Immediate Family
About Adalbert II, king of Italy
NOT the same person as Oberto II, Conte di Luni etc. DO NOT CONFUSE OR MERGE THEM!
Adalbert II, son of King of Italy Berengar II and Willa, was certainly married to someone named Gerberga, whose mother was Adélaïde [perhaps de Bourgogne], and who may or may not have been the daughter of Lambert the Count of Chalon. Gerberga's second husband was Henri, Duke of Burgundy of the House of Capet. Any other marriages or relationships are unproven.
Adalbert and Gerberga had one and perhaps two children:
- Guglielmo d´Ivrea ([960/62]-Dijon 21 Sep 1026), alias Othon-Guillaume, Comte de Macon jure uxoris
- possibly, a daughter Williberga, who m LIUTOLD Graf im Sundgau, son of KONRAD Duke of Swabia
Charles Cawley's Medieval Lands Database:
1. ADALBERTO d´Ivrea ([932/936]-Autun [30 Apr 971[546] or [972/75]]). Liudprand names "Adalbertus" as son of "Berengarius"[547]. His father installed him in 951 as ADALBERTO associate-King of Italy. When Otto I King of Germany invaded Italy in 962, Adalberto retreated with his brother Guido to fortresses near Lakes Como and Garda. Conspiring with Pope John XII, he entered Rome in Oct 963 but was put to flight by Emperor Otto in the following month, along with Pope John whom Otto deposed for his betrayal. Adalberto wandered the Mediterranean for three years unsuccessfully attempting to find support, and eventually retired to lands in the valley of the Saône
m (before [960/62]%29 as her first husband, GERBERGE, daughter of [LAMBERT Comte de Chalon] & his [first wife ---] or [second] wife Adelais --- [or daughter of Adelais by a possible first marriage] ([945/47]-11 Dec [987/991]). Her name and two marriages are confirmed by the Chronicle of Saint-Bénigne, interpolated into the Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines, which names "Guilelmum Ottonem et eius matrem Gerbergam" when recording that her son was adopted by his mother's second husband "dux Burgundie Henricus"[548]. Her birth date is estimated from the estimated birth date of her son by her first marriage in [960/62]. Her family origin is indicated by the Gesta pontificum Autissiodorensium which, in recording Hugues de Chalon Bishop of Auxerre, notes that “Henrici ducis” [Henri Duke of Burgundy, Gerberge’s second husband] married “ejus germanam”[549]. Follow her hyperlink for discussion about her possible parentage. She married ([973]) secondly, as his first wife, Henri Duke of Burgundy [Capet]. “Roclenus Nevernicæ sedis...præsul” donated “altare...in provincia Nevernensium...[et] in villa Guarigniaci” to Nevers Saint-Cyr by charter dated Apr 986, subscribed by “...Henricus Burgundiæ dux...Guillelmus comes...Girberga comitissa, Landricus gloriosus miles...”[550]. The necrology of Auxerre cathedral records the death 11 Dec of "Gerberga comitissa uxor Henrici ducis"[551].
Adalberto & his wife had [two] children:
- a) GUGLIELMO d´Ivrea ([960/62]-Dijon 21 Sep 1026). .. ... ..He adopted the name OTHON-GUILLAUME. He succeeded as OTHON [I] Comte de Mâcon, by right of his first wife. .. ...
- b) [WILLIBIRG. .. ... .... m LIUTOLD Graf im Sundgau, son of KONRAD Duke of Swabia [Konradiner] & his wife Richlint of Germany.]
Adalberto II d'Ivrea
Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adalberto_II_d'Ivrea
Adalberto II d'Ivrea o Adalberto d'Italia (931 – Autun, 975) fu il sesto marchese d'Ivrea e re d'Italia, con il padre Berengario II, dal 950 al 962 (dal 951 in contrapposizione al re di Germania, Ottone I).
Tra il 958 ed il 959 sposò Gerberga di Châlon (?-986), figlia del conte di Châlon e d'Autun Lamberto.
