Married: 24 DEC 1699 in London, England
Oct 1685 - Abraham DES MOULINS came to England from France to escape
persecution of non-Catholics after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes by
Louis XIV.
23 July 1700 -- "Abraham Moulin et sa femme" (Abraham Mullins and his wife)
were among the passengers aboard the 'Mary and Ann.'
31 July 1700 -- Account prepared by George Hawes in James Town of the French
refugees who have arrived in Virginia with the Marquis de la Muse: Abraham
Moulin and wife. (CSPC) Ref. "The Complete Book of Emigrants 1700-1750."
Goldham, Peter Wilson. (p.14) Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1992
May 1705 -- Abraham Moulin was naturalized by the Virginia Legislature.
Kinship to Author: 9th Great-grandfather Notes from Dorothy Lewis: Abraham and his wife Rachel Broret arrived on the ship "Mary and Ann", at Jamestown, Virginia, 12 aug 1700, going to Manakin Towne with the Marquis de Muse colony. He later moved to Perquimons county, North Carolina, where he bought 200 acres (8 Apr 1701), on Narrows of Perquimons river for 10 Pounds from Mr. Sam Chritchinton. Deed Book B. witness to a deed 19 oct 1716, his name is spelled Mullen but signed Moulin. He lived on north side Beavers Cove Swamp. They had 6 sons. Either the Moulins brought money with then from Mannikan Towne, or theyprospered after coming to North Carolina, for we fine Abraham's Grandson Joseph, son of Isaac, on the first tax list of North Carolina in 1790 with 32 slaves. Since all the slaves were not taxable, this was evidentally only a part of his holdings. Joseph Moulin lived at "Brickhouse Plantation", on Little River. A brick house was something unusual inthose days. His children married into prominent families of the County. The deeds of Perquimons County show that he was a large land holderand a man of wealth. His grandfather, Joseph Sutton, was a Justice ofthe Precinct Court in 1706. May have died in Perquimans Co. N.C. per http://www.my-ged.com/db/page/shortt/00452 Resource: http://history.cc.ukans.edu/heritage/cousin/huguenot.html In 1699/1700 there were five embarkations from England to Virginia and Carolina. The names of 3 of the 5 ships which trasported Huguenots were 'Peter and Anthony,' 'Nassau' and 'Mary Ann.' The 'Mary Ann' was the first ship to arrive in Virginia (at the mouth of the James River). The Kansas Heritage Server would like to thank Stephen Chinn (steven.chinn@vanderbilt.edu) for providing the following information: Husband: Abraham DES MOULINS died at age: 78 Born: 1665 in: FRA Died: 1740/1743 in: AlbemarleCo, VA Father: Abraham DES MOULINS Mother: Madelaine CHUPRET Oct 1685 - Abraham DES MOULINS came to England from France to escape persecution of non-Catholics after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes by Louis XIV. 23 July 1700 -- "Abraham Moulin et sa femme" (Abraham Mullins and his wife) were among the passengers aboard the 'Mary and Ann.' 31 July 1700 -- Account prepared by George Hawes in James Town of the French refugees who have arrived in Virginia with the Marquis de la Muse: Abraham Moulin and wife. (CSPC) Ref. "The Complete Book of Emigrants 1700-1750." Goldham, Peter Wilson. (p.14) Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1992 May 1705 -- Abraham Moulin was naturalized by the Virginia Legislature. Wife: Rachel BRORET died at age: 42 Married: 27-Dec-1699 in: London, ENG his age: 34 her age: 19 Born: ABT 1680 in: FRA Died: AFT 1722 in:Albemarle M Child 1 Jacob MULLINS died at age: 49 Born: 1706/1708 in: VA Died: 5-Nov-1757 in: Perquimans,NC Spouse: Sarah NICHOLSON M Child 2 Abraham MULLINS died at age: 50 Born: 1704/1710 in: VA Died: ABT 1760 in: Perquimans, NC Spouse: Eleanor MING M Child 3 Henry MULLINS died at age: 86 Born: 1708/1712 in: VA Died: BEF 1798 in: GoochlandCo,VA Spouse: Unknown MAUPIN M Child 4 Matthew MULLINS died at age: 90 Born: 1720 in: Died: 1810 in: M Child 5 Isaac MULLINS died at age: 21 Born: 1712/1722 in: VA Died: 1743 in: Perquimans, NC Spouse: Elizabeth SUTTON 1 The WFT CD has Abraham's lifespan as 1665 - 1743.
Sources: Brock, R. A. "Huguenot Emigration to Virginia", p. 253-55. Cabell, Priscilla Harriss, "Turff and Twigg Vol. I The French Lands", p. 435. Jones, W. Mac, "The Douglas Register". "Vestry Book of King William Parish, 1707-1750" "The Huguenot" Abraham des Moulin-Mullen, whose surname was anglicized to the subsequent Mullen spelling came to the Colony of Virginia aboard the "Mary and Ann" during the Summer of 1700. He and his bride Rachel joined the large company of French Huguenots who sailed from Gravesend during the summer destined for Virginia. Their leaders were the Huguenot nobleman, the Marquis Oliver de la Muse and his assistant Charles de Sailly. The "Mary and Ann" reached James city, 12 August 1700, bearing the colonistsof what was to become the noted Huguenot of Manakintowne. Most of this company was made up of Protestants who had fled from France followingthe Revocation of the Edict of Nantes by Louis XIV in October of 1685. Abraham remained in Virginia until about 1708 when he first purchased land in Perquimans County, North Carolina. His descendants in America are in lineage from his three sons by Rachel, those being: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, all born in Manakin, Virginia, between 1700 and 1706. Pat Mullen Eddins
More About Abraham Des Moulins:
More About Abraham Des Moulins and Rachel Broret:
NOTE: He married Mildred Watkins then he married Rachel Broret on December 27, 1699 in London, England, daughter of Jacques Broret..
Children of Abraham Des Moulins are:
Abraham and his wife are listed on the roles of passengers of the "Mary and Ann," a ship provided by the King of England for French Huguenot refugees. Debarked on July 31 1700 at Jamestown, Virginia.
Abraham Mullins was born in 1655 in France. He died in 1730 in Albermarie county, Virginia. He married Rachel Broret on Dec 27 1699 in London, England. Ambraham Moulin and his wife Rachel Broret came over to America on the ship " Mary and Ann." They landed in Virginia on August 12, 1700. Due to the dangers of the Indians the captain thought it wise to have them moved inland about 20 miles. The ship log records read," Jaques Broret, femme et deux enfants Ambraham Moulin et sa femme.
[Manakintown Huguenot Ship Lists In 1700 and 1701, five ships brought Huguenot refugees from London to Virginia. No ship lists have been found for two of the ships, The Galley of London (came 1700) and The William and Elizabeth (came 1701), neither of which sent passengers directly to Manakintown. Ship List: The Mary and Ann This ship arrived at Jamestown on July 31, 1700, and many of the passengers proceeded by small boats to land recently vacated by the Monacan Indians which they named Manakin Town. The captain was Captain George Haves. It arrived at Hampton on 23 July 1700 with 118 men, 59 wives and girls and 38 children after a 13 week voyage.
