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Adalhard of Metz https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adalhard_of_Metz
Adalhard II (c. 840 – 2 Jan (?) 890) was Count of Metz and Mozelgau. He was probably the son of Adalard the Seneschal.
Biography Rule Adalard is mentioned in documents from between the years 872 and 890 as Count in Metz and Mozelgau. Also in the years 878 to 890 he is referred to as the lay abbot of Echternach. On the basis of onomastics, and because before him this monastery was owned by Adalard the Seneschal, it is assumed that Adalard II is his son.
Marriage and children His wife's name is listed as Adalarda in sources not mentioned. On the basis of onomastic data the historian Edward Glavichka believes that his wife Adalarda was the daughter of Matfrida II, count of Ayfelgau. Their children were:
ADALHARD [IV], son of [ADALHARD [III] & his wife ---] (-[2 Jan] 890). The primary source which identifies Adalhard [IV] as the son of Adalhard [III] has not yet been identified. However, the Catalogus abbatem Epternacensium names "Adelardus iunior comes" as [lay] abbot of Echternach in 878 until 890, suggesting that he may have had the same name as his father[783]. "Hludowicus…rex" confirmed a donation of property "in pago Muselahgeuui in comitatu Adalhardi villam…Berge" to Kloster Fulda by charter dated 24 Jul 880[784]. Emperor Karl III granted property "in Weitereiba in comitatu Adalhardi ad Rosbach" to Kloster Fulda by charter dated 7 Apr 884[785]. The Liber Memorialis of Remiremont records the death "IV Non Jan" of "Adellardus"[786], although it is not certain that this refers to Adalhard [IV].
Hlawitschka suggests that Adelhard [IV] married ---, [daughter of Matfried [II] & his wife ---], or daughter of Matfried's sister and that the couple were the parents of the three brothers Gebhard and Matfried Counts of Metz and Richer Bishop of Verdun[787].]
Five possible children:
No source has yet been identified which names the parents of the following five brothers. The fact that one is named Matfried suggests a close family relationship with Adalhard [IV] and his wife, assuming that she was the daughter of Matfried [II]. A descent from Adalhard [IV] is also suggested by the common use of the names Stefan and Gerhard in the two families. While the various sources quoted below establish that all five were brothers, no source has been found which indicates that they all shared the same mother (see the discussion about the possible distinction between the terms “fratres” and “germani” under Walacho, below).
[ADALHARD [IV] (-[2 Jan] 890). The primary source which identifies Adalhard [IV] as the son of Adalhard [III] has not yet been identified. However, the Catalogus abbatem Epternacensium, which names "Adelardus iunior comes" as [lay] abbot of Echternach in 878 until 890, indicates that this may be correct[100]. The Breve Chronicon Epternacense also names “Adelardus junior comes” as abbot of Echternach from 878 to 890[101]. "Hludowicus…rex" confirmed a donation of property "in pago Muselahgeuui in comitatu Adalhardi villam…Berge" to Kloster Fulda by charter dated 24 Jul 880[102]. Emperor Karl III granted property "in Weitereiba in comitatu Adalhardi ad Rosbach" to Kloster Fulda by charter dated 7 Apr 884[103]. The Liber Memorialis of Remiremont records the death "4 Non Jan" of "Adellardus"[104], although it is not certain that this refers to Adalhard [IV]. Hlawitschka suggests that Adelhard [IV] married a daughter of Matfried [II] or of Matfried's sister and that the couple were the parents of the three brothers Gebhard and Matfried Counts of Metz and Richer Bishop of Verdun[105].] http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/FRANKISH%20NOBILITY.htm#_Toc169575355
ADALHARD [IV], son of [ADALHARD [III] & his wife ---] (-[2 Jan] 890). The primary source which identifies Adalhard [IV] as the son of Adalhard [III] has not yet been identified. However, the Catalogus abbatem Epternacensium names "Adelardus iunior comes" as [lay] abbot of Echternach in 878 until 890, suggesting that he may have had the same name as his father[765]. "Hludowicus…rex" confirmed a donation of property "in pago Muselahgeuui in comitatu Adalhardi villam…Berge" to Kloster Fulda by charter dated 24 Jul 880[766]. Emperor Karl III granted property "in Weitereiba in comitatu Adalhardi ad Rosbach" to Kloster Fulda by charter dated 7 Apr 884[767]. The Liber Memorialis of Remiremont records the death "IV Non Jan" of "Adellardus"[768], although it is not certain that this refers to Adalhard [IV]. Hlawitschka suggests that Adelhard [IV] married ---, [daughter of Matfried [II] & his wife ---], or daughter of Matfried's sister and that the couple were the parents of the three brothers Gebhard and Matfried Counts of Metz and Richer Bishop of Verdun[769].]