Adalberto da Gerberga ebbe cinque figli: 1) Ottone Guglielmo (962-1026), (primo conte palatino di Borgogna) 2) Gisella (?-1020), sposata nel 983 al marchese Anselmo I del Monferrato 3) Arduino (?-† 1015) 4) Gilberto (?-† 1030) 5) Amedeo (?-?)
Adalbert (c. 932 – c. 975) was the king of Italy from 950 to 963. He was the son of the Margrave Berengar of Ivrea and Willa.
On 15 December 950, both he and his father were crowned kings of Italy after the death of Lothair II. His father tried to force Adelaide, widow of the late Lothair, to marry Adalbert and cement their claim to the kingship. When she refused and fled, she was tracked down and imprisoned for four months at Como.
In 951, King Otto I of Germany invaded Italy and rescued Adelaide, marrying her himself. He forced Berengar and Adalbert to do homage to him for their kingdom in 952. In 953, Adalbert began besieging Count Adalbert Azzo of Canossa, in his Canossan castle, where Adelaide had taken refuge two years prior. In 957, Liudolf, Duke of Swabia, invaded Lombardy and caused Berenagar to flee, though Adalbert gathered a large force at Verona. He was defeated, but Liudolf died prematurely and his army left.
In 960, he joined his father in attacking the pope, John XII. Otto came down at the pope's call and defeated the two co-kings and was crowned Emperor. Adalbert fled to Fraxinet, then under the Saracens. From there he fled to Corsica. When he returned, he tried to take Pavia, the Italian capital, but was defeated by another invading Swabian army, this time under Burchard III. Only the interference of his brothers Conrad and Guy, who died fighting, saved him to fight another day, which he never did. His negotiations with the Byzantine Empire fell through and he retired with his wife Gerberga to Burgundy, where he died at Autun sometime between 971 and 975. His widow married Otto-Henry, Duke of Burgundy, and his son, Otto-William, inherited through his stepfather the county of Burgundy and is thus the forefather of the Free Counts and the Hohenstaufen emperors.
The family of Adalbert d'ITALIE and Gerberge de MÂCON [133809] ITALIE (d'), Adalbert (Bérenger II & Willa d'ARLES [133836]), vice-roi d'Italie
- married about 955 MÂCON (de), Gerberge (Létald Ier & ..) 1) Othon-Guillaume, comte de Bourgogne, Nevers, Mâcon, Beaune et Oscheret, married about 975 Ermentrude de REIMS et COUCY
Bibliographie : Le Sang de Charlemagne; Histoire de la maison royale de France (Père Anselme)
Adalbert, King of Italy (1) M, #162379, d. circa 972 Last Edited=11 Sep 2005 Consanguinity Index=0.1%
Adalbert, King of Italy was the son of Berengar II d'Ivrea, King of Italy and Willa di Toscana. (1) He died circa 972. (1)
Adalbert, King of Italy succeeded to the title of King Adalbert of Italy in 950. (1) He was deposed as King of Italy in 963. (1)
Adalbert (c. 932–c. 975) was the king of Italy from 950 to 963. He was the son of the Margrave Berengar of Ivrea and Willa.
On 15 December 950, both he and his father were crowned kings of Italy after the death of Lothair II. His father forced Adelaide, widow of the late Lothair, to marry Adalbert and cement their claim to the kingship.
In 951, King Otto I of Germany invaded Italy and rescued Adelaide, marrying her himself. He forced Berengar and Adalbert to do homage to him for their kingdom in 952. In 953, Adalbert began besieged Azzo, count of Modena, Reggio, and Canossa in his Canossan castle, where Adelaide had taken refuge two years prior. In 957, Liudolf, Duke of Swabia, invaded Lombardy and caused Berenagar to flee, though Adalbert gathered a large force at Verona. He was defeated, but Liudolf died prematurely and his army left.
