ADAM [I] de Villebéon ([1183/85]-28 Jan 1235, bur Jard). The Scripta de Feodis of King Philippe II record “...Gauterus de Nemosio, Gauterus Juvenis...Adam filius G[auteri] juvenis...” in “Vulcasinum”[575]. Seigneur de Villebéon. Chambellan de France. "A. Cambellanus miles" confirmed donations made to Jard by "bone memorie dominus G. pater meus", with the consent of “E. matris mee”, by charter dated May 1224[576]. "Adam Cambellanus miles" confirmed donations “in territorio de Mondrevilla” made to Jard by "defuncta Elizabedt quondam domina de Villa Beonis mater mea", with the consent of “Eliz. uxoris mee”, by charter dated May 1234[577]. His testament is dated to 1234, his executors amending certain bequests in Oct 1235[578]. The necrology of the Abbaye du Jard records the death "V Kal Feb" of "domini Ade cambellani" and his donation, as well as his burial in the church[579].
m firstly (1205) ISABELLE de Tancarville, daughter of GUILLAUME de Tancarville & his wife Alix de Serans (-[1214]). Philippe II King of France confirmed the marriage contract between “Guillelmus cambellanus de Tancarvilla...Isabella filia sua” and “Adæ filio...Galterii junioris camerarii nostri” by charter dated 1205, which provided for an increase in the dowry if Guillaume de Tancarville had no male heir “ex Alliz uxore sua” and if “Marsilia sororia ipsius” died[580].
m secondly ([1215]%29 ELISABETH de Montmaur, daughter of MATHIEU de Montmaur & his wife --- (-23 Jul 1254, bur Jard). "Adam Cambellanus miles" confirmed donations “in territorio de Mondrevilla” made to Jard by "defuncta Elizabedt quondam domina de Villa Beonis mater mea", with the consent of “Eliz. uxoris mee”, by charter dated May 1234[581]. "Elizabeth domina de Villabeon" approved the actions taken by “executores testamenti domini Ade dicti Cambellani quondam mariti mei” by charter dated Feb 1238 (O.S.)[582]. "Isabellis domina de Villabeonis relicta defuncti Ade Cambellani de Villabeon militis" chose burial at Jard by charter dated 19 Jul 1254[583]. The necrology of the Abbaye du Jard records the death "X Kal Aug" of "Elisabeth quondam domine secunde de Villabeonis"[584].
Adam [I] & his first wife had five children:
a) GAUTHIER [III] de Villebéon dit Le Chambellan ([1206]-27 Sep [1239/40]). Seigneur de Tournenfuye. Richemond speculates that Gauthier [III] succeeded his father as Chambellan de France, but states that he had found no document which confirms that this is correct[585]. "Galterus de Villabeon miles dictus Cambellanus" donated “totum nemus meum apud Montulle” to Jard, with the consent of “Aaliz uxoris mee”, by charter dated Feb 1237[586]. "Galterus de Villabeonis miles dictus Cambellanus" donated “totam pecam nemoris mee...apud Montule in parrochia de Bombone” to Jard, for the soul of “bone memorie domini Ade dicti Cambellani quondam patris mei”, with the consent of “Aaliz uxor mea”, by charter dated Feb 1239[587]. The necrology of the Abbaye du Jard records the death "V Kal Oct" of "Galteri junioris dicti Cambellani"[588].