•Pierre Delome, wife •Marguerite Sene, daughter •Magdalaine Mertle •Jean Vidau •Teertulien Sehult, wife, two children •Pierre Lauret •Jean Roger •Pierre Chastain, wife, five children •Philippe Duvivier •Pierre Nace, wife, two daughters •Francois Clere •Symon Sardin •Soubragon, and Jacques Nicolay •Pierre du Loy •Abraham Nicod •Pierre Mallet •Francoise Coupet •Jean Oger, wife, three children •Jean Saye •Elizabet Angeliere •Jean and Claude Mallfant, with their mother •Isaac Chabanas, son and Catharine Bomard •Estienne Chastain •Adam Vignes •Jean Menager et Jean Lesnard •Estienne Badouet •Pierre Morriset •Jedron Chamboux, wife •Jean Farry and Jerome Dumas •Joseph Bourgoian •David Bernard •Jean Chevas, wife •Jean Tardieu •Jean Moreau •Jaques Roy, wife •Abraham Soblet, 2 children •Quintin Chastatain and Michael Roux •Jean Quictet, wife and 3 children •Henry Cabanis, wife and 1 child •Jaques Sayte •Jean Boisson •Francois Bosse •Jean Fouchie •Francoise Sassin •Andre Cochet •Jean Gaury, wife and 1 child •Pierre Gaury, wife and 1 child •Jaques Hulyre, wife and 4 children •Pierre Perrut, wife •Isaac Panetier •Jean Parransos, sister •Elie Tremson, wife •Elizabeth Tignac •Antoine Trouillard •Jean Bourru and Jean Bouchet •Jaques Voyes •Elizabet Migot •Catharine Godwal •Pierre la Courru •Jean and Michell Cautepie, wife, 2 children •Jaques Broret, wife, 2 children •Abraham Moulin, wife •Francois Billot •Pierre Comte •Etienne Guevin •Rene Massoneau •Francois Du Tartre •Isaac Verry •Jean Parmentier •David Thonitier, wife •Moyse Levreau •Pierre Tillou •Marie Levseque •Jean Constantin •Claud Berdon, wife •Jean Imbert, wife •Elizabeth Fleury •Looys du Pyn •Jaques Richard, wife •Adam and Marie Prevost •Jaques Viras, wife •Jaques Brousee, child •Pierre Cornu •Louis Bon •Isaac Fordet •Jean Pepre •Jean Gaillard, son •Anthonie Matton, wife •Jean Lucadou, wife •Louis Orange, wife and child •Daniel Taure, two children •Pierre Cupper •Daniel Roy •Magdelain Gigou •Pierre Grelet •Jean Jovany, wife, 2 children •Pierre Ferrier, wife and child •The Widow Faure and 4 children •Isaac Arnaud, wife •Pierre Chantanier, wife and father •Jaen Fonasse •Jaques Bibbeau •Jean March •Catharine Billot •Marie and Symon Jourdon •Abraham Menot •Timothy Moul, wife and child •Jean Savin, wife and child •Jean Sargeaton, wife and child •Claude Philipe, wife •Gabriel Sturter •Pierre de Corne •Helen Trubyer •39 wives or daughter, 38 children, 108 men=205 persons •[Also on board were the leaders, Olivier de la Muce and Charles de Sailly]
List of Manakintowne Huguenot Settlers, published in The Huguenot, 1933 Aboasson Agee Agnast Aigle Allaigre (Allegre) Alocastros Amis Amonet (Ammonet) Angeliers Annis Apperson Arnand (Arnaut, Arno) Arrison Asseau Aubry Augustin Aulegnes Annant Badouet (Badouit) Badouil Balaros Banton Barachin Barbie (Barbee) Bardon Barel (Barrel) Barnet Barrand Barriere (Barrier) Basel Baton Baudry Bazoil Beraufort Befor Bellet Ballin (Bellini) Belloe Bengli Benin (Benain) Benon Berin Bernard Berrand Berrard Bibbeau Biolbaud (Bilbau, Bilbun) Billet Billiebo (Bilbo) Billot Bingli (Bingly) Biognan Bioret Blouet Blooet (Blewett, Bluet) Bocar Boff Boignan (Boignand, Boignant) Boisseau Boisson (Boissou) Bomard Bon Bonard Bondurant (Bonduran, Bondurand) Bonion Bonsergent Bon villier Booker Bore Bossard (Boshard) Bpossart Bosse Bouchert (Bouchet) Bougovan Bourgoan Bourru Bouvot Bowdoin Bower Braban Brailt Brian (Brans. Brians. Briant) Bricui Broc (Brock) Brooke( Broret) Brousse (Brouse) Bruer Biffe Buccard Buffo Burrand Cabanis (Cabiness, Cabarniss) Caboine Caftes Cahaigne Cailland Caillau Calvert Cantepie Cappon (Capen, Capon, Cappen) Carboneau Carbonnet Caron Castagne Castiche Castige Castra Cautipie Cavalier Chabanas Chabran Chalagenie Chalaine Chalanier Chalin Chambares (Chambures) Chambon (Chambor) Chambeux (chambeaux) Chaperon Charetie Charier Charpentier Chastan (Chastain, Chastaine, Chastaing, Chastatain) Chatanier Chaveron Chenas Cheneau Chevas Clarke Clere Cochet Cocuelguie Coliart Collile Combel Comte Constable Constantine (Constantin) Corbell Corbelouse Corbet Corine Corne Corneau (Cornu) Corun Cosby Coullard Coullon Coupet Courru Coustillat (Constillat) Crouch Cumery Cuper (Cupper) Curien Cury D'Allison Daniel D'Aubigne (Dabney) Daulegre Dauphin David De Bart De Bettens De Clapie De Clue De Corne Deen De Hay De Hon De Joux De la Brouse DeLalua De la Muce De Launay Delhapiel DeLinet Delome DeLorn Delpus DeMelez De Melvis Deneille (Deneale) Deppe (Depp) De Ramberge DeRichbourg De Sailly Dieu Don Dousseau Duacon Dubroq Dubruil (Dibrell) Duchemin Duclow Duclue Ducre Du Crow Dufonsau Du Loy Dumas Duncan DuPree Dupuy Du Pyn Durand Duronsau Dutarte (DuTartre) Dutoi (Dutoil) Duval Duvivier Dyker Dykins Eabuyt Edmon Egarne Elson Esly (Easley) Edins (Eddings) Faizant (Fasant) Faonton Farcy Farry Faucher Faure Fauve Felsau Ferran Ferre Ferrier Feuillet Filhon Finner Fleminoie Fleury Flournoy (Fleurnoir, Fleurinoie) Foix Fonasse Fontaine Fonuiele Forde Fordet Forloines Forqueran (Forqurand, Fourqurean, Fauqurean) Foucher (Fouche, Foshee, Feuchie) Fouillet Fournet Foy Fradot (Fradet) Gaillard Gannard Gardner Gargean Garre Garren Gasper (Gaspart, Gaspard) Gassard Gastand Gaury (Gowry, Gaure, Gore, Gorey) Gautie Govand Gavin, Gawey Genin Geoffrey Geraux Gererdeau (Girardeau) Gerner Gigon Gigou Gillan Gillaum Gioudar (Gioudan) Girandan Girant Giredan Godriet Godwal Goin Gomar Gondemay Gonfan Gorner Gose (Goss, Gase) Gosfand Gouiran Gourdonne Goury (Garry) Govin Grahame Grelet Greordocaso Guamondet Guerrant (Guerin, Gueran) Gueruer Guervot Guettle Guevin Guichet Gullature Gulte Gunn Gwinn (Guinn) Hagault Hamton Hanery (Haneri) Harri Henley Howard Hugault (Hugaut, Hugo) Hugon Hulyre Imbart (Imbert) Janbon Joacmi Joanes Jordan Joseph Jouany Jourdon Jovany Joyeau La Badie La Barr LaBoire LaCadon Lacaze LaCourru Lacy LaFew LaForce Lafuitte Lalorie LaMare Lamas Langlade Landson Lanusse La Prade La Soisee Lassin Latine Latinier Launay Laureau Lauret Lavigne Leasco LeCoin LeFeme