In 960, he joined his father in attacking the pope, John XII. Otto came down at the pope's call and defeated the two co-kings and was crowned Emperor. Adalbert fled to Fraxinet, then under the Saracens. From there he fled to Corsica. When he returned, he tried to take Pavia, the Italian capital, but was defeated by another invading Swabian army, this time under Burchard III. Only the interference of his brothers Conrad and Guy, who died fighting, saved him to fight another day, which he never did. His negotiations with the Byzantine Empire fell through and he retired with his wife Gerberga to Burgundy, where he died at Autun sometime between 971 and 975. His widow married Otto-Henry, Duke of Burgundy, and his son, Otto-William, inherited through his stepfather the county of Burgundy and is thus the forefather of the Free Counts and the Hohenstaufen emperors.
Wikipedia: Adalbert II. (* wohl 936; † 30. April 971 in Autun) aus dem Haus Burgund-Ivrea war der älteste Sohn des Königs Berengar II. von Italien und der Willa von Tuszien. Er wird zu den Nationalkönigen gezählt.
Er wurde Markgraf von Ivrea und war ab 950 bis zum Sturz seines Vaters 961 Mitkönig in Italien. In dieser Zeit, vor 956, heiratete er Gerberga von Mâcon, † 11. Dezember 986/991, Tochter des Otto (Othon) und Erbin von Mâcon. Ihre Kinder waren:
- * Otto Wilhelm (* wohl 958/959; † 21. September 1026), 982 Graf von Mâcon und Graf von Nevers, 995 Graf von Burgund
- * Gisela; ∞ um 983 Anselm I., Markgraf von Montferrat; † wohl 1020
- * Harduin, † 1015, Markgraf von Ivrea
- * Wibert, † 1030, Markgraf von Ivrea
- * Amadeus
Gerberga heiratete in zweiter Ehe um 972 Heinrich I. den Großen (Henri I le Grand), Graf von Nevers, Herzog von Niederburgund (Robertiner), der seinen Stiefsohn Otto Wilhelm adoptierte.
King of Italy
Adalbert (c. 932 – c. 975) was the king of Italy from 950 to 963. He was the son of the Margrave Berengar of Ivrea and Willa.
On 15 December 950, both he and his father were crowned kings of Italy after the death of Lothair II. His father forced Adelaide, widow of the late Lothair, to marry Adalbert and cement their claim to the kingship.
In 951, King Otto I of Germany invaded Italy and rescued Adelaide, marrying her himself. He forced Berengar and Adalbert to do homage to him for their kingdom in 952. In 953, Adalbert began besieging Count Adalbert Azzo of Canossa, in his Canossan castle, where Adelaide had taken refuge two years prior. In 957, Liudolf, Duke of Swabia, invaded Lombardy and caused Berenagar to flee, though Adalbert gathered a large force at Verona. He was defeated, but Liudolf died prematurely and his army left.
In 960, he joined his father in attacking the pope, John XII. Otto came down at the pope's call and defeated the two co-kings and was crowned Emperor. Adalbert fled to Fraxinet, then under the Saracens. From there he fled to Corsica. When he returned, he tried to take Pavia, the Italian capital, but was defeated by another invading Swabian army, this time under Burchard III. Only the interference of his brothers Conrad and Guy, who died fighting, saved him to fight another day, which he never did. His negotiations with the Byzantine Empire fell through and he retired with his wife Gerberga to Burgundy, where he died at Autun sometime between 971 and 975. His widow married Otto-Henry, Duke of Burgundy, and his son, Otto-William, inherited through his stepfather the county of Burgundy and is thus the forefather of the Free Counts and the Hohenstaufen emperors.
Royal Titles: King of Italy, Marquis of Ivrea
From http://www.rpi.edu/~holmes/Hobbies/Genealogy/ps06/ps06_018.htm
Italian ADALBERTO, Lombard king of Italy who shared the throne for 11 years with his father, Berengar II, and after Berengar's exile continued his father's struggle against the German king and Holy Roman emperor Otto I.