m ([1228]%29 as her first husband, ALIX de Vierzon, daughter of HERVE [II] Seigneur de Vierzon & his second wife Marie de Dampierre (-3 Dec 1245). "Galterus de Villabeon miles dictus Cambellanus" donated “totum nemus meum apud Montulle” to Jard, with the consent of “Aaliz uxor mea”, by charter dated Feb 1237[589]. "Galterus de Villabeonis miles dictus Cambellanus" donated “totam pecam nemoris mee...apud Montule in parrochia de Bombone” to Jard, for the soul of “bone memorie domini Ade dicti Cambellani quondam patris mei”, with the consent of “Aaliz uxor mea”, by charter dated Feb 1239[590]. "Aaliz de Virsum uxor Galteri dicti Cambellani" confirmed the donation “de toto nemore de Montule cum feodo terre...in parrochia de Bombone” to Jard made by “maritus meus dominus Galterius Cambellanus” by charter dated Dec 1239[591]. "Aelidis relicta defuncti Galteri dicti Cambellani" confirmed the donation made to Jard by “Avelina de Samesio in territorio dou Geliet...in parrochia de Escrannis” by charter dated 6 Jan 1241[592]. She married secondly (before 1243) as his second wife, Gérard [III] de Picquigny Vidame d'Amiens. "Vicedominus de Pinquigniaco et Aaliz uxor prefati vicedomini et...Petrus de Villamarchaz miles dictus Cambellanus et Ysabel relicta defuncti Ade Cambellani de Villabeum" paid revenue to “prior de Tornanfuie" by charter dated Mar 1244[593]. The necrology of the Abbaye du Jard records the death "III Non Dec" of "Aaliz quondam vicedomine de Pingquiniaco" and her donation of revenue “in decima de Villabeonis”[594].
Gauthier [III] & his wife had one child:
i) GAUTHIER [IV] de Villebéon (-after 1287). Seigneur de Tournenfuye, de Heuqueville et de Fontaine-Guérart. "Galterus dictus Cambellanus armiger dominus de Tornenfuie" donated “partem me contingentem in feodo...de...defunctus Petrus armiger de Parvo Monsterello” to Paris Saint-Antoine-des-Champs by charter dated Jul 1261[595]. Fragmentary accounts for 1276 record “de rachato domini Galteri de Tournenfuye, pro terra Mathæi de Villa Beonis” in “Baillivia Senonensis”[596]. m ([1255]%29 ELEONORE de Melun, daughter of ADAM [III] Vicomte de Melun & his second wife Comtesse de Sancerre (after [1239/44]-). Gauthier [IV] & his wife had two children:
(1) MARGUERITE de Villebéon dite La Chambellane . Her marriage is confirmed by an order of Parlement dated 1323 relating to her daughter Marguerite “fuerit filia et hæres prime uxoris defuncti Theobaldi...dotata...de castro de Montefalconis”[597]. Her parentage is confirmed by letters dated 1293, relating to the marriage of "Jean de Boville fils de Monsieur Hue de Boville" and [her daughter] “Damoiselle Marguerite de Bomés fille de Monsieur Thibaut de Bomés Seigneur de Mirebel et de...Marguerite iadis sa femme”, record that “Messires Gautier Li Chambellans ayol de ladite Damoiselle” was receiving revenue from her inheritance[598]. Dame de Tournenfuye et de Villebéon. m as his first wife, THIBAUT de Bommiers dit de Blaison Seigneur de Bommiers, son of ROBERT [II] de Bommiers & his [first/second] wife [Mathilde de Déols Dame de Châteaumeillant/Yolande de Mello] (-after [1280]).
(2) [ELEONORE] de Villebéon . Richemond highlights the absence of texts which confirm the name of this daughter, adding that “nous lui prêtons le prénom d’Eléonore parce que ce fut celui de sa mère et de sa fille”[599]. Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by the lawsuit dated 1281 concerning the marriage contract between “domini G. Cambellani militis...filiam” and “Aubertum de Hangesto militem”[600]. Dame de Heuqueville, de Fontaine-Guérart et de Villers-le-Chambellan. m ([1275]%29 AUBERT [V] de Hangest Seigneur de Genlis, son of AUBERT [IV] de Hangest Seigneur de Genlis & his wife Marie de Roye (-after 1281).
b) GUILLAUME de Villebéon (-1243). The necrology of the Abbaye du Jard records the death "VI Kal Nov" of "Guillelmi armigeri dicti Cambellani"[601]. "Petrus de Villabeonis dictus Cambellanus et Gilo de Montiniaco milites" executors of the testament of “defuncti Guillelmi de Villabeon dicti Cambellani” notified a bequest to Jard, with the support of "Adam frater uterinus Guillelmi", by charter dated 1243[602].
