public profile
GERARD (-killed in battle Fontenoy 25 Jun 841). Comte d'Auvergne. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Ebroinus…Pictavensis episcopo Flateram…Reginardus comes, Gerardus itidem comes et gener quondam Pippini regis [et] Ratharius…comes Pippini gener [in 839][269].
x m firstly ---. An earlier marriage is indicated by the chronology of the family of Gérard´s known wife, which shows that his son Ramnulf could not have been born from that marriage. Comte Gérard & his first wife had one child:
a) RAMNULF [Rainulf] ([815]-killed in battle near Brissarthe Oct 866).
xx m secondly --- [MATHILDE [d%C2%B4Aquitaine]], daughter of PEPIN I King of Aquitaine [Carolingian] & his wife Ringardis.
Comte Gérard & his [first/second] wife had one child:
b) daughter . She is shown in Europäische Stammtafeln[306] as the daughter of Comte Gerard and wife of "Fulko de Limoges" but the primary source on which this is based has not been identified, nor the identify of her husband ascertained. m FOULQUES de Limoges, son of --- (-[886]).
Comte Gérard & his second wife had [one child]:
c) GERARD (-before 879). The Vita Sancti Geraldi Compendium names "Mathildem filiam Pippini Aquitaniæ regis…Geraldi aviam" and his parents "patre Geraldo Auriliaci comite…matre Adaltrude" when recording the birth of "Geraldum" in 855[307]. Comte [d%C2%B4Aurillac]. Gérard is shown in Europäische Stammtafeln[308] as the son of Comte Gérard but the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified. “Gerardus comes” exchanged “æcclesia...Rovariam...in pago Lemovicino in vicaria Flaviniacense” for “villam...in pago Biturico in vicaria Nirondense...Coiacus” with Stodilus Bishop of Limoges by charter dated 28 Jul 855[309].] m ADALTRUDE, daughter of ---. The Vita Sancti Geraldi Compendium names "Mathildem filiam Pippini Aquitaniæ regis…Geraldi aviam" and his parents "patre Geraldo Auriliaci comite…matre Adaltrude" when recording the birth of "Geraldum" in 855[310].
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