Adalbert joined his father in 946-947 in fighting the co-kings of Italy, Hugh of Provence and his son Lothair. After Lothair's death in 950, Adalbert was crowned with Berengar at Pavia. When Lothair's widow, Adelaide, refused to marry Adalbert and Berengar imprisoned her, Otto I marched into Italy in 951 to rescue and marry her. After Otto's return to Germany, Berengar and Adalbert resumed the throne and in August 952 swore homage to Otto.
In 956 Otto sent his son Liudolf against Berengar and Adalbert, but, when Liudolf died of malaria after a temporary victory, the co-kings continued to rule. When Otto again invaded Italy and was crowned emperor (962) by the pope, Adalbert fled to Provence.
Returning to Italy in the autumn of 963, Adalbert was summoned to Rome by Pope John XII, who had quarreled with Otto and now offered his support to Adalbert. Adalbert and the pope fled when Otto marched on Rome, installing a new pope, Leo VIII. With Otto back in Germany, Adalbert assumed the throne again. In 965 an army sent by Otto drove Adalbert from Pavia; the following autumn Otto inflicted a final crushing defeat on him and his supporters.
{Lillian Etters gives his dates from the Stammtaflin as 936 - 04-30-971, and states he was marggrave of Ivrea.}
References: [ES],[WallopFH],[RFC]
Adalbert (c. 932–c. 975) was the king of Italy from 950 to 963. He was the son of the Margrave Berengar of Ivrea and Willa.
On 15 December 950, both he and his father were crowned kings of Italy after the death of Lothair II. His father forced Adelaide, widow of the late Lothair, to marry Adalbert and cement their claim to the kingship.
In 951, King Otto I of Germany invaded Italy and rescued Adelaide, marrying her himself. He forced Berengar and Adalbert to do homage to him for their kingdom in 952. In 953, Adalbert began besieged Azzo, count of Modena, Reggio, and Canossa in his Canossan castle, where Adelaide had taken refuge two years prior. In 957, Liudolf, Duke of Swabia, invaded Lombardy and caused Berenagar to flee, though Adalbert gathered a large force at Verona. He was defeated, but Liudolf died prematurely and his army left.
In 960, he joined his father in attacking the pope, John XII. Otto came down at the pope's call and defeated the two co-kings and was crowned Emperor. Adalbert fled to Fraxinet, then under the Saracens. From there he fled to Corsica. When he returned, he tried to take Pavia, the Italian capital, but was defeated by another invading Swabian army, this time under Burchard III. Only the interference of his brothers Conrad and Guy, who died fighting, saved him to fight another day, which he never did. His negotiations with the Byzantine Empire fell through and he retired with his wife Gerberga to Burgundy, where he died at Autun sometime between 971 and 975. His widow married Otto-Henry, Duke of Burgundy, and his son, Otto-William, inherited through his stepfather the county of Burgundy and is thus the forefather of the Free Counts and the Hohenstaufen emperors
Adalberto II d'Ivrea Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adalberto_II_d'Ivrea
Adalberto II d'Ivrea o Adalberto d'Italia (931 – Autun, 975) fu il sesto marchese d'Ivrea e re d'Italia, con il padre Berengario II, dal 950 al 962 (dal 951 in contrapposizione al re di Germania, Ottone I).
Tra il 958 ed il 959 sposò Gerberga di Châlon (?-986), figlia del conte di Châlon e d'Autun Lamberto.
Adalberto da Gerberga ebbe cinque figli: 1) Ottone Guglielmo (962-1026), (primo conte palatino di Borgogna) 2) Gisella (?-1020), sposata nel 983 al marchese Anselmo I del Monferrato 3) Arduino (?-† 1015) 4) Gilberto (?-† 1030) 5) Amedeo (?-?) ---------- Adalbert (c. 932 – c. 975) was the king of Italy from 950 to 963. He was the son of the Margrave Berengar of Ivrea and Willa.
On 15 December 950, both he and his father were crowned kings of Italy after the death of Lothair II. His father tried to force Adelaide, widow of the late Lothair, to marry Adalbert and cement their claim to the kingship. When she refused and fled, she was tracked down and imprisoned for four months at Como.