Five possible children:
No source has yet been identified which names the parents of the following five brothers. The fact that one is named Matfried suggests a close family relationship with Adalhard [IV] and his wife, assuming that she was the daughter of Matfried [II]. A descent from Adalhard [IV] is also suggested by the common use of the names Stefan and Gerhard in the two families. While the various sources quoted below establish that all five were brothers, no source has been found which indicates that they all shared the same mother (see the discussion about the possible distinction between the terms “fratres” and “germani” under Walacho, below).
1. STEFAN (-after [900]). Comte de Chaumont: Arnulf King of Germany granted property "in pago Calmenzgouve in comitatu Stephani in locis…Granswillari et Rosieres" to "abbati Stephano" by charter dated 19 May 891[770]. Emperor Arnulf confirmed complaints by Arnaud Bishop of Toul against "comes Stephanus et Gerardus frater suus et Matfridus", on the intervention of "filii nostri Zuenzoboldi et Vikenindi ducis", by undated charter, marked as spurious in the compilation although there is no reason why the genealogical information should be considered inaccurate[771]. Graf von Bidgau: King Zwentibold donated property "in pago Piatahgeuue in comitatu Stefani comitis…Steinheim, Carescara, Oppilendorf, Bullendorf, Arenza, Maquila, Gladehch, Uffichine" to the canons of Echternach by charter dated 28 Oct 895[772]. Regino records in 896 "circa festivitatem sancti Andreæ" that "Albricus comes" [not otherwise identified], who had killed “Megingaudum”, was killed by “Stephano fratre Walonis”[773]. Regino records that in 897 "Stephanus, Odacar, Gerardus et Matfridus comites" had their honours confiscated, presumably as a result of this revenge killing, and the reconciliation of "Stephanus, Gerhardus et Matfridus" with King Zwentibold soon afterwards after the intervention of Emperor Arnulf[774]. The reconciliation was short-lived, as Regino specifies that "Zuantibold" was killed in battle "900 Id Aug" by "comitibus Stephano, Gerardo et Matfriedo circa Mosam"[775]. Ludwig IV "das Kind" King of the East Franks confirmed an exchange of property (including “locum...in regione Wetereiba nomine Salzaha”) between Kloster Fulda and "nobilis comes Stefan" with the consent of "germani sui Walohonis viri religiosi" by spurious charter dated 900[776]. The following document refers to the same transaction: “Stephan...comes” donated property “in regione Wetareibu...Salzaha...” near “Crichesfeld” to Fulda, with the consent of “germani mei Walahes”, by charter dated 900[777]. No later reference to Stefan has been found, which suggests that he died soon afterwards.
2. WALACHO [Walo] (-after [900]). He is named as brother of Stefan by Regino who records in 896 "circa festivitatem sancti Andreæ" that "Albricus comes" [not otherwise identified], who had killed “Megingaudum”, was killed by “Stephano fratre Walonis”[778]. This last phrase suggests that Walacho was in some way senior to Stefan, but the precise nature of this seniority has not been established unless it was because of Walacho’s ecclesiastical office which is unspecified by Regino. Ludwig IV "das Kind" King of Germany confirmed an exchange of property between Kloster Fulda and "nobilis comes Stefan" with the consent of "germani sui Walohonis viri religiosi" by spurious charter dated 900[779]. No later reference to Walacho has been found, which suggests that he died soon afterwards. Walacho’s precise ecclesiastical appointment (“viri religiosi”) has not been ascertained, although this office means that Walacho must have been a different person from Walacho [II] Graf im Wormsgau who is named with his comital title in sources dated between 897 and 902 (maybe 936) (see the document FRANCONIA NOBILITY). The following document refers to the same transaction: “Stephan...comes” donated property “in regione Wetareibu...Salzaha...” near “Crichesfeld” to Fulda, with the consent of “germani mei Walahes”, by charter dated 900[780]. These are the only sources quoted in the present section which describe two of the brothers as “germani” rather than “fratres”. The significance of this distinction is difficult to assess. The classical Latin term “germanus” meant a full brother born to the same parents, while “frater” could include half-brothers, although Depoin cites pre-11th century sources in which “germanus” described brothers who shared the same father but not the same mother[781]. Unfortunately, practical usage of Latin family terms in medieval times was inconsistent and it would be unwise to draw definite conclusions about doubtful cases in the absence of corroborative data[782]. Nevertheless, it is interesting to highlight the distinction between the use of the two terms in relation to Walacho and his brothers, while impossible to draw reliable conclusions about its significance.
