Historical records matching Ada van Holland
Immediate Family
About Ada van Holland
Ada van Holland
Ada van Holland is Queen Elizabeth II's 18th great grandmother.
Ada van Holland from Project Medlands
ADA (-after 1205). The Chronologia Johannes de Beke names (in order) "Theodricum succedentem comitem Hollandie, Wilhelmum comitem Orientalis Frisie, Florencium prepositum Traiecetensis ecclesie, Robertum presidium Kenemarie, Beatricem, Elizabeth, Adelheydim et Margaretam comitissam Clivie" as the children of Count Floris III & his wife[487]. "Ada…marchionissa de Brandebrug" donated land "in Pole" to Rijnsburg abbey, with the consent of "Wilhelmi comitis et Florentii fratrum meorum et Ade comitisse matris mee et Ade neptis mee", by charter dated 1205[488]. The identity of Ada´s Brandenburg husband is difficult to establish with complete certainty. According to Europäische Stammtafeln[489], he was Otto I Markgraf von Brandenburg. Markgraf Otto I´s second wife is named "Adelheid" in Brandenburg sources ("Otto Brandenburgensis marchio" founded Kloster Arendsee, with the consent of "meis heredibus Ottone, Heinrico, Adelberto filiis meis et uxore mea Adelheide", by charter dated 1184[490]). The similarity between "Ada" and "Adelheid" appears at first sight to establish the connection. However, the chronology is not ideal. It is most likely that "Adelheid" was the mother of Markgraf Otto I´s youngest son Markgraf Albrecht II. Albrecht II was named in the charter dated 1 Jan 1177 quoted above, so was born in the mid-1170s. Albrecht is named in an 1197 document in his own capacity, indicating that he had already reached the age of majority. If Ada of Holland was his mother, she would have been 12 years old at the most when he was born, assuming that she was her parents´ oldest child which appears unlikely: the order of birth of her parents´ daughters as set out in the Chronologia Johannes de Beke, quoted above, suggests that "Adelheydim" was the third daughter. While it is acknowledged that the order of births as recorded in such sources is not consistently reliable, the order in which Count Floris´s sons are named in the Chronologia does appear to correspond to the order of their births. If Ada was her parents´ third daughter, it is unlikely that she was born before [1166/68], also bearing in mind that the birth of the couple´s oldest son Dirk should probably be placed in the 1160s in view of his marriage which is recorded in 1186. This date [1166/68] makes it impossible that Ada was the mother of Markgraf Albrecht II. A second possibility for Ada´s Brandenburg husband is Otto II Markgraf von Brandenburg, stated to be the case by Alfred Riedel who compiled the Codex Diplomaticus Brandenburgensis series in the mid-19th century. In his index volume, he lists "Ada Margräfin v. Brandenburg, Gemahlin Otto´s II, Schwester des Grafen Wilhelm von Holland", although he cites no primary source which confirms that this statement is correct[491]. This possibility was also discussed by Hermann Krabbo in the early 20th century[492]. All problems of chronology would be resolved if Otto II was Ada´s husband. In addition, the timing of her 1205 donation to Rijnsberg abbey would have followed her husband´s death. It would also be easier to explain her return to Holland (why would she have gone back if Markgraf Albrecht II had been her son?) and also the absence of any reference to Brandenburg relatives in the 1205 charter. References to the wife of Markgraf Otto II are found in the Cronica Principum Saxonie which records that "Otto secundus" had "uxorem cum magna sibi in Werda gloria presentatam"[493], and Pulchawa´s Böhmischer Chronik which states that "Otto secundus, filius primi Ottonis" married "uxorem…sibi traditam cum magna gloria in Verdn"[494]. Both sources say that she was childless. She is also referred to in three charters, the first in which Pope Innocent III summoned Otto II to treat his wife with love, the second dealing with an attempt to murder Ada, the third Otto´s participation in a crusade hoping that God will favour him with the birth of an heir[495]. [Alternative possible marriages: m ([1171/75]%29 as his second wife, OTTO I Markgraf von Brandenburg, son of ALBRECHT "der Bär" Markgraf von Brandenburg [Ballenstedt] & his wife Sophie von Winzenburg ([1126/28]-7 Mar 1184, bur Kloster Lehnin), or m OTTO II Markgraf von Brandenburg, son of OTTO I Markgraf von Brandenburg & his first wife Judyta of Poland (-4 Jul 1205, bur Kloster Lehnin)].
Ada of Holland, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ada Margravine consort of Brandenburg
- Born c. 1163
- Died 1205
- Father Floris III, Count of Holland
- Mother Ada of Huntingdon
Ada of Holland (c. 1163–1205) was the daughter of Floris III, Count of Holland and his wife Ada of Huntingdon. She was the sister of Dirk VII, Count of Holland and William I, Count of Holland. [1]
In 1176 she married Otto I of Brandenburg, becoming Margravine of Brandenburg until his death in 1184. This was Otto's second marriage. He had been married to Judith of Poland. Otto already had two sons from his marriage to Judith, Otto (who later succeeded his father as Margrave of Brandenburg) in 1149, and Henry (who inherited the Counties of Tangermünde and Gardelegen) in 1150.[2]
Ada and Otto had a son named Albert II who would in time succeeded his half-brother Otto II as Margrave of Brandenburg in 1205.
Countess of Holland form Wikipedia, under Ada of Huntingdon
In 1162 Ada of Huntingdon was asked for her hand in marriage to Floris III, Count of Holland (c. 1132–1190) by the Abbot of Egmond, Holland. Together, the Abbot and Ada traveled back to Holland, where the wedding ceremony occurred, probably in Egmond, on 28 August 1162. Ada received the County of Ross in the Scottish Highlands as a wedding gift.
Ada was not actively involved in the governance of the County of Holland but was occasionally mentioned in documents. Floris, her husband was a loyal ally of the Holy Roman Emperor, Frederick I, and often went with him into battle. Dutch chronicler Melis Stoke states that she supported her son in the war with William of Cleves during the War of Succession. In addition, Ada is known to have read Latin. Ada died after 1206 and was probably buried in the Abbey of Middelburg, to which she had already made donations of £64.
Ada and Floris had 8 or 10 children, of whom some died young
- 'Ada (died after 1205), married 1176 Margrave Otto I of Brandenburg'
- Margaret (died after 1203), married 1182 Count Dietrich IV of Cleves
- Dirk VII, Count of Holland
- William I, Count of Holland
- Floris (died 1210), bishop of Glasgow
- Baldwin (died 1204)
- Robert
- Beatrix
- Elisabeth
- Hedwig
- Agnes (died 1228), Abbess at Rijnsburg
Source: Wikipedia, Ada of Huntingdon
Philipp Wilhelm Gercken, Codex Diplomaticvs Brandenbvrgensis: Tomvs VIII, Volume 8 (Google eBook) 1785
Genealogy Database by Daniel de Rauglaudre
'The three Ada’s: Ada de Warenne, Ada of Huntingdon and Ada of Holland' - https://www.historyofroyalwomen.com/the-royal-women/the-three-adas-...
'ALBRECHT von Brandenburg' -http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/BRANDENBURG,%20PRUSSIA.htm#Albrecht...
'Albert II, Margrave of Brandenburg' - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_II,_Margrave_of_Brandenburg
Ada van Holland's Timeline
1163 |
S-Gravenhage, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
1174 |
Brandenburg, Deutschland(HRR)
1205 |
Age 42