In 951, King Otto I of Germany invaded Italy and rescued Adelaide, marrying her himself. He forced Berengar and Adalbert to do homage to him for their kingdom in 952. In 953, Adalbert began besieging Count Adalbert Azzo of Canossa, in his Canossan castle, where Adelaide had taken refuge two years prior. In 957, Liudolf, Duke of Swabia, invaded Lombardy and caused Berenagar to flee, though Adalbert gathered a large force at Verona. He was defeated, but Liudolf died prematurely and his army left.
In 960, he joined his father in attacking the pope, John XII. Otto came down at the pope's call and defeated the two co-kings and was crowned Emperor. Adalbert fled to Fraxinet, then under the Saracens. From there he fled to Corsica. When he returned, he tried to take Pavia, the Italian capital, but was defeated by another invading Swabian army, this time under Burchard III. Only the interference of his brothers Conrad and Guy, who died fighting, saved him to fight another day, which he never did. His negotiations with the Byzantine Empire fell through and he retired with his wife Gerberga to Burgundy, where he died at Autun sometime between 971 and 975. His widow married Otto-Henry, Duke of Burgundy, and his son, Otto-William, inherited through his stepfather the county of Burgundy and is thus the forefather of the Free Counts and the Hohenstaufen emperors. -------------------- The family of Adalbert d'ITALIE and Gerberge de MÂCON [133809] ITALIE (d'), Adalbert (Bérenger II & Willa d'ARLES [133836]), vice-roi d'Italie
married about 955 MÂCON (de), Gerberge (Létald Ier & ..) 1) Othon-Guillaume, comte de Bourgogne, Nevers, Mâcon, Beaune et Oscheret, married about 975 Ermentrude de REIMS et COUCY
Bibliographie : Le Sang de Charlemagne; Histoire de la maison royale de France (Père Anselme)
http://www.francogene.com/quebec--genealogy/133/133809.php -------------------- Adalbert, King of Italy (1) M, #162379, d. circa 972 Last Edited=11 Sep 2005 Consanguinity Index=0.1%
Adalbert, King of Italy was the son of Berengar II d'Ivrea, King of Italy and Willa di Toscana. (1) He died circa 972. (1)
Adalbert, King of Italy succeeded to the title of King Adalbert of Italy in 950. (1) He was deposed as King of Italy in 963. (1) Forrás / Source: http://www.thepeerage.com/p16238.htm#i162379
Adalbert (c. 932–c. 975) was the king of Italy from 950 to 963. He was the son of the Margrave Berengar of Ivrea and Willa.
On 15 December 950, both he and his father were crowned kings of Italy after the death of Lothair II. His father forced Adelaide, widow of the late Lothair, to marry Adalbert and cement their claim to the kingship.
In 951, King Otto I of Germany invaded Italy and rescued Adelaide, marrying her himself. He forced Berengar and Adalbert to do homage to him for their kingdom in 952. In 953, Adalbert began besieged Azzo, count of Modena, Reggio, and Canossa in his Canossan castle, where Adelaide had taken refuge two years prior. In 957, Liudolf, Duke of Swabia, invaded Lombardy and caused Berenagar to flee, though Adalbert gathered a large force at Verona. He was defeated, but Liudolf died prematurely and his army left.
In 960, he joined his father in attacking the pope, John XII. Otto came down at the pope's call and defeated the two co-kings and was crowned Emperor. Adalbert fled to Fraxinet, then under the Saracens. From there he fled to Corsica. When he returned, he tried to take Pavia, the Italian capital, but was defeated by another invading Swabian army, this time under Burchard III. Only the interference of his brothers Conrad and Guy, who died fighting, saved him to fight another day, which he never did. His negotiations with the Byzantine Empire fell through and he retired with his wife Gerberga to Burgundy, where he died at Autun sometime between 971 and 975. His widow married Otto-Henry, Duke of Burgundy, and his son, Otto-William, inherited through his stepfather the county of Burgundy and is thus the forefather of the Free Counts and the Hohenstaufen emperors. -------------------- Wikipedia: Adalbert II. (* wohl 936; † 30. April 971 in Autun) aus dem Haus Burgund-Ivrea war der älteste Sohn des Königs Berengar II. von Italien und der Willa von Tuszien. Er wird zu den Nationalkönigen gezählt.
