Source= http://www2.thesetonfamily.com:8080/directory/Descents/early_seton_...
English Society in the Eleventh Century: Essays in English Mediaeval History - By Sir Paul Vinogradoff Hoyland Extenta facta die sabbati proxima post festum Apostolorum Philippi et lacobi anno regni regis Edwardi octavo apud Sanctum Botulphum coram ThomadeNormanville***********************************Adam de Wynton*************************etc de maneriis de Wykes et Frampton ville et ferie Sancti Botulphi per sacramentum lohannis de Holand militis etc
Adam de Seton (2nd son, succeeded his father, d early in reign of Alexander III - 1249-1292).
m. Jane Gifford (dau of Hugh Gifford of Yester)
(i) Sir Christopher (I) (or Chrystell) de Seton (d c.1269)
m. Maud de Percy (dau of Ingelram de Percy, Lord Topcliff in Yorkshire).
(a) Sir Christopher de Seton (2) (companion of Sir William Wallace, d Dillicarew 12.06.1298).
m. Agnes Dunbar, dau of Sir Patrick Dunbar, 'black beard', 8th Earl of Dunbar, 1st Earl of March.
((1)) Sir Christopher Seton (3) of Seton (the famed "Good Sir Christell", supporter and brother-in-law of King Robert I, The Bruce. He was awarded the "double-tressure" in addition to his paternal coat of arms as a result of his marriage into the Royal House. He was executed at Dumfries at the hands of the English.)
m. Christian Bruce (d 1357, dau of Sir Robert de Bruce, 6th of Annandale - sister of King Robert I)
((A)) Sir Alexander Seton (2), only son, continued below
((2)) Sir John de Seton (executed at Newcastle).
m. unknown.
((A)) issue
((3)) Sir Humphrey de Seton (executed at Newcastle).
m. unknown.
((A)) issue
(ii) Sir John de Seton (who held the manor of Seton in Whitby Strand, Yorkshire, and the estate of Winton). He, in a donation of Robert de Bruce, Lord of Annandale, to the priory of St. Andrews, 1294, is designed Dominus Joannes de Seton, miles. John (Johan) de Seton, swore featly to Edward I, 1296.
m. Erminia Lascelles.
(a) Alexander (?) de Seton (founded the Seton's of Winton, later the family of "Winton"). Among those who later swore fealty to Edward I of England, in 1296, were Alan (Aleyn) de Wynton, Thomas de Wynton and Gode de Wynton. Prynne III. 656,658,659,660.
(iii) Barbara de Seton
m. Sir William de Keith, Great Marischal of Scotland (d before 1293)
1190 |
Seton, East Lothian, Scotland (United Kingdom)
1214 |
1218 |
Seton, East Lothian, Scotland
1236 |
Seton, East Lothian , Scotland
1249 |
Age 59
Seton, East Lothian, Scotland (United Kingdom)