Immediate Family
About Adalbert II de Metz et Saargau, duc de Basse-Lorraine
Died about 1033 Bouzonville, returning from Jerusalem
ADALBERT, son of [RICHARD Graf von Metz or GERARD Graf von Metz] & his wife --- (-[1 Feb/30 Jun] 1037 or after, bur Bourzonville Monastery). Wipo names "Adalheida ex nobilissima gente Litharingorum oriunda…soror…comitem Gerhardi et Adalberti" and mother of "maioris Chuononis"[499]. Graf von Metz. The Chronicle of St Bénigne de Dijon records a donation by "Albertus comes Mettensis" of "villam Vulferei", recording that after his death "Girardus dux filius eius" cancelled the donation, undated but listed among records of other donations in the late 1020s[500]. "Adelbertus dux et marchio Lotoringie et Iuditta uxor mea ducissa et marchionissa" donated property "villam nostram Mamendorf" to the abbey of St Matthew by charter dated 12 Jun 1037[501]. The testament dated 1037 of "Adalbero…prepositus S Paulini Treuerensis" is witnessed by "Adelberti avunculi nostri marchionis et ducis Lothoringie et Iuditte amicte nostre uxoris sue"[502]. The titles "dux et marchio Lotoringie" in these documents cannot be explained as no other record has been found to indicate that Adalbert was either duke or marquis of Lotharingia.
m JUDITH, daughter of --- (-27 Jul [1037/38], bur Bourzonville/Busendorf). The Notitiæ Fundationis Monasterii Bosonis-Villæ names "Adalbertus comes marchio et uxor sua Iuditha" as parents of Gerhard, noting that they were both buried in the monastery and in a later passage noting their joint donation dated "1033 pridie Kal Feb"[503]. "Iuta marchionissa Litoringie" donated property "villam nostram Mamendorf" to the abbey of St Matthew by charter dated 1030[504]. "Adelbertus dux et marchio Lotoringie et Iuditta uxor mea ducissa et marchionissa" donated property "villam nostram Mamendorf" to the abbey of St Matthew by charter dated 12 Jun 1037[505]. The testament dated 1037 of "Adalbero…prepositus S Paulini Treuerensis" is witnessed by "Adelberti avunculi nostri marchionis et ducis Lothoringie et Iuditte amicte nostre uxoris sue"[506]. The relationship between Judith and Adalbero, son of Siegfried Count of Luxembourg, has not been established. "Amita" suggests that Judith was his paternal aunt, sister of Siegfried. However, it is not clear from the document whether it was Judith or her husband who was the blood relation of Adalbero. "Avunculus" suggests that Adalbert was Adalbero's maternal uncle. However, this cannot be correct as Adalbert's brother Gerhard is recorded as having married Siegfried's daughter Eva, who would have been his niece.
Graf Adalbert & his wife had one child:
1. GERHARD (-1045, bur Bourzonville Monastery). The Notitiæ Fundationis Monasterii Bosonis-Villæ names "Gerhardus comes marchio filius [Adalbertus comes marchio et uxor sua Iuditha] cum uxore sua Gisela", noting that they were both buried in the monastery[507]. Graf. "Gerardus" donated property to Saint-Bénigne de Dijon for the souls of "patris mei Adalberti et avunculi mei Gerardi" by charter dated 30 Jun 1033[508]. Gérard Comte d'Alsace settled a dispute with the abbess of Remiremont for the souls of "Adelbert et Juditte ses père et mère" by charter, now lost, dated May 1038[509]. m GISELA, daughter of --- (-bur Bourzonville Monastery). "Gerardus…Lothariensium dux" donated property to Echternach abbey by charter dated 11 Apr 1067 which names "uxoris mea Hadvidis filiique nostre Theoderici…patris mei Gerhardi matrisque meæ Gislæ"[510].
Adalbert II de Metz et Saargau, duc de Basse-Lorraine's Timeline
970 |
Metz, (Present Lorraine), Western Francia (Present France)
985 |
Probably Metz, Metzgau, Herzogtum Oberlotharingen, Ostenfrankenreich
1033 |
December 25, 1033
Age 63
Bouzonville, Lorraine, France
???? | |||
???? | |||
???? |
Bouzonville Monastery, Bouzonville, Lorraine, France