Er wurde Markgraf von Ivrea und war ab 950 bis zum Sturz seines Vaters 961 Mitkönig in Italien. In dieser Zeit, vor 956, heiratete er Gerberga von Mâcon, † 11. Dezember 986/991, Tochter des Otto (Othon) und Erbin von Mâcon. Ihre Kinder waren:
- Otto Wilhelm (* wohl 958/959; † 21. September 1026), 982 Graf von Mâcon und Graf von Nevers, 995 Graf von Burgund * Gisela; ∞ um 983 Anselm I., Markgraf von Montferrat; † wohl 1020 * Harduin, † 1015, Markgraf von Ivrea * Wibert, † 1030, Markgraf von Ivrea * Amadeus Gerberga heiratete in zweiter Ehe um 972 Heinrich I. den Großen (Henri I le Grand), Graf von Nevers, Herzog von Niederburgund (Robertiner), der seinen Stiefsohn Otto Wilhelm adoptierte. -------------------- King of Italy -------------------- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adalbert_of_Ivrea -------------------- Adalbert (c. 932 – c. 975) was the king of Italy from 950 to 963. He was the son of the Margrave Berengar of Ivrea and Willa.
On 15 December 950, both he and his father were crowned kings of Italy after the death of Lothair II. His father forced Adelaide, widow of the late Lothair, to marry Adalbert and cement their claim to the kingship.
In 951, King Otto I of Germany invaded Italy and rescued Adelaide, marrying her himself. He forced Berengar and Adalbert to do homage to him for their kingdom in 952. In 953, Adalbert began besieging Count Adalbert Azzo of Canossa, in his Canossan castle, where Adelaide had taken refuge two years prior. In 957, Liudolf, Duke of Swabia, invaded Lombardy and caused Berenagar to flee, though Adalbert gathered a large force at Verona. He was defeated, but Liudolf died prematurely and his army left.
In 960, he joined his father in attacking the pope, John XII. Otto came down at the pope's call and defeated the two co-kings and was crowned Emperor. Adalbert fled to Fraxinet, then under the Saracens. From there he fled to Corsica. When he returned, he tried to take Pavia, the Italian capital, but was defeated by another invading Swabian army, this time under Burchard III. Only the interference of his brothers Conrad and Guy, who died fighting, saved him to fight another day, which he never did. His negotiations with the Byzantine Empire fell through and he retired with his wife Gerberga to Burgundy, where he died at Autun sometime between 971 and 975. His widow married Otto-Henry, Duke of Burgundy, and his son, Otto-William, inherited through his stepfather the county of Burgundy and is thus the forefather of the Free Counts and the Hohenstaufen emperors. -------------------- Royal Titles: King of Italy, Marquis of Ivrea -------------------- From http://www.rpi.edu/~holmes/Hobbies/Genealogy/ps06/ps06_018.htm
Italian ADALBERTO, Lombard king of Italy who shared the throne for 11 years with his father, Berengar II, and after Berengar's exile continued his father's struggle against the German king and Holy Roman emperor Otto I.
Adalbert joined his father in 946-947 in fighting the co-kings of Italy, Hugh of Provence and his son Lothair. After Lothair's death in 950, Adalbert was crowned with Berengar at Pavia. When Lothair's widow, Adelaide, refused to marry Adalbert and Berengar imprisoned her, Otto I marched into Italy in 951 to rescue and marry her. After Otto's return to Germany, Berengar and Adalbert resumed the throne and in August 952 swore homage to Otto.
