"Abraham Thew was reported to be the "wealthiest Clarkstown inhabitant in 1787 (£785.10.0)." Ten slaves were listed in his household in 1790 and seven slaves in 1800. Much of his wealth may have come from Abraham Snedeker. Abraham was the brother of Elsie Snedeker who married John Thew. Abraham Thew was the son of John Thew and Elsie Snedeker. The History of Rockland County report "Abraham Snedeker died in 1711, and left his lands to Abraham Thew , his grandson." This is not true. Abraham Thew was Abraham Snedeker's nephew and not his grandson... In his will, Abraham Snedeker gave "Abraham Thew all me real estate wheron I now live and the individual right of the Pond Patent" along with "...my Negro Man Tone and the Negro Woman name Suke and the two youngest of their children Harry and Sara and the young wench named Nan..."....
In Abraham Thew's will written on 10 Jun 1799, he left son Daniel all his real estate, particularly that which is "...situated and laying in Clarkstown and also all me personal estate to enable my said son Daniel to pay my just debts as afore said and the Legacies herein mentioned..." Abraham left his daughters Rachel and Elizabeth Legacies to his paid from his estate."
1700 |
July 18, 1700
Clarkstown, Rockland County, NY, United States
1735 |
November 12, 1735
November 12, 1735
Tappan Reformed Dutch Church, Orange County (now Rockland County), Province of New York, British America
1762 |
August 20, 1762
Clarkstown, Orange County (now Rockland County), Province of New York, British America
1765 |
October 6, 1765
1767 |
September 30, 1767
1772 |
March 30, 1772
Clarkstown, Rockland County, NY, United States
1774 |
January 9, 1774
1775 |
April 9, 1775