
Duke Richard & his wife had [four] children:
1. RODOLFE [Raoul] (-Auxerre, Yonne 15/16 Jan 936, bur église de l'abbaye de Sainte-Colombe de Sens). Flodoard names "Rodulfo filio Richardi"[22]. He is named "Rodulfo rex filio meo" in the grant of "Adeleydis comitissa soror Rodulfi" to Cluny dated 14 Jun 929[23]. Rodulfus Glaber names "Rodulfus, Richardi ducis Burgundiæ filius"[24]. He succeeded his father in 921 as RAOUL Duke of Burgundy. He was elected as RAOUL King of France in 923 to succeed his father-in-law. The Historia Francorum Senonensis records the death "XVIII Kal Feb" of "Rodulfo rege", specifying his burial "in basilica aanctæ Columbæ"[25]. The necrology of Auxerre cathedral records the death 14 Jan of "Rodulphus rex"[26]. m ([911/19]%29 EMMA, daughter of ROBERT "le Fort" Marquis en Neustrie, Comte de Paris [later Robert I King of France] & his [first/second wife ---] (-2 Nov 934). Flodoard names "Emma regis Rotberti filia" when recording that she obliged Seulf Archbishop of Reims to consecrate her queen at Reims in 923 in the absence of her husband fighting[27]. Rodulfus Glaber names "Emmam…sororem…magni Hugonis" as wife of "Rodulfus, Richardi ducis Burgundiæ filius", suggesting that she was instrumental in persuading her brother to support her husband's accession as king[28]. "Emme nostri imperii consortis" and "Emma coniux mea" is named in the charters of "Rodolfus Francorum rex" dated 21 Jun 931 and 1 Jul 931[29]. Flodoard records the death of "Emma regina" at the end of his passage dated 934[30]. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés records the death "IV Non Nov" of "domna Emma regina"[31]. King Raoul & his wife had two children:
a) LOUIS (-before 14 Jun 929). The Chronicle of St Bénigne de Dijon records that "Rodulfo rege…filius eius Ludovicus…ex Emma regina" died before his father, the latter dying "absque liberis"[32]. He must have died before his paternal grandmother's 929 grant to Cluny as he is not named among the witnesses, unlike his presumed sister.
b) [JUDITH (-([14 Jun 929/935]). "Juditte filie Rodulfe regis" witnessed the grant of "Adeleydis comitissa soror Rodulfi" to Cluny dated 14 Jun 929[33]. Settipani assumes that this indicates that she was the daughter of Raoul King of France, but this is not beyond doubt. The charter in fact refers to three individuals named "Rodulfi regis", the donor's brother Rudolf I King of Burgundy, her nephew Rudolf II King of Burgundy, and her son. The last named is referred to in the witness list, in a later position than the entry naming Judith, as "augusti Rodulfi regis", which may suggest that he was a different "Rodulfi regis" from the one who was Judith's father. If Judith had been the daughter of Rudolf I King of Burgundy, it is most likely that she would have been named "soror Rodulfe regis" in the subscription, referring to her living brother. The most likely possibility is that she was the daughter of Rudolf II King of Burgundy, presumably his oldest child and the only one who at the date of the charter was considered old enough to have witnessed the document. If it is correct that Judith was the daughter of Raoul King of France, she must have predeceased her father if the Chronicle of St Bénigne de Dijon is right when it says that he died "absque liberis"[34].]
2. [ERMENGARD. Ermengardis, wife of Giselbert, has been accepted as the daughter of Duke Richard since Du Chesne in 1625[35]. More recently this affiliation has been challenged, in particular because she is not mentioned in her mother's will[36]. In addition, if it is correct that Giselbert's mother was the daughter of King Boson (see BURGUNDIAN NOBILITY), she would have been her husband's first cousin. m GISELBERT, son of MANASSES Comte de Vergy & his wife --- (-956). He became GISELBERT Duke of Burgundy, after Raoul and Hugues "le Noir" ceded him their rights to Burgundy in [936]. After his death, Lothaire King of France took direct control of his part of Burgundy[37].]
3. HUGUES "le Noir" (-17 Dec 952, bur Besançon). Flodoard names "Hugo filius Richardi"[38]. Comte in the area outre-Saône, the future Franche-Comté, before 914. "Hugo inclitus comes et marchio, nosterque fidelis et propinquus" is named in the charter of Emperor Louis III [de Provence] (his first cousin) dated 920[39]. "Ugonem comte palatio filius Ricardi" is named in a charter dated 18 Jan 926 in which Bertagia challenges an inheritance[40]. He is named "Huguone aliis quoque filiis meis" in the grant by "Adeleydis comitissa soror Rodulfi" to Cluny dated 14 Jun 929, listed before Boson[41]. Comte de Mâcon from 931. "Hugonis frater meus" is named by "Rodulfus Francorum rex" in the latter's 1 Jul 931 charter[42]. Comte et Marquis de Provence 936. After the death of his brother King Raoul 936, he and Hugues "le Blanc/le Grand" Capet, and his brother-in-law Giselbert, divided Burgundy between them. He was seen by Hugues "le Grand" Capet as a potentially too powerful candidate for the French throne after his brother's death in 936, prompting Hugues to recall the future King Louis IV "d'Outremer" from England, whom Hugues "le Noir" refused to recognise as king until 938[43]. He is named "nostri principes…alter Hugo dux scilicet Burgundionum" in a charter of "Ludovicus rex" dated 1 Jul 946[44]. The Chronicon Floriacensi records the death in 952 of "Ugo Dux Burgundionum et Alanus Brittonum"[45].