In 956 Otto sent his son Liudolf against Berengar and Adalbert, but, when Liudolf died of malaria after a temporary victory, the co-kings continued to rule. When Otto again invaded Italy and was crowned emperor (962) by the pope, Adalbert fled to Provence.
Returning to Italy in the autumn of 963, Adalbert was summoned to Rome by Pope John XII, who had quarreled with Otto and now offered his support to Adalbert. Adalbert and the pope fled when Otto marched on Rome, installing a new pope, Leo VIII. With Otto back in Germany, Adalbert assumed the throne again. In 965 an army sent by Otto drove Adalbert from Pavia; the following autumn Otto inflicted a final crushing defeat on him and his supporters.
{Lillian Etters gives his dates from the Stammtaflin as 936 - 04-30-971, and states he was marggrave of Ivrea.}
Adalbert (c. 932–c. 975) was the king of Italy from 950 to 963. He was the son of the Margrave Berengar of Ivrea and Willa.
On 15 December 950, both he and his father were crowned kings of Italy after the death of Lothair II. His father forced Adelaide, widow of the late Lothair, to marry Adalbert and cement their claim to the kingship.
In 951, King Otto I of Germany invaded Italy and rescued Adelaide, marrying her himself. He forced Berengar and Adalbert to do homage to him for their kingdom in 952. In 953, Adalbert began besieged Azzo, count of Modena, Reggio, and Canossa in his Canossan castle, where Adelaide had taken refuge two years prior. In 957, Liudolf, Duke of Swabia, invaded Lombardy and caused Berenagar to flee, though Adalbert gathered a large force at Verona. He was defeated, but Liudolf died prematurely and his army left.
In 960, he joined his father in attacking the pope, John XII. Otto came down at the pope's call and defeated the two co-kings and was crowned Emperor. Adalbert fled to Fraxinet, then under the Saracens. From there he fled to Corsica. When he returned, he tried to take Pavia, the Italian capital, but was defeated by another invading Swabian army, this time under Burchard III. Only the interference of his brothers Conrad and Guy, who died fighting, saved him to fight another day, which he never did. His negotiations with the Byzantine Empire fell through and he retired with his wife Gerberga to Burgundy, where he died at Autun sometime between 971 and 975. His widow married Otto-Henry, Duke of Burgundy, and his son, Otto-William, inherited through his stepfather the county of Burgundy and is thus the forefather of the Free Counts and the Hohenstaufen emperors
Henry Project: https://fasg.org/projects/henryproject/data/adalb002.htm
Adalberto d'Italia
Sosa : 362,913,536 (Adalberto d'Italia (Joint King of Italy)) (Joint King of Italy)
Born in 932 - Torino, Piedmont, Italy Deceased 30 April 971 - Autun, Saône-et-Loire, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France, aged 39 years old
Parents sosa Berengario II d'Ivrea, (King of Italy) , born about 900 - Ivrea, Torino, Piedmont, Italy, deceased 4 August 966 - Bamberg, Bavaria, Germany aged about 66 years old , buried - Germany Married in 936 to sosa Willa of Arles, born before 912 - Arles, Bouches-du-Rhône, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France, deceased before 970 - Bamberg, Bavaria, Germany , buried - Payerne, Vaud, Switzerland