c) PIERRE de Villebéon (-21 Feb 1271, bur Saint-Denis). "Petrus de Villabeonis dictus Cambellanus et Gilo de Montiniaco milites" executors of the testament of “defuncti Guillelmi de Villabeon dicti Cambellani” notified a bequest to Jard, with the support of "Adam frater uterinus Guillelmi", by charter dated 1243[603]. "Petrus dictus Cambellanus miles" donated “partem Bosce eiusdem Ade de Montule et partem Guillemi fratris mei” to Jard, with the consent of "Ade fratris mei germani", by charter dated Jun 1248[604]. Chambellan de France 1255. The necrology of the Abbaye du Jard records the death "IX Kal Feb" of "domini Petri cambellani"[605]. m --- (-after 1277). A charter dated 1277 records that, after the death of "Matheo de Villa Beonis milite", “Mahietus filius et heres ipsius” reached agreement with “Galterum [Cambellani nepotis quondam...Petri” and “relictam...Petri [Cambellani]” concerning payments due from his father[606].
d) ADAM [II] de Villebéon (-14 Sep 1264, bur Jard). "Petrus de Villabeonis dictus Cambellanus et Gilo de Montiniaco milites" executors of the testament of “defuncti Guillelmi de Villabeon dicti Cambellani” notified a bequest to Jard, with the support of "Adam frater uterinus Guillelmi", by charter dated 1243[607]. "Adans li Chambellens chevaliers sires de Menig Aubéri" submitted a dispute with “mon segneur Ansiau de Gallande” concerning “la grant joustice de Chatres et de la Houssaie” to arbitration by charter dated 21 Apr 1261[608]. The necrology of the Abbaye du Jard records the death "XVIII Kal Oct" of "domini Ade cambellani primogeniti domini de Villabeonis"[609]. Richemond quotes his epitaph which records the death 1264 “le dimanche empres. la. Sat Anbraiche” of “Monseigneur Adam le Chambellan laine qui fu fiz Monseigneur Adam chambellan de France seignour de Villebeon”[610]. m (before 1240) ALIX, daughter of --- (-5 Mar
i) ISABELLE de Villebéon (1240-before 1282). Her parentage is indicated by the two following documents. The first document establishes that Robert [II]’s second wife was called “Isabelle” but not her family origin: “Ingelrannus Couciaci, Montis-mirabilis et Oysiaci dominus“ noted an agreement with Cluny regarding property “in castellania de Feritate Angulsi“ donated to Grandpré Sainte-Marie, reserving rights of “Robertum de Drocis et...Ysabellam eius uxorem...ratione dotis”, with the consent of “Maria domina de Fera mater predicti Ingelranni“, by charter dated Jun 1265[613]. The second document provides an earlier reference to the property named in the first document: a charter dated 1 Mar 1262 (O.S.?) records an agreement between “Ysabeau de Villebeon Dame de la Chapelle en Brie, veuve de feu Monsieur Mathieu Seigneur de Montmirail et d‘Oisy“ and “Monsieur Enguerran Sire de Coucy” regarding her dowry from property at “la Ferté-Ancoul, Raumesnil, Chasteauthierry, Challons et autres“[614]. Kerrebrouck, presumably linking these two documents, states that Robert [II]’s second wife was Isabelle de Villebéon, widow of Mathieu Seigneur de Montmirail[615]. However, the following charter indicates that the widow of Mathieu de Montmirail was still alive in 1265, after the estimated date of Robert [II]’s second marriage: "Ysabiaus dame de la Chapelle" confirmed an agreement with Barbeau abbey made during the lifetime of “Mahys chevaliers sires de Monmirail et d’Oysi mes sires”, confirmed by “mon...frere et seigneur monseigneur Pierre le Chambellan” by charter dated Jan 1265[616]. The suggestion is that the childless Isabelle, widow of Mathieu, left la Ferté-Ancoul to her niece as dowry when she married Robert [II]. Her date of death is indicated by a charter dated Sep 1282, recorded by Père Anselme in “[le] cartulaire de l’église de S. Magloire“, under which [her son] “Robert de Dreux écuyer, fils de feu Robert jadis chevalier, seigneur de Beu et d’Isabeau jadis sa femme” declared before Simon Bishop of Chartres that he was 17 years old and that he “et sa sœur Isabeau”, as orphans after the deaths of their father and mother, were brought up with his own children by Robert [IV] Comte de Dreux et de Montfort[617]. m [firstly] ([1260/62]%29 as his second wife, ROBERT de Dreux Seigneur de Bû, son of ROBERT [III] "Gasteblé" Comte de Dreux & his wife Eléonore dame de Saint-Valéry ([1217]-23 Jun, after 1265). There are indications that Isabelle may have married secondly, as his second wife, Renaud [I] Seigneur de Dargies, son of Simon [I] Seigneur de Dargies & his wife Isabelle de Mello (-[19 Mar/Dec] 1269). This is based on an, as yet, uncorroborated report that Renaud [I]’s wife was named Isabelle[618], read together with the 10 Jun 1302 Papal dispensation for the marriage of “nobili viro Auberto de Hangesto milite” [Aubert [VI] de Hangest Seigneur de Genlis] and “nobili muliere Agnete domina de Dargies” [the widow of Isabelle’s supposed son by this second marriage], because “quondam Reginaldus de Dargies olim vir predicte Agnetis” was related by 4o affinity to “ipsi Auberto”[619]. The 4o affinity relationship between the two husbands of Agnes would result as her second husband was the grandson of Isabelle de Villebéon’s first cousin, Gauthier [IV] de Villebéon[620].