3. GERHARD ([870/75][783]-killed in battle 22 Jun 910). The De Rebus Treverensibus sæculi VIII-X Libellus names two brothers "Gerardus et Meffridus" specifying that Gerhard married Oda, widow of King Zwentibold[784]. Regino records that in 897 "Stephanus, Odacar, Gerardus et Matfridus comites" had their honours confiscated, and the reconciliation of "Stephanus, Gerhardus et Matfridus" with King Zwentibold soon after[785]. The reconciliation was short-lived, as Regino specifies that "Zuantibold" was killed in battle "900 Id Aug" by "comitibus Stephano, Gerardo et Matfriedo circa Mosam"[786]. Regino records that "Chuonradus comes" sent "filium suum Chuonradum" against "Gerardum et fratrem eius Matfridum" in 906[787]. The Annales Laubecenses record that "Gebehardum ducem et Liutfredum" were killed in battle against the Bavarians in 910[788]. m (after 13 Aug 900) as her second husband, ODA, widow of ZWENTIBOLD King of Lotharingia [Carolingian], daughter of OTTO "des Erlauchten" Duke of Saxony & his wife Hedwig ([884][789]-[2 Jul] after 952). Regino records that "Gerhard comes" married "Odam uxorem Zuendiboldi regis" after killing her first husband in battle in 900[790]. "Otto…rex" confirmed the donation of property "in pago…Hamalant in comitatu Vuigmanni" to St Moritz at Magdeburg by "nostra amita…Uota" by charter dated 30 Dec 952[791]. Jackman speculates[792] that she married thirdly Eberhard Graf im Oberlahngau, Pfalzgraf]. Gerhard & his wife had four children:
a) WICFRID (-9 Jul 953). His parentage is confirmed by a charter dated 2 Aug 945, relating to roperty "in pago Juliacense in comitatu Godefridi comitis", subscribed by "Wichfridi archiepiscopi…fratris eius Godefridi comitis"[793]. Abbot of St Ursula at Köln. Deacon 922. Archbishop of Köln 925. Regino records in 923 the death of “Herimannus...Coloniensis episcopus” and the appointment of “Wigfridus”[794]. Flodoard records in 953 the death of “Wicfredus Coloniensis antistes” and the ordination of “Bruno frater regis Ottonis” to whom “rex Otto” also granted “regnum Lothariense”[795]. The Continuator of Regino records the death in 953 of “Wigfridus Coloniensis ecclesiæ archiepiscopus” and the appointment of “Brun frater regis”[796]. Archchancellor 950. The Annales Colonienses record the death in 953 of "Wicfridus archiepiscopus" and the succession of "Bruno"[797]. The Kalendarium of Köln Cathedral records the death “VII Id Jul” of “Wifridus archiepiscopus”[798].
b) UDA (-after 18 May 963). The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. A charter dated 943 refers to "Gozlines…miles…ex nobilissimis regni Chlotarii ducens prosapia" (the wording implying that he was then deceased) and the donation by "uxor eius Uda et filius eius…Regingerus" to St Maximin at Trier of property "Hunzelinesdorph", subscribed by "Ogonis abbatis, Friderici, Gisilberti, Sigeberti fratrum predicti Gozlini"[799]. "Otto…rex" confirmed a donation of property "Dauantri in pago…Hamalant in comitatu Wichmanni comitis…" inherited by "Uda nostra nepta" by charter dated 28 Aug 960[800]. "Uda…comitissa" donated property "in pago Rizzigowi cui Egylolfus comes" to St Maximin at Trier "pro remedio…seniorique mei Gozlini necnon filiorum meorum Henrici…et Reginheri, Godefridi quoque et Adalberonis" by charter dated 18 May 963 witnessed by "Sigefrido comite, Richwino comite"[801]. m GOZLIN [Gozelon] Comte, son of WIGERICH [III] Graf im Bidgau & his wife Cunegundis --- ([before 915]-[12 Oct 942/16 Feb 943][802] [19 Oct 942]).
