Matching family tree profiles for Abram Bastiaansz Bastijaans aka Pijl, Pyl, Botha, SV/PROG
Immediate Family
About Abram Bastiaansz Bastijaans aka Pijl, Pyl, Botha, SV/PROG
If valid primary sources prove parents then can be added.
Abraham Bastiaansz PYL het voor 1690 met Cornelia CORNELISSE van de Kaap getrou. Cornelia was 'n voorkind van Catharina Malabar en Cornelis Claasen van Utrecht, sy was gedoop 18 November 1674. Hy was 'n wamaker van 1685 - 1703. Op 28 September 1703 word Pyl deur die kinders van die vryswarte Jan Luij van Ceylon uit die rivier gered en na hulle huis geneem. Later die aand het Pyl sy eie keel met 'n mes gesny en is vyf dae later dood. Jan Prieur du Plessis het hom verpleeg. Voordat hy dood was het hy verklaar dat sy vrou die oorsaak van sy dood was. Pyl sterwe 'n paar dae later. Sy trou weer 17 April 1707 Adolf van Tonderen
- b1 Sebastiaan gedoop 5 Feb 1690, X 16 Feb 1710 met Susanna Putter, XX Hans Kuun
- b2 Anna gedoop 27 Mei 1691
- b3 Catharina gedoop 16 November 1692, X 14 Jul Willem Botha, XX 11 Nov 1731 Ockert Britz
- b4 Johannes, gedoopt 8 Jan 1696, gehuwd met Maria van Eck
- b5 Maria, gedoopt 9 Augustus 1697
- b6 Elisabeth, gedoopt 18 Oktober 1699
- b7 Barend, gedoopt 20 November 1701
- b8 Hendrik, gedoopt 14 October 1703 ?? no father on baptism
On Friday evening of 28 September 1703 Catrijn's son-in-law Abraham Bastiaansz Pyl (married to her daughter Cornelia), was brought soaking wet into the house of the free black Jan Luij van Ceylon by the latter's children who had rescued him out of the Eerste River. Pyl who was made to sit and dry himself that evening before the fire on the understanding that he would spend the night there. Later that night the family was rudely awakened by gurgling and screams. They found Pyl lying facewards on the ground with his throat slit by a knife. The landdrost Pieter Robberts and two heemraden Dirk Coetse and Guilliam du Toit were duly called. On their arrival they found Pyl still alive. His throat had been cut through zoodanig dat de longe-pijp geheel afgesneden was. On asking Pyl what had happened, he had indicated that the wound had been self-inflicted. But after the surgeon Jean Prieur du Plessis had dressed the wound, Pyl could be more clearly heard to confirm two or three times that he had indeed slit his own throat. When asked Why?, he answered simply, and without any further explanation: …Mijn vrouw is er de oorsaak van… . . . succumbed a few days after 4 October 1703. [DR: A statement abou the incident was made on 4 October when he was not yet deceased, but he died before the baptism of his son on the 14th.]. Hereinafter cited as "Kees de Boer."
de Villiers gee die volgende kinders:
- GC de Wet Vryliede en Vryswartes in die Kaapse Nedersetting 1657-1707
- CC de Villiers Geslachtsregisters der Oude Kaapsche Familien
- M Upham, "Claas van Malabar" in N Claassen, & GH Claassen, Die Claas(s)en afstammelinge in Suid-Afrika, Centurion, Outeurs, 2001.
Saamgestel deur: AM van Rensburg
As for Jan van Ceylon, we’ve met him before: it was his children who rescued Abraham Bastiaansz Pijl (first owner of Alto) from drowning in the Eerste River in 1703, and his house in which Pijl eventually succeeded in committing suicide by slitting his own throat.https://www.stellenboschheritage.co.za/downloads/heritage/sa-wine-h... Article by ∗Joanne Gibson, published on Winemag.co.za
Abram Bastiaansz Bastijaans aka Pijl, Pyl, Botha, SV/PROG's Timeline
1665 |
Zonnemaire, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, Netherlands
1670 |
Age 5
Age 5
Zonnemaire, Netherlands
1690 |
February 5, 1690
Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
1691 |
May 27, 1691
South Africa
1692 |
November 16, 1692
Stellenbosch, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
1696 |
January 8, 1696
Stellenbosch, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
1697 |
August 9, 1697
Kaapkolonie,Suid Afrika
1699 |
October 18, 1699
Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa