Immediate Family
About Adam Guthrie
Not the same as Adam Guthrie, of Kentucky
Adam Guthrie is named in the last will and testament of his father, William Guthrie Sr of Mill Creek Hundred, New Castle County, Delaware.
Like some of his brothers, Adam Guthrie appears to have gone from Delaware to Pennsylvania.
The only document currently attributed to this man is a Supply Tax for 1781 in Nottingham Township, Westmoreland, Pennsylvania.
Supply Tax 1781. Nottingham Township. Single Men. Adam Guttery. (PA Arch. Ser. 3, Vol 22 p 754)
However, there are other men named Adam Guthrie living in Pennsylvania at about the same time that belong to genetically unrelated groups, such as the Adam Guthrie of Chester County, PA who married Mercy Irwin in 1755, and their son Adam Guthrie who married Mary Elton in Philadelphia in 1792. These people belong to Guthrie Family Group 2A, which is not genetically related to this Guthrie family who (based on the YDNA tests of direct male line descendants of Adam's brother William Guthrie Jr) belongs to Guthrie Family Group 6. Refer to the Guthrie DNA Project and Guthrie Genealogy sites.
Adam Guthrie's Timeline
1781 |
???? |