c) daughter. The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. m ---, a Bavarian.
d) GOTTFRIED ([905/10]-26 Mar after 949). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. his birth date range is estimated from the likely marriage date of his parents and the date his father died. Property "in pago Juliacense in comitatu Godefridi comitis" is referred to in a charter dated 2 Aug 945, signed by "Wichfridi archiepiscopi…fratris eius Godefridi comitis"[803]. "Otto…rex" confirmed the possession of Süsteren abbey for Kloster Prüm by charter dated 1 Jun 949, which names "Wicfridus episcopus…Godefridus comes…"[804]. Graf im Jülichgau. The Liber Memorialis of Remiremont records the death "4 Kal Apr" of "Godefridus comes"[805]. m (before [934]%29 ERMENTRUDE, daughter of ---. The Liber Memorialis of Remiremont: lists (1) "Dumnus Gislibertus dux…Dumna Girberga, Ainricus, Haduidis…", which is followed by (2) "Gottefridus comes cum infantibus…suis, Ermentridis comitissa"[806], and (3) "Gotefridus, Ermendrudis, Gotefridus, Gebardus, Gerardus, Adelardus, Girberga" assumed to be Gottfried, his wife, four sons and daughter[807]. , and (4) "…Caroli imperatoris…Hludowici imperatoris, Hlotarii, Caroli, Ermentrudis"[808], which may represent an abbreviated attempt to set out the ancestry of Ermentrude wife of Graf Gottfried. Hlawitschka suggests[809] that Ermentrude was Ermentrude of the Franks, daughter of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks & his first wife Frederuna. He appears to base this on another name list in the Liber Memorialis naming the Carolingian kings and emperors (in order) "…Caroli imperatoris…Hludowici imperatoris, Hlotarii, Caroli, Ermentrudis"[810], suggesting that this represents an abbreviated attempt to set out the ancestry of Ermentrude wife of Graf Gottfried. However, the connection between entries (1) to (3) and entry (4) appears to be speculation. Gottfried & his wife had five children:
i) GOTTFRIED (-in Italy 964). The Vita Adelheidis refers to the four brothers of "Gerbirg…filia ducis Godefridi", of whom "unus paterno nominee...obiit [sine] legitimæ uxoris et liberorum…alter …attavus fuit Henrici nuper defuncti imperatoris [Heinrich III]", the remaining two being ancestors of German nobles[811]. He died of fever in Italy. "Otto…imperator augustus" gave property in Villers-Ghislain to the abbey of St Ghislain "pro remedio…quondam…ducis nostri Godefridi" on the request of Bruno archbishop of Köln and "Richarius comes" by charter dated 2 Jun 965[812].
ii) GERBERGA (after 934-[995]). The Vita Adelheidis names "Gerbirg…filia ducis Godefridi" as wife of "Megengoz"[813]. The Memorial of "Megendaudus…Gerbirga marito" also names "Irmendrudis", recording that she was born with them, presumably indicating that she was their daughter, with the name "Adelheidis abbatissa" recorded at the end of the passage out of context[814]. m MEGINGOZ, son of --- (-14 Jan [998]).
iii) GEBHARD . The Liber Memorialis of Remiremont in [930s/940s] names (in order) "Gotefridus, Ermendrudis, Gotefridus, Gebardus, Gerardus, Adelardus, Girberga" assumed to be Gottfried, his wife, four sons and daughter[815].
iv) GERHARD ([930/35][816]-after 963). The Liber Memorialis of Remiremont in [930s/940s] names (in order) "Gotefridus, Ermendrudis, Gotefridus, Gebardus, Gerardus, Adelardus, Girberga" assumed to be Gottfried, his wife, four sons and daughter540. Graf von Metz 963. The Vita Adelheidis refers to the four brothers of "Gerbirg…filia ducis Godefridi", of whom "unus paterno nominee...obiit [sine] legitimæ uxoris et liberorum…alter …attavus fuit Henrici nuper defuncti imperatoris [Heinrich III]", the remaining two being ancestors of German nobles[817].