4. BOSON (-Sep 935, bur Reims, église de l'abbaye de Saint-Rémi). Flodoard names "Boso filius Richardi"[46]. He is named "Bosone aliis quoque filiis meis" in the grant of "Adeleydis comitissa soror Rodulfi" to Cluny dated 14 Jun 929, listed after Hugues[47]. Comte in Upper Burgundy, lay abbot of Moyenmoutiers. He was killed at the siege of Saint-Quentin, Aisne against Hugues "le Grand"[48]. m ([928]%29 as her first husband, BERTA d'Arles, daughter of BOSO Comte d'Arles, later Marchese of Tuscany, & his wife Willa --- (-after 18 Aug 965). "Bertam, Willam, Richildam et Gislam" are named (in order) as the four daughters of Boso and Willa by Liutprand[49], who in a later passage names Berta as "Bosonis Arelatensis comitis viduæ" and mentions her marriage soon after the death of her first husband to Raymond, by virtue of which she was deemed guilty of incest[50]. She married secondly ([936]) Raymond Comte de Rouergue Marquis de Septimanie, who became Duke of Aquitaine in 936.
Duke Richard had one child [probably illegitimate] by [Mistress (1)]:
5. GEBUIN . "Giboinus germanus suus", apparently referring to Hugues "le Noir", is named in a charter dated 18 Jan 926[51]. It is likely that he was illegitimate as he is mentioned in none of the sources which list the other brothers of Hugues. same person as …? GEBUIN . There is no direct proof of co-identity of the two persons named Gebuin, but the chronology is favourable and the unusual name indicates that this is probably correct.
Adelaide d'Auxerre
F, #105195
Last Edited=27 Feb 2002
Child of Adelaide d'Auxerre and Richard 'the Justicer' d'Autun, Duc de Bourgogne
-1. Rudolf de Bourgogne, Roi de France d. 936
Forrás / Source:
Richard, Duke of Burgundy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
By his wife Adelaide (married 888), daughter of Conrad II, Count of Auxerre, and Ermentrude of Alsace, he had several sons and daughters:
Rudolph, successor and later King of France
Hugh the Black, later Duke of Burgundy
Ermengard, married Gilbert, Duke of Burgundy
Willa, married firstly Hugh, Count of Vienne, and secondly Boso, Count of Arles
Adelaide, married Reginar II, Count of Hainaut
Richilda, married Litaud I, Count of Mâcon
Bouchard, Constance B. "The Bosonids or Rising to Power in the Late Carolingian Age." French Historical Studies, Vol. 15, No. 3. (Spring, 1988), pp 407–431.
After the death of Charles the Fat in 888, Richard supported the claim of Duke Rudolph to be King of Upper Burgundy and married his sister Adelaide, daughter of Conrad II of Auxerre. ...
By his wife Adelaide (married 888), daughter of Conrad II, Count of Auxerre, and Ermentrude of Alsace, he had several sons and daughters:
Rudolph, successor and later King of France Hugh the Black, later Duke of Burgundy Ermengard, married Gilbert, Duke of Burgundy Adelaide, married Reginar II, Count of Hainaut Richilda, married Litaud I, Count of Mâcon Sources
Bouchard, Constance B. "The Bosonids or Rising to Power in the Late Carolingian Age." French Historical Studies, Vol. 15, No. 3. (Spring, 1988), pp 407–431. From Wikipedia article on her husband Richard
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Birth:849 Death:9/14/929
Family links:
Conrad II le Jeune de Bourgogne
Waldrada von Sachsen d'Alsace
Richard Duke of Burgundy (858 - 921)
Ermengarde de Bourgogne*
*Calculated relationship
Burial: Saint-Étienne Cathedral Sens Departement de l'Yonne Bourgogne, France
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Created by: Memerizion Record added: Mar 26, 2015 Find A Grave Memorial# 144193639
851 |
Auxerre, Transjurania, Bourgogne, France
889 |
Burgundy, France
890 |
892 |
893 |
Dijon, Cote D'or, Bourgogne, France
894 |
Bourgogne, France
915 |
Auxerre, Yonne, Bourgogne, France
929 |
September 14, 929
Age 78
Bourgogne, France
???? |