Historical records matching Adam Johann (Ivan Fedorovich) von Krusenstiern
Immediate Family
About Adam Johann (Ivan Fedorovich) von Krusenstiern
https://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/en/view/bsb00127527?page=105. V.2
https://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/en/view/bsb00127527?page=112. V.
Esimene Vene (Eestist pärinev) ümbermaailmapurjetaja. Adam Johann von Krusenstern (venepäraselt Ivan Fjodorovitš Kruzenštern; Иван (Иоганн Антон) Фёдорович Крузенштерн; 19. november 1770 Hagudi mõis – 12. august 1846 Kiltsi mõis) oli baltisaksa päritolu Vene meresõitja, admiral (1842).
- http://et.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Johann_von_Krusenstern
- http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D1%80%D1%83%D0%B7%D0%B5%D0%BD%D...
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Johann_von_Krusenstern
- http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Johann_von_Krusenstern
Baltic German explorer and admiral of the Russian Imperial Navy, who led the first Russian circumnavigation of the Earth. In Russia, Krusenstern is known as Иван Фёдорович Крузенштерн (Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern)
Krusenstern was born in Hagudi, close to Rapla, Estonia, into a Baltic German family descended from the Swedish aristocratic family von Krusenstjerna, which remained in Estonia after the country was ceded to Russia. In 1787, he joined the Russian Imperial Navy, and served in the war against Sweden. Subsequently, he served in the Royal Navy in 1793-99, visiting America, India and China.
After publishing a paper pointing out the advantages of direct communication between Russia and China by Cape Horn and the Cape of Good Hope, he was appointed by Tsar Alexander I to make a voyage to the east coast of Asia to endeavour to carry out the project.[2] Under the patronage of Tsar Alexander I and Baron Nikolai Rezanov, Krusenstern led the first Russian circumnavigation of the world. The purpose of the two-ship expedition was to establish trade with China and Japan, facilitate trade in South America, and examine California for a possible colony.
The two ships, Nadezhda (Hope, formerly HMS Leander) under the command of Krusenstern, and Neva (formerly HMS Thames) under the command of Captain-Lieutenant Yuri F. Lisianski, set sail from Kronstadt in August 1803, rounded Cape Horn, reached the northern Pacific, and returned via the Cape of Good Hope. Krusenstern arrived back at Kronstadt in August 1806. Both seafarers made maps and detailed recordings of their voyages.
Upon his return, Krusenstern wrote a detailed report, Reise um die Welt in den Jahren 1803, 1804, 1805 und 1806 auf Befehl Seiner Kaiserliche Majestät Alexanders des Ersten auf den Schiffen Nadeschda und Newa (Journey around the World in the Years 1803, 1804, 1805, and 1806 at the Command of his Imperial Majesty Alexander I in the Ships Nadezhda and Neva) published in Saint Petersburg in 1810. It was published in 1811-1812 in Berlin; this was followed by an English translation, published in London in 1813 and subsequently by French, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, and Italian. His scientific work, which includes an atlas of the Pacific, was published in 1827 in Saint Petersburg and won him an honorary membership in the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1816, he was elected a foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
As director of the Russian naval school Krusenstern did much useful work. He was also a member of the scientific committee of the marine department, and his contrivance for counteracting the influence of the iron in vessels on the compass was adopted in the navy.Krusenstern became an admiral in 1841.He died in 1846 in Kiltsi manor, an Estonian manor he had purchased in 1816, and was buried in the Tallinn Cathedral.
[ _______________________________ Google transl.* ""_Baltian saksalainen tutkimusmatkailija ja amiraali Venäjän Imperiumin laivaston, joka johti Venäjän ensimmäinen kiersi maapallon. Venäjä, Krusenstern tunnetaan Иван Фёдорович Крузенштерн (Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern)
Krusenstern syntyi Hagudi, lähellä Rapla, Viro, osaksi Baltic Saksan perhe polveutuu Ruotsin aristokraattiperhe von Krusenstjerna, joka jäi Virossa jälkeen maan alueen Venäjälle. Vuonna 1787 hän liittyi Venäjän Imperiumin laivaston, ja palveli sodan Ruotsia vastaan. Myöhemmin hän toimi Kuninkaallisen laivaston vuonna 1793-99, vierailevat Amerikassa, Intiassa ja Kiinassa""....//...
1841 Godparent for grandson Adam Johann von Krusenstern Saaga EAA.3154.1.11:66
Über Adam Johann (Ivan Fedorovich) von Krusenstiern (Deutsch)
Esimene Vene (Eestist pärinev) ümbermaailmapurjetaja. Adam Johann von Krusenstern (venepäraselt Ivan Fjodorovitš Kruzenštern; Иван (Иоганн Антон) Фёдорович Крузенштерн; 19. november 1770 Hagudi mõis – 12. august 1846 Kiltsi mõis) oli baltisaksa päritolu Vene meresõitja, admiral (1842).
- http://et.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Johann_von_Krusenstern
- http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D1%80%D1%83%D0%B7%D0%B5%D0%BD%D...