e) ISABELLE de Villebéon dite La Chambellane (-25 Mar 1265). Dame de la Chapelle-Gautier-en-Brie. A charter dated 1 Mar 1262 (O.S.?) records an agreement between “Ysabeau de Villebeon Dame de la Chapelle en Brie, veuve de feu Monsieur Mathieu Seigneur de Montmirail et d‘Oisy“ and “Monsieur Enguerran Sire de Coucy” regarding her dowry from property at “la Ferté-Ancoul, Raumesnil, Chasteauthierry, Challons et autres“[621]. "Ysabiaus dame de la Chapelle" confirmed an agreement with Barbeau abbey made during the lifetime of “Mahys chevaliers sires de Monmirail et d’Oysi mes sires”, confirmed by “mon...frere et seigneur monseigneur Pierre le Chambellan” by charter dated Jan 1265[622]. The necrology of the Abbaye du Jard records the death "VIII Kal Apr" of "domine Ysabellis domine de Montemirabili"[623]. m MATHIEU de Montmirail Châtelain de Cambrai, son of JEAN [I] de Montmirail & his wife Helvide de Dampierre (-14 Jan [or 16 Jun] 1262). Seigneur de Charly 1226. Seigneur de la Ferté-Gaucher 1240. Seigneur de Montmirail 1240. Châtelain de Cambrai 1241.
Adam [II] & his second wife had two children:
f) MATHIEU [II] de Villebéon (-[mid-]1270). m firstly PHILIPPOTTE, daughter of --- & his wife Hersende --- (-after 3 Oct 1266). The testament of "domina Philippa uxor...domini Mathei militis domini Villebeonis, infirmitate detenta", dated 3 Oct 1266, made bequests to “domino Matheo marito suo” and named “defuncte Hersandis quondam matris sue”[624]. m secondly ([1267/68]%29 as her second husband, HELVIDE de Bormont, widow of GUY de Nanteuil-le-Haudouin Seigneur de Morcourt, daughter of ---. Mathieu [II] & his first wife had one child:
i) MATHIEU [III] de Villebéon (-[20 Dec 1292/1300]). Fragmentary accounts for 1276 record “de rachato domini Galteri de Tournenfuye, pro terra Mathæi de Villa Beonis” in “Baillivia Senonensis”[625]. A charter dated 1277 records that, after the death of "Matheo de Villa Beonis milite", “Mahietus filius et heres ipsius” reached agreement with “Galterum [Cambellani nepotis quondam...Petri” and “relictam...Petri [Cambellani]” concerning payments due from his father[626]. m (betrothed 1274) ISABELLE de La Broce, daughter of PIERRE de La Broce Seigneur de Langeais, chambellan & his wife Isabelle de Saint-Venant.
g) ADAM [III] de Villebéon (-28 Mar 1274, bur Jard). "Petrus dictus Cambellanus miles" donated “partem Bosce eiusdem Ade de Montule et partem Guillemi fratris mei” to Jard, with the consent of "Ade fratris mei germani", by charter dated Jun 1248[627]. The necrology of the Abbaye du Jard records the death "V Kal Apr" of "domini Ade cambellani dicti junioris"[628].
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January 28, 1235
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