- see below.
v) ADELARD . The Liber Memorialis of Remiremont in [930s/940s] names (in order) "Gotefridus, Ermendrudis, Gotefridus, Gebardus, Gerardus, Adelardus, Girberga" assumed to be Gottfried, his wife, four sons and daughter540.
4. MATFRIED (-19 Aug [930]). The De Rebus Treverensibus sæculi VIII-X Libellus names two brothers "Gerardus et Meffridus"[818]. Regino records that in 897 "Stephanus, Odacar, Gerardus et Matfridus comites" had their honours confiscated, and the reconciliation of "Stephanus, Gerhardus et Matfridus" with King Zwentibold soon after[819]. The reconciliation was short-lived, as Regino specifies that "Zuantibold" was killed in battle "900 Id Aug" by "comitibus Stephano, Gerardo et Matfriedo circa Mosam"[820]. Graf [von Metz]. Regino records that "Chuonradus comes" sent "filium suum Chuonradum" against "Gerardum et fratrem eius Matfridum" in 906[821]. Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks restored Kloster Susteren to the abbey of Prüm by charter dated 19 Jan 916 which names "fidelium nostrorum…Widricus comes palatii, Richuuinus comes, Gislebertus, Matfridus, Beringerius comites, Theodericus comes, Reinherus comes, Erleboldus"[822]. A document dated 7 Nov 921 recording a meeting between Charles III "le Simple" King of France and Heinrich I King of Germany names "Matfredus, Erkengerus, Hagano, Boso, Waltherus, Isaac, Ragenberus, Theodricus, Adalardus, Adelelmus" as representatives of the former[823]. "Bernacrus…et uxor mea Eva necnon et filia nostra Albuera" donated property "Radinga in pago Metensi in comitatu Matfridi" to St Maximin, supported by "Giselbertum comitem…atque abbatis", by charter dated 926[824]. The Liber Memorialis of Remiremont records the death "XIV Kal Sep" of "Matfridus"[825]. m LANTSIND, daughter of RADALD & his wife Rotrud --- (-7 Mar
a) ADALBERT (-killed in battle 27 Jan or 10 Feb 944). The Vita of Johannes von Gorze names "[Adelbert] cum fratris Bernuini Virdunensis episcopi"[830]. Regino records that "Adalbertus comes filius Matfridi" was killed in 944 by "Uodone"[831]. Graf [von Metz]. m as her first husband, LIUTGARDE, daughter of WIGERICH [III] Graf im Bidgau & his wife Cunegundis --- (-after 4 Aug 960). "Liutgardis" donated property "in comitatu Nithegowe cui Godefridus comes" inherited from "parentibus meis Wigerico et Cunegunda" to St Maximin at Trier "pro remedio…parentum meorum, seniorum quoque meorum Alberti et Everhardi vel filiorum meorum" by charter dated 8 Apr 960[832]. A more precise indication of the parentage of Liutgarde's two husbands has not yet been identified. She married secondly [Eberhard [IV] Graf im Nordgau] [Egisheim]. Eberhard [IV] Graf im Nordgau is shown as Liutgarde's second husband in Poull[833] and Europäische Stammtafeln[834]. Rösch[835] is more cautious, referring to Liutgarde's second husband as "Eberhard" without citing his origin. Wegener[836] assumes that the wording of the 960 charter means that "Alberti et Everhardi" were Liutgard's successive husbands and that both were deceased at the date of the charter, although this is not necessarily the only interpretation of the text. He argues that Liutgarde's second husband could not therefore have been Eberhard [IV] Graf im Nordgau, who died in [972/73], and suggests that "Eberhard" was Eberhard Duke of Bavaria [Liutpoldinger]. However, as the last reference to Duke Eberhard is in 938, this would mean that he was Luitgarde's first husband, which appears unlikely if the order of the names of her two husbands in the charter was chronological. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines provides some interesting corroboration for Liutgarde's marriage to Graf Eberhard [IV] by recording "comes Hugo de Daburg, pater sancti Leonis pape" as "consobrinus" of "imperator Conradus"[837]. If Liutgarde's two marriages were as shown here, Hugo [IX] Graf von Egisheim was second cousin once removed of Emperor Konrad, the emperor being the great-grandson of Liutgarde by her first marriage, and Hugo her grandson by her first marriage. Adalbert & his wife had two children:
i) MATFRIED (before 944-). The Notitiæ Altorfenses names "Mefridus, patruus prefatorum dominorum" (referring to "comitis Eberhardi sive comitis Hugonis vel istorum fratrum Gerhardi et Maffridi") in relation to a donation he made to Metz St Etienne[838]. These four brothers were the sons of Hugo [V] "Raucus" Graf im Nordgau [Egisheim], who was the son of Luitgarde [Wigeriche] and her second husband Eberhard Graf im Nordgau. The relationship "patruus" referred to above is therefore consistent with Matfried having been paternal uncle of the brothers, uterine half-brother of their father. No other primary source which confirms his parentage has yet been identified. 960. m ---, [relative of Wicfrid Bishop of Verdun].
