Historical records matching Adala of Bavaria
Immediate Family
About Adala of Bavaria
Adala von Bayern
- (um 960; † 7. September nach 1020) war Pfalzgräfin von Bayern sowie Gräfin im Chiemgau. Sie war die älteste Tochter von Pfalzgraf Hartwig I. und Wichburg von Bayern. Sie war mütterlicherseits auch eine Cousine (2. Grades) von Kaiser Heinrich II.
Adala (about 960, † September 7 after 1020 ) was Countess of Bavaria and Countess in Chiemgau .
She was the eldest daughter of Count Palatine Hartwig I and Wichburg of Bavaria . On the mother's side she was also a cousin ( 2nd degree ) of Emperor Heinrich II.
In her first marriage she was married to the Aribonen Count Palatine Aribo I. († after 1000), in the second with the Sieghardinger Count Engelbert III. from the Chiemgau († 1020). This created the close relationship between Aribons and Sieghardingern and explains the respective later property neighborhoods of Aribonennachfolgern and z. B. Peilsteinern as the last Sieghardinger Leoben, in the western Grazer field and Laßnitztal .
In 994 Adala was involved in the founding of the Seeon Monastery by her husband, ten years later, 1004 - Aribo was already paralyzed and legally incapable - donated at his request, together with her son Aribo , later Archbishop of Mainz, the nunnery Göss .
From the first marriage with Aribo I. († after 1000):
Hartwig II († 1027), Count Palatine of Bavaria
Aribo († 1031), Archbishop of Mainz
Wigburg († as a child)
Wichburg (also Wigburg), abbess of the Benedictine Abbey Altmünster in Mainz
Chadalhoch († 1030), count in the Isengau
Hildburg, oo Arnold I of Wels-Lambach († after 1020)
Kunigunde († after 1020), abbess of Göss
Eberhard / Eppo / Ebrohard, count in the Isengau (995), count in the Leobental (1044)
From the second marriage with Engelbert III. († 1020):
Sieghart / Sizo VII. (X Menfö 1044), oo Pilihild / Bilihild of Andechs Friedrich († 1023), deacon Hartwig († 1039), Bishop of Brixen Engelbert IV († 1040) or Liutgard († 1066/77), daughter of Count Werigand of Istria-Friuli
Adala von Bayern, daughter of Hartwig I of Bavaria and Wichburg Of, was born about 960 in Bavaria,germany. She is pfalzgräfin von bayern, gräfin im chiemga by profession. She got married after 980 with Aribo Von Traungau Pfalzgraf von Traungau, son of Chadalhoch von Traungau, Graf Im Isengau and ??. He was born about 941 in Isen,bayern,germany. He is comte palatin, de bavière, pfalzgreve från 985, greve i chiemgau och leobengau by profession. Aribo Von Traungau Pfalzgraf died on February 13, 1000 in Wurmsham, Landshut, Niederbayern, Bavaria, Germany.
Adela died after 1020.
Adela was our ancestor through three distinct descent lines--through her son Sieghard, through her daughter UNKNOWN, and through her daughter Wichburg, each of whom was independently our ancestor.
See http://www.e-familytree.net/F245/F245333.htm for more information,
speculative research of Rob Salzman (http://www.e-familytree.net/surnames.htm).
Adala of Bavaria's Timeline
960 |
Aribone,, Schwaben,, Bayern,, Germany
976 |
978 |
Spondheim, Rhineland, Germany
979 |
980 |
Chiem Lake Schwaben Bayern, Upper Bavaria, Bavaria, Germany
982 |
985 |