LeFevre (LeFever, LeFavour, LeFebre) LeFoy Legrove LeGrande (La Grand, Le Graund) Lellew Leluells Lemarchand Leneaveau LeRoux LeRoy Lesebure LeSeur Lesnard Leurat Levasseur Leverre (Le Vere) Levesque LeVillain (lLevilland, Vilain) Levrant Lewreau L'Orange Loucadon (Loucadou) Louys Macan Madouay Maizeaux (Des) Malard (Maillard, Malarde) Mallefant Mallet Mallon Mallott Malver Mar Marche Mare Marrisset (Moriset) Marot Martin Marye, Maseres Masset (Massey) Massoneau Matton Mattory Maupin Maurey Maxey Mazel Mazeris (Maseres, Masere) Mearyut Melonie (Melene, Malone, Malonee, Maloney) Menager Menetrie (Menestries, Ministres) Menot Mertle Michaux Michel Micou Mingot Minst Mocks Molinie Monford (Monfort) Monnicat Montgut (Montague) Moreau (Morroe) Morel Moret Moriset (Morriset, Mariset, Morzen, Morizet, Moriser) Moroll Moul Moulin Mountier Muller Mullin Nace Nicod Nicholay (Nicola) Obrey Odias Oger (Ogier) Ojer Olivier (Oliver) Olmier Onan Orange Ormund Panetie (Panetier) Pantier Papham Papin Parcule Parenteau Parmantie Parmentier Parontes Parransos Parrat (Parette, Parrott?) Passedoit Pasteur Patterson Pean (Peen, Pene, Peane) Pemberton Pepre Perault (Pero, Perrow, Pierro, Perro, Perreau) Perenteau Perrut Perry Peru Petit (Petitt) Philipe Pinnet Pointevin Porter Pouisette Powell Prain Prampain Presnall Prevol (Prevot) Prevost Prevoteau Proan Prot Prouit Purrut Quictet Rambaeye Rambrey Rapene (Rappine) Rasciene Regnault (Reno) Remis (Remy) Renaud (Reno) Renoil Ribot Richard Riche (Ritche) Richebourg Richemon Riches Richet Rivers Riviole (Riviol) Roball Robard Robin Robinson Rochet Rogers Roger Rogier Rondere Rounel Rousseau Roussel Rousset Rouviere Roux Roy Rugon Rulleau Rullet Russ Sabattie Salle (Saillee, Sailly) Samson Samuel Sarazin Sardin Sargeaton Sasain (Sassin, Sassain, Susain) Saum Savin Saya Saye (Seay) Sayte Scot Seahult (Schult) Sene Shabron Shorte (Short) Shulu Smithe Sneadow Soblet (Sublet) Sobriche Sobry Solaigre (Soulegre, Soulaigre) Souan Soubragon Souille (Soulie, Souile) Souinne (Sweeney) Soule Sponge Stanford Stoneband Stot Streof Sturter Sublet (Sublitt, Soblet, Sobler) Subus Suce Sugre Sumter Surgan Surin Symond Taboi Tammas (Thomas) Taniere Tanin Tardieu Tartre (du) Taure Tauvin Teler (Taylor) Temple Tevis Thomitier Tignac Tillou Tonin Trabue Trauve Tremson Trent Trevis Troc (Troe) Trouullard Trubyer Tryon (Trion) Tuly Vaillan Vallant Vallons (De) Veras Verau Verduiel Vernueil Verrueil Verry (Verey) Vidau Vignes Vilain (Villain, Le Villain) Vique Viras Voye (Voyes) Voyer Vudurand Watkins Wever (Weaver) Williamson Witt Young Zossard
1665 |
Paris, Paris, Île-de-France, France
1704 |
King William County, Virginia, United States
1708 |
Manakin, Goochland County, Virginia, United States
1712 |
Perquimans, NC
1716 |
Manakintown, Goochland Co, VA
1720 |
December 1720
Goochland, Virginia, USA
1722 |
Province of Virginia
1743 |
December 27, 1743
Age 78
Perquimans County, North Carolina, United States
Age 78
Perquimans County, North Carolina, United States