Spouses, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren Married in 956 to sosa Gerberga of Mâcon, born about 940, deceased after 986 (Parents : M sosa Lambert de Chalon ca 920-979 & F sosa ? ?) with M sosa Otte-Guillaume de Bourgogne ca 958-1026 Married after 974, Burgundy, France, to sosa Ermentrude de Roucy 958-1005 with F Mathilde de Bourgogne 978-1005 Married in 989 to Landry de Nevers 969-1028 F sosa Gerberga of Burgundy 985-1023 Married about 1002, Mâcon, Saône-et-Loire, Burgundy, France, to sosa Guillaume II de Provence ca 988-1018 with : F Marie de Meulan ca 1007-1081 M Guillaume Bertrand I Forcalquier ca 1015-ca 1054 M sosa Geoffry I de Arles, Conde de Provenza 1017-ca 1062 M sosa Renaud I de Bourgogne 986-1057/ Married 19 September 1016 to sosa Adélaïde de Normandie ca 1002- with : M sosa Guillaume I de Bourgogne 1020-1087 M Gui de Brionne 1025-1069 F Alberada di Buonalbergo ca 1033-1122 M Hugues de Bourgogne 1037-1086 M Falcon de Bourgogne † M Guido Guy I Comte Macon De Burgundy ca 994-1006 With Aelis Châlons † F Gisela Princess Of Italy 964-1014 With Anselm I, Marchesi Di Savona ? †1030
Gisela Princess Of Italy 964-1014 With Oberto I, of Savona Margrave †
Siblings F Gerberga of Italy ca 930- Married about 959 to Aledram ?, (Margrave of Monferrato) ca 930-ca 997 M Conrad of Italy, (Margrave of Ivrea , Spoleto, and Camerino) 935-1003 Married about 963 to Rochilde ? ca 948-
Conrad of Italy, (Margrave of Ivrea , Spoleto, and Camerino) 935-1003 With X Richilda of Turin †
Conrad of Italy, (Margrave of Ivrea , Spoleto, and Camerino) 935-1003 With Living ? †
Conrad of Italy, (Margrave of Ivrea , Spoleto, and Camerino) 935-1003 With Richilda Glabrio †
Conrad of Italy, (Margrave of Ivrea , Spoleto, and Camerino) 935-1003 With Richilda Glabrio †
Conrad of Italy, (Margrave of Ivrea , Spoleto, and Camerino) 935-1003 With Adela Adelaide Adeleis Countess Of Ventimiglia ca 955-
Conrad of Italy, (Margrave of Ivrea , Spoleto, and Camerino) 935-1003 With Richilde de Turin (d'Oriate) 970-989/ M Guido of Italy, (Margrave of Ivrea) ca 940-965 With Richilda Glabrio †
Guido of Italy, (Margrave of Ivrea) ca 940-965 With Adela Adelaide Adeleis Countess Of Ventimiglia ca 955-
Guido of Italy, (Margrave of Ivrea) ca 940-965 With Richilde de Turin (d'Oriate) 970-989/ F Gisela of Italy, (Nun) /945- F Rozala x, d'Italie ca 960-1003 Married in 976 to Arnoul II de Flandre 960/-987
Rozala x, d'Italie ca 960-1003 Married in 988 to sosa Robert II "le Pieux" x, Roi des Francs 972-1031
Paternal grand-parents, uncles and aunts M sosa Adalbert I x, (Margrave of Ivrea) ca 875- married (900) F sosa Gisela of Italy ca 876- F Bertha ?, (Abbess in Modena) ?898- not married, Without posterity M sosa Berengario II d'Ivrea, (King of Italy) ca 900-966 married (936) 6 children
Maternal grand-parents, uncles and aunts M sosa Boso x, (Count of Avignon) ca 885-936/ with F sosa Willa of Burgundy ca 885-936/ F Gisela of Arles ca 901- not married, Without posterity F Richilda of Arles ca 909- not married, Without posterity F sosa Willa of Arles /912-/970 married (936) 6 children F sosa Bertha of Arles ca 920- with 5 children
Events 932 : Birth - Torino, Piedmont, Italy --- : Unknown --- : Title of Nobility --- : Title of Nobility (between 961 and 963) : Title of Nobility 950 : Coronation 956 : Marriage (with Gerberga of Mâcon) 30 April 971 : Death - Autun, Saône-et-Loire, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France
Sources Individual: FamilySearch Family Tree
Adalbert II, king of Italy's Timeline
932 |
Ivrea, Turin, Piedmont, Italy
960 |
Lombardia, Italy
964 |
Age 32
King of Italy, , Expelled, 966
Age 32
King of Italy, , Expelled, 966
Age 32
King of Italy, , Expelled, 966
971 |
April 30, 971
Age 39
Autun, Saône-et-Loire, Burgundy, France
Age 39