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Adèle d'Aire (1160 - 1214)

Also Known As: "Adelis"
Birthplace: Aire Sur La Lys, Pas-de-Calais, Hauts-de-France, France
Death: 1214 (53-54)
Nédonchel, Pas-de-Calais, Hauts-de-France, France
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Giselbrecht d'Aire and Cassine de Saint Omer
Wife of Gilles I de Nédonchel
Mother of Berthoult ou Barthélémi de Nédonchel, chevalier; Mathilde de Nédonchel and Amicie de Nédonchel
Sister of Philippe d'Aire; Henriette d'Aire and Mahaut ou Mathilde d'Aire

Managed by: Erica Howton
Last Updated:

About Adèle d'Aire


Extracted and translated from “Charles Poplimont. La Belgique héraldique : recueil historique, chronologique, généalogique et biographique complet de toutes les maisons nobles, T. 5-9.” Bruxelles: G. Adriaens, 1863-1867. Page 19-20. GoogleBooks

III. GILLES DE NEDONCHEL, [Gilles 1er de Nédonchel] lord of Nedonchel, de Nedon, de Ligny, etc., died around 1220, qualified in a charter of 1201, nephew of the lords of Bailleul and Thiem bronne, married, around 1175, Alis or Adelis d ' Aire , daughter of Gislebert, Viscount of Aire and of Cassine of Saint Omer, which is proven by a donation to the religious of Clairmarais, of tithes and other feudal dues owed annually to the lord of Saint Omer.

Gilles I of Nedonchel had seven children by his marriage, namely:

  • A. Berthold or Barthélemy, who follows, IV, after his brother Jean.
  • B. Guillaume DE NEDONCHEL, knight, mentioned in a role among several gentlemen following Eustache de Cbastillon, at the host of Bouvines, July 27, 1214.
  • C. John, which follows, IV.
  • D. Aelide, designated as sister of Lady Mathilde de Cresecques, in the obituary of the priory of Saint André, where she is recalled on the calendar day of June (1).
  • E. Mathilde, married Robert, Lord of Cresecques, whom she survived.
  • F. Helyide, died before 1220.
  • G. Anne, living without marriage in 1220.


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Adèle d'Aire's Timeline

Aire Sur La Lys, Pas-de-Calais, Hauts-de-France, France
Nédonchel, 62601, Pas de Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France,
Nédonchel, 62601, Pas de Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France,
Age 54
Nédonchel, Pas-de-Calais, Hauts-de-France, France