Immediate Family
half brother
half sister
About Adèle d'Anjou, comtesse de Vendôme
- https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad%C3%A8le_de_Vend%C3%B4me-Anjou
- https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ANJOU,%20MAINE.htm#AdelaMBodonNeve...
1. ADELA d'Anjou (-26 Feb [1033/35]). The Gesta Consulum Andegavorum names "Gosfridum Martellum et filiam Adelam" as the children of "Fulco Nerra"[148]. The primary source which confirms her marriage precisely has not been identified, although the Historia Nivernensium Comitum records that the wife of "Bodonem [filium Landrici]" was "stirpis Andegavorum"[149]. She succeeded her maternal uncle in [1016/20] as Ctss de ½ Vendôme. A charter dated to [1032] records that Foulques "Nerra" Comte d’Anjou transmitted "honor Vindocinensis" to his only daughter by "sororem defuncti pontificis", and that she had four sons of whom "primogenitum…Burchardum"[150]. The necrology of Vendôme La Trinité records the death "IV Kal Mar" of "Addela comitissa"[151].
m ( before [1016/20] ) BODON de Nevers, son of LANDRY de Monceau Comte de Nevers & his wife Mathilde de Mâcon [Bourgogne-Comt%C3%A9] (-[1023]). He succeeded his wife's maternal uncle in [1016/20] as BODON Comte de Vendôme, by right of his wife.
Adèle d'Anjou, comtesse de Vendôme's Timeline
998 |
1014 |
Loison, Meurthe-et-Moselle, Lorraine, France
1017 |
Vendôme, Loir-et-Cher, Centre, France
1034 |
February 26, 1034
Age 36
Château d'Angers, Maine-et-Loire, Anjou, France
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