Abraham Adolf Löwenberg

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Abraham Adolf Löwenberg

Birthplace: Rehburg-Loccum, Lower Saxony, Germany
Death: December 30, 1942 (73)
Ghetto Theresienstadt, Litoměřice District, Ústí nad Labem Region, Czech Republic (Holocaust)
Immediate Family:

Son of David Löwenberg and Sara Löwenberg
Husband of Vally Löwenberg
Father of Hans Löwenberg and Alice Löwenberg
Brother of Miriam (Mina) Grünberg; Julius Löwenberg; Frida Löwenberg and Iwan Löwenberg

Managed by: Hillel Litoff
Last Updated:

About Abraham Adolf Löwenberg

Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:

  • Löwenberg, Abraham Adolf geboren am 03. November 1869 in Rehburg, Bad / Stolzenau / Hannover wohnhaft in Berlin
  • Deportationsziel: ab Berlin 05. August 1942, Theresienstadt, Ghetto
  • Todesdatum/-ort: 30. Dezember 1942, Theresienstadt, Ghetto

cf.: http://www.stolpersteine-berlin.de/de/biografie/4415

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Abraham Adolf Löwenberg's Timeline

November 3, 1869
Rehburg-Loccum, Lower Saxony, Germany
April 13, 1907
Berlin, Germany
September 7, 1911
Berlin, Germany
December 30, 1942
Age 73
Ghetto Theresienstadt, Litoměřice District, Ústí nad Labem Region, Czech Republic