In 1809 (Amsterdam) he was on the poorlist under nr. 50.28: Abm.Levie = Abraham ben Leib ben Dan, 34 yrs.old, married, tradesman, epileptic, with 2 sons of 10 & 4 yrs and 3 daughters of 8,4 & 1 yrs.old.
There were about a dozen Abraham Levy in Amsterdam in 1812, and so to separate himself and his family he took the Richter name. Richter was the kinnui of his grandfather, Dan(iel). It was derived from the biblical, "God is my Judge". Richter is the Germanic/Dutch equivalent of Judge.
Abraham Levij who was living at ...Weesperstraat 47 ( it's )section one appeared before a civil servant named AD Jungt-Mae(?)re from the town of Amsterdam, department Zuiderzee, first district. He (Abraham) declares that he adopts the name of Richter as his family name and for his first name Abraham Levij . That he has three sons and three daughters, no grandson and no granddaughter. Levij 13 years old Jacob 8 years old Mozes 9 months Jettje 11 years old Leentje 6 years old Saartje 4 years old (To the right of the bracket surrounding the children's names it's written that they live in the same house as at the top). Down at the bottom it's written that Levij couldn't sign the document because he can't write.
translation by Ann Vermeulen of 1812 Dutch document attached in Media
Abraham Levie Richter was born in Amsterdam about 1773 (son of Levie Daniel and Hester Salomon aka Esther Simon Swaab) and Rachel Barend was born in Amsterdam about 1776 (daughter of Barend Hartog and Judith Abraham).
Abraham and Rachel married in Amsterdam 16 June 1814, legitimizing the following 7 children, who were all born in Amsterdam: Levie (August 1800), Judic (may 1803), Jacob (1805), Rebecca (1807), Ester (1808), Moses (1811) and Mariane (1813). From these children, nor from the parents, are birth- or circumcision-registrations available.
I did not find any marriages on either Levie Daniel/Esther Salomon or Barend Hartog/Judic Abraham. This was a very poor family and before 1811 many very poor Jewish couples did not marry legally. They only were married by a rabbi, which was not legal according to the law of the Republic, and these church-marriages are not kept.
Maybe the use of the surname Richter in Amsterdam will puzzle you. Most of the Jews who moved from Amsterdam to England or America changed their names to local customs. Barend became Bernard and family names like Richter, that had to be legitimized in 1811/1812 by order of Napoleon, where abandoned once arriving in GB or US. Abraham Levie Richter did obtain for the name Richter in even twice in 1812, the first time 21 Januari 1812, the second time 1 June 1812. See for this name-adaption the following links:
The same for Abraham’s brother Joserph:
Don’t be surprised when the first names are not always the same. Especially with girls Jews mixed up their names permanently.
Harmen Snel Amsterdam City Archives
Click on the link below for an overview of the Civil Registry Archives
Immigrated in 1818. He and his son, Jacob A., were the prime movers in the successful petition of 1846 to the Richmond city council requesting exemptions for Jews from Sunday closing laws. Like all Orthodox Jews, retail merchants such as the Levys made great financial sacrifices to observe both the Jewish Sabbath and Christian Sunday.
source: The forerunners: Dutch Jewry in the North American diaspora By Robert P. Swierenga
From the Richmond Whig & Public Advertiser (Richmond, Va. : 1833 : Semiweekly
Died - Yesterday, Abraham Levy in his 84th year. Funeral from the residence of his son, Jacob A. Levy. (p. 2, c. 6)
Publication Tuesday, December 28, 1852.
Gen. note From the marriage and obituary citations compiled by Bernard J. Henley from Virginia newspapers on microfilm at the Library of Virginia. Other FormatAvailable on microfilm (Library of Virginia Film 144). Subject - Topical Obituaries -- Virginia. Subject -Geographic Richmond (Va.) Added Entry Henley, Bernard J. (Bernard John) Added TitleBernard J. Henley papers.
Here lies entombed the mortal remains of Abraham Levy whose heart and thoughts were embued with the fear of his God. Charity and kindness to his fellow creatures in the time of need stood pre-eminent amongst the many characteristics of his life. He was a native of the city of Amsterdam Holland and departed to the abode on high in the 84th year of his age on the 18th day of the month Tibeth A.M. 5613 (Dec. 28, 1852)
1773 |
March 18, 1773
Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
1799 |
August 16, 1799
Amsterdam, Netherlands
1803 |
May 1803
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
1804 |
May 9, 1804
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
1805 |
Amsterdam, Government of Amsterdam, North Holland, The Netherlands
1808 |
November 22, 1808
Amsterdam, Government of Amsterdam, North Holland, The Netherlands
1811 |
July 7, 1811
Amsterdam, Government of Amsterdam, North Holland, The Netherlands
1813 |
October 10, 1813
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
1814 |
Age 40
moved from Holland to London, Eng