Adam Johannes Unger

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Adam Johannes Unger (1888 - 1917)

Birthplace: Weschnitz, Fürth, Bergstraße, HE, Germany
Death: August 05, 1917 (29)
Krumbach, Fürth, Bergstraße, HE, Germany
Immediate Family:

Son of Johannes Unger and Margaretha Unger
Husband of Katharina Elisabetha Doersam
Brother of Martin Unger; Sophia Berg; Katharina Unger; Johannes Unger; Anna Unger and 2 others

Occupation: Milchhändler
Managed by: Tobias Rachor (C)
Last Updated:
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Adam Johannes Unger's Timeline

June 24, 1888
Weschnitz, Fürth, Bergstraße, HE, Germany
August 5, 1917
Age 29
Krumbach, Fürth, Bergstraße, HE, Germany