Adalbert I, count of Winterthur

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Adalbert von Winterthur, Graf von Winterthur

Birthplace: Switzerland
Death: September 08, 1030 (55-64)
Immediate Family:

Son of Liutfried I, count of Winterthur and ???
Husband of Unknown
Father of Werner I, count of Winterthur and Luitfried Lord Von Burgelm

Occupation: Graf von Winterthur
Managed by: FARKAS Mihály László
Last Updated:

About Adalbert I, count of Winterthur

Graf Eberhard [IV] & his wife had [four] children:

4. IRMGARD . According to Europäische Stammtafeln[674], the wife of Werner [I] was sister of "Graf Eppo a. d. H. der Gf von Nellenburg", although the primary source on which this is based has not been identified. The Graf Eppo [Eberhard] to which this refers has not been identified, although from a chronological point of view it is likely that Irmgard was the daughter of Graf Eberhard [IV] if she was a member of this family. m WERNER [I] Vogt von Kaufungen, son of ADALBERT & his wife ---] (-killed in battle 23 Aug 1040).]

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