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Johann_von_Krusenstern
- http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Johann_von_Krusenstern
Baltic German explorer and admiral of the Russian Imperial Navy, who led the first Russian circumnavigation of the Earth. In Russia, Krusenstern is known as Иван Фёдорович Крузенштерн (Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern)
Krusenstern was born in Hagudi, close to Rapla, Estonia, into a Baltic German family descended from the Swedish aristocratic family von Krusenstjerna, which remained in Estonia after the country was ceded to Russia. In 1787, he joined the Russian Imperial Navy, and served in the war against Sweden. Subsequently, he served in the Royal Navy in 1793-99, visiting America, India and China.
After publishing a paper pointing out the advantages of direct communication between Russia and China by Cape Horn and the Cape of Good Hope, he was appointed by Tsar Alexander I to make a voyage to the east coast of Asia to endeavour to carry out the project.[2] Under the patronage of Tsar Alexander I and Baron Nikolai Rezanov, Krusenstern led the first Russian circumnavigation of the world. The purpose of the two-ship expedition was to establish trade with China and Japan, facilitate trade in South America, and examine California for a possible colony.
The two ships, Nadezhda (Hope, formerly HMS Leander) under the command of Krusenstern, and Neva (formerly HMS Thames) under the command of Captain-Lieutenant Yuri F. Lisianski, set sail from Kronstadt in August 1803, rounded Cape Horn, reached the northern Pacific, and returned via the Cape of Good Hope. Krusenstern arrived back at Kronstadt in August 1806. Both seafarers made maps and detailed recordings of their voyages.
Upon his return, Krusenstern wrote a detailed report, Reise um die Welt in den Jahren 1803, 1804, 1805 und 1806 auf Befehl Seiner Kaiserliche Majestät Alexanders des Ersten auf den Schiffen Nadeschda und Newa (Journey around the World in the Years 1803, 1804, 1805, and 1806 at the Command of his Imperial Majesty Alexander I in the Ships Nadezhda and Neva) published in Saint Petersburg in 1810. It was published in 1811-1812 in Berlin; this was followed by an English translation, published in London in 1813 and subsequently by French, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, and Italian. His scientific work, which includes an atlas of the Pacific, was published in 1827 in Saint Petersburg and won him an honorary membership in the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1816, he was elected a foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
As director of the Russian naval school Krusenstern did much useful work. He was also a member of the scientific committee of the marine department, and his contrivance for counteracting the influence of the iron in vessels on the compass was adopted in the navy.Krusenstern became an admiral in 1841.He died in 1846 in Kiltsi manor, an Estonian manor he had purchased in 1816, and was buried in the Tallinn Cathedral.
[ _______________________________ Google transl.* ""_Baltian saksalainen tutkimusmatkailija ja amiraali Venäjän Imperiumin laivaston, joka johti Venäjän ensimmäinen kiersi maapallon. Venäjä, Krusenstern tunnetaan Иван Фёдорович Крузенштерн (Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern)
Krusenstern syntyi Hagudi, lähellä Rapla, Viro, osaksi Baltic Saksan perhe polveutuu Ruotsin aristokraattiperhe von Krusenstjerna, joka jäi Virossa jälkeen maan alueen Venäjälle. Vuonna 1787 hän liittyi Venäjän Imperiumin laivaston, ja palveli sodan Ruotsia vastaan. Myöhemmin hän toimi Kuninkaallisen laivaston vuonna 1793-99, vierailevat Amerikassa, Intiassa ja Kiinassa""....//...
1841 Godparent for grandson Adam Johann von Krusenstern Saaga EAA.3154.1.11:66
Об Иване Федоровиче Крузенштерне (русский)
https://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/en/view/bsb00127527?page=105. V.2
https://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/en/view/bsb00127527?page=112. V.
Иван Фёдорович Крузенштерн — мореплаватель, возглавлявший в 1803–1806 годах первое русское кругосветное плавание. Адмирал (1841), генерал, состоящий при особе Его Императорского величества (1842).
Adam Johann (Ivan Fedorovich) von Krusenstiern's Timeline
1770 |
November 8, 1770
Hagudi, Rapla County, Estonia
1802 |
August 16, 1802
Reval / Tallinna, Harjumaa, Estonia, Russian Empire
1807 |
August 10, 1807
Koddil (Kodila), Raplamaa, Estland
1809 |
January 24, 1809
Reval, Estonia
1811 |
June 28, 1811
St.-Peterburg, Russia (Russian Federation)
1816 |
March 27, 1816
Loal (Lohu), Kohila vald, Raplamaa, Estland
1819 |
September 19, 1819
Ass (Kiltsi), Väike-Maarja vald, Lääne-Virumaa, Estland
1846 |
August 24, 1846
Age 75
Schloss Ass (Kiltsi mõis), Väike-Maarja vald, Lääne-Virumaa, Estonia
???? |
Maetud Tallinna Toomkirikusse tsaari erikäsu (loa) kohaselt (pseudogooti stiilis hauamonument, 1848, J. G. Exner) / Tallinner Dom, Tallinn, Estonia