Initially: Inherited land from his mother's side of the family in Providence Township near the Perkiomen. See Barbara Wentz' map in documents.
Information from Lloyd D. Ellis:
ID: I713
Name: Abraham DEHAVEN
RFN: 713
Change Date: 13 NOV 2005
Sex: M
Birth: ABT 1715 in Philadelphia County,, PA
Change Date: 7 JUL 1998
Will: 13 SEP 1770 Loudoun County,, VA
Sherry Johnson sherrjoh7@yahoo.com 16 Aug
2003 Loudoun County, Virginia Will Books, Will Book A
Will of Abraham Dehaven, Loudoun Co., VA, dated 13 Sept. 1770 Proved: on oaths of George McKenney, Elias Ellis, and William DeHaven.
Wife: Robetta - my new house and 1 acre of land it stands on, situated at the great road leading from Noland's ferry to Leesburg with 20 acres joining house on the south side of road during her life.
Sons: Jesse - 20 acres at wife's decease
Jacob - residue of land on south side
Abraham & Isaac - land on north side of road
Daus: Robetta & Sarah - each to have a horse or mare of 12L value, feather bed 6 pewter plates, two dishes, bason, spinning whel, saddle of 4:10 Pennsylvania currency value; sows, cow, etc...to be paid out of the estate on north side of road by Abraham and Isaac. Robetta's to be paid within two years. The daughters to have maintenance with Abraham and Isaac until they marry or remove; to work for use of family as long as they remain with their brothers.
Dau. Elizabeth - horse, saddle of equal value with her sisters, pewter,...paid when she is 18 years old, to be paid by Jacob.
Jesse [son] and Elizabeth to each get a years schooling out of estate
Daughter Hannah - one shilling, she being fully provided for.
Daughter Ann - one shilling, she being already provided for.
Executors: wife Robetta, sons Abraham and Isaac
Witnesses: George McKinney, Elias Ellis, William DeHaven
Securities: Isaac DeHaven, Henry Oxley, jr., Shadrach Samuels, and Elias Ellis
Inventory of Abraham DeHaven returned Sept. 10, 1771 by Josias Clapham, Phil Noland, Thomas George, John Steere. (p. 920)
Will Book A: Loudoun County, Virginia
Abstract from: D.A.R. Magazine, v. 82, p. 848; photocopy of original document in Dehaven file.
Death: 1771 in Loudoun Co.,, VA
Note the intermarriages: (Ref. Van Bibber) Dehaven (In den Hoffen), Op den Graeff and Van Bebber (sp). all founders of Germantown, PA
Arrived 1683 on ship Concord. All most likely from the area of Krefeld Mulheim (see Jane Dubart). Sometimes Quakers but mostly Anabaptist Mennionites who fled from the area around Tournai (now Belgium).
Refer to "The Dehaven Club" for ancestors and siblings.
Also see on the internet <DEHAVEN-L@rootsweb.com>
Several of Abrahams sons migrated to Scott County, KY in the early 1800s. Possibly Scotts in Allen County, nearby the Robert Ellis family.
Father: Harmon DEHAVEN
Mother: Annica Op den GRAEF
Marriage 1 Rebecca PAWLING
Married: 1736 in Now Montgomery Co.,, PA
Note: Was Philadelphia County.
1. Sarah DEHAVEN b: 1753 in Pennsylvania
2. Rebecca DEHAVEN b: ABT 1751 in ,, PA
3. Isaac DEHAVEN b: 16 FEB 1749/1750 in Philadelphia County,, PA
1715 |
Providence township, Philadelphia County, Province of Pennsylvania
1737 |
December 29, 1737
Probably Indenhofen Farm, Skippack Township, Philadelphia County, Province of Pennsylvania
1741 |
Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Philadelphia, Philadephia County, Pennsylvania
1749 |
February 16, 1749
Philadelphia County, Province of Pennsylvania
1750 |
February 16, 1750
Philadelphia County, Province of Pennsylvania
1751 |
Province of Pennsylvania, (Present USA)
1753 |
Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Province of Pennsylvania
1754 |
Philadelphia County, Province of Pennsylvania