ii) [LIUTGARDE . Thierry Stasser suggests that the wife of Robert [I] Comte de Namur may have been [Liutgarde], daughter of Adalbert Graf [von Metz], emphasising that this purely speculative based only on onomastics[839]. m ROBERT [I] Comte de Namur, son of ---.]
b) BERNOIN (-939). The Vita of Johannes von Gorze names "[Adelbert] cum fratris Bernuini Virdunensis episcopi"[840]. Flodoard names "Bernuino, Dadonis episcopi nepoti"[841], referring to Bernoin's maternal uncle as explained above. Bishop of Verdun 928. The Annales Sancti Vitoni Virdunensis record the death in 920 of “Dado episcopus Virdunensis” and the succession of “Bernoynus”[842]. The Annales Sancti Vitoni Virdunensis record the death in 941 of “Bernoinus episcopus Virdunensis” and the succession of “Berengarius Ottonis imperatoris consanguineus”[843].
c) daughter . The Vita of Johannes von Gorze names "cognatus ipsius [Adalberti]…Lantberti, nam eius sororem habebat"[844]. m LAMBERT, son of ---.
5. RICHER (-23 Jul 945, bur Liège Saint-Pierre). Abbot of Prüm [892]: Regino records the death in 892 of “Farabertus abba Prumensis cœnobii” and the election of "Richarium, fratrem Gerhardi et Mathfridi" as his successor[845]. Bishop of Liège [920]. The Gesta Episcoporum Leodiensis records that “Richario” was appointed bishop of Liège in succession to Stefan[846]. Sigebert's Chronica records in 921 that, after the death of "Stephano Leodicensium episcopo", “Richarius” was ordained bishop “a Karolo per auctoritatem papæ Romani”, rejecting “Hilduino qui pecunia data duci Gisleberto ambiebat ab eo sibi dari episcopatum”[847]. The Aegidii Aurævallensis Gesta Episcoporum Leodiensium records the succession of “Richarius...abbas Prumiensis et Stabulensis a rege Francorum Karolo Simplico electus per auctoritatem pape Iohannis...decimi”[848]. The Annales Lobienses record the death in 920 of "Stephanus episcopus Leodicensium" and the dispute between "Hilduinum et Richarium" over which should succeed, Hilduin being supported by "Gisleberti ducis" and Richer by "Karolus" as well as the Pope, and record the election of "Richarius" in 922[849]. The Annales Stabulenses record the death in 945 of "Richeri episcopi"[850]. The Annales Lobienses record the death in 945 of "Richarius Leodicensium episcopus" and the succession of "Uhogo"[851]. The Aegidii Aurævallensis Gesta Episcoporum Leodiensium records the death “X Kal Aug” 945 of “Richarius” after holding office for 24 years and his burial “in ecclesia sancti Petri”[852]. The Liber Memorialis of Remiremont records the death "X Kal Aug" of "Richerus episcopus"[853]. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/LOTHARINGIAN%20(UPPER)%20NOBILITY.h...
840 |
Metz, Moselle, Grand Est, France
872 |
875 |
Luttich, Germany
890 |
January 2, 890
Age 50
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