2. ADALBERT (-executed 9 Jun 906). The Annalista Saxo names Adalbert and his "pater Heinricus dux, mater Baba dicebatur", when recording his struggle with the Konradiner family[102]. Regino records "magna discordianum" between "Rodulfum episcopum Wirziburgensem" and "filios Heinrici ducis, Adalbertum, Adalhardum et Heinricum" in 897[103]. Regino records the war in 902 between "Adalbertus cum fratribus Adalhardo et Heinrico" against "Eberhardum et Gebehardum et Rodulfum fratres"[104]. Regino records that in 903 "Adalbertus Rodulfum episcopum Wiziburgensis ecclesia fugat"[105]. "Adalberti comitis" exchanged property with the abbot of Fulda by charter dated 26 Apr 903[106]. The Annales Alammanicorum record that in 903 "Adalbertus Chonradum bello occidit"[107]. The Annales Laubacenses record that in 906 "Adalbertus filius Heinrichi, ficta fide episcoporum deceptus, capite decollatus est"[108]. Graf. He was executed during the bitter quarrel between the Babenberger and Konradiner families, which marked the breaking of Babenberg power in central Germany[109].
m ---. The name of Adalbert's wife is not known. Adalbert & his wife had [one possible child]:
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Franconia:
ADALBERT (-executed 9 Jun 906).
He is named, and his parentage given, in the Annalista Saxo, when recording his struggle with the Konradiner family[96]. Regino records "magna discordianum" between "Rodulfum episcopum Wirziburgensem" and "filios Heinrici ducis, Adalbertum, Adalhardum et Heinricum" in 897[97].
Regino records the war in 902 between "Adalbertus cum fratribus Adalhardo et Heinrico" against "Eberhardum et Gebehardum et Rodulfum fratres"[98]. Regino records that in 903 "Adalbertus Rodulfum episcopum Wiziburgensis ecclesia fugat"[99].
"Adalberti comitis" exchanged property with the abbot of Fulda by charter dated 26 Apr 903[100]. The Annales Alammanicorum record that in 903 "Adalbertus Chonradum bello occidit"[101].
The Annales Laubacenses record that in 906 "Adalbertus filius Heinrichi, ficta fide episcoporum deceptus, capite decollatus est"[102]. Graf. He was executed during the bitter quarrel between the Babenberger and Konradiner families, which marked the breaking of Babenberg power in central Germany[103].
m ---. The name of Adalbert's wife is not known.
Adalbert & his wife had one possible child:
1. Heinrich (d. 935, according to the Europaische Stammtafeln)
[96] Annalista Saxo 902.
[97] Reginonis Chronicon 897, MGH SS I, p. 607.
[98] Reginonis Chronicon 902, MGH SS I, p. 610.
[99] Reginonis Chronicon 903, MGH SS I, p. 610.
[100] Dronke, E. F. J. (ed.) (1850) Codex Diplomaticus Fuldensis (Cassel, reprint Aalen 1962) (“Fulda”) 651, p. 300.
[101] Annales Alamannicorum continuatio Sangallensis altera 903, MGH SS I, p. 54.
[102] Annales Laubacenses 907, MGH SS I, p. 54.
[103] Reuter, T. (1991) Germany in the early middle ages c.800-1056 (Longman), p. 131.
From the Wikipedia page on the House of Babenberg:
Early history of the family
Like the Capetian dynasty (kings of France etc.), the Babenbergs descended from the Robertians. The earliest known Babenberg was one Poppo, who early in the 9th century was count in Grabfeld, in the area between modern Hesse and Thuringia. One of his sons, Henry, sometimes called margrave and duke in Franconia, fell fighting against the Normans in 886; another, Poppo, was margrave in Thuringia from 880 to 892, when he was deposed by the German Carolingian king Arnulf of Carinthia. The family had been favoured by Emperor Charles the Fat, but Arnulf reversed this policy in favour of the rival family of the Conradines.
The leaders of the Babenbergs were the three sons of Duke Henry, who called themselves after their castle of Babenberg on the upper Main, around which their possessions centred. The city of Bamberg was built around the ancestral castle of the family.
The Babenberg feud
The rivalry between the Babenberg and Conradine families was intensified by their efforts to extend their authority in the region of the middle Main, and this quarrel, known as the "Babenberg feud", came to a head at the beginning of the 10th century during the troubled reign of the German king Louis the Child. In the battle of Fritzlar in 906, the Conradines won a decisive victory, although count Conrad the Elder fell in the battle. Two of the Babenberg brothers were also killed.
The third, Adalbert of Prague, was summoned before the imperial court by the regent Hatto I, Archbishop of Mainz, a partisan of the Conradines. He refused to appear, held his own for a time in his castle at Theres against the king's forces, but surrendered in 906, and in spite of a promise of safe-conduct by Hatto was beheaded.
The Conradines became dukes of Franconia, while the Babenbergs lost their influence in Franconia.
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Franconia:
ADALHARD (-executed 903).
Regino records "magna discordianum" between "Rodulfum episcopum Wirziburgensem" and "filios Heinrici ducis, Adalbertum, Adalhardum et Heinricum" in 897[114]. Regino records the war between "Adalbertus cum fratribus Adalhardo et Heinrico" against "Eberhardum et Gebehardum et Rodulfum fratres", specifying that "Adalhardus captor…est"[115]. The Annales Alammanicorum record that in 900 "Adalhart et Heimrich frater eius et Eberhardius bello occisi sunt"[116].
[114] Reginonis Chronicon 897, MGH SS I, p. 607.
[115] Reginonis Chronicon 902, MGH SS I, p. 610.
[116] Annales Alamannicorum continuatio Sangallensis altera 900, MGH SS I, p. 54.
From the Wikipedia page on the House of Babenberg
The Babenberg feud
The rivalry between the Babenberg and Conradine families was intensified by their efforts to extend their authority in the region of the middle Main, and this quarrel, known as the "Babenberg feud", came to a head at the beginning of the 10th century during the troubled reign of the German king Louis the Child. In the battle of Fritzlar in 906, the Conradines won a decisive victory, although count Conrad the Elder fell in the battle. Two of the Babenberg brothers were also killed.
828 |
870 |
Vermandois, Neustria, France
906 |
June 9, 906
Age 36
Theres, Bavaria, Germany
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