Matching family tree profiles for Abraham Goodale
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Immediate Family
About Abraham Goodale
https://ma-vitalrecords.org/MA/Essex/Salem/aBirthsG.shtml "(GOODELL (Goodale, Goodall)) Abraham, s. Zachariah and Elizabeth (Beachum), 7: 9m: 1678. CTR"
https://ma-vitalrecords.org/MA/Essex/Salem/aMarriagesG.shtml "(GOODALE (Goodell)) Abraham, and Hannah Rhodes of Lynn, Apr. ––, 1704."
(2nd) https://ma-vitalrecords.org/MA/Essex/Salem/aMarriagesG.shtml "(GOODALE (Goodell)) Abraham, and Mary Tarbell, June 23, 1725."
https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Goodell-493 has his death as "about 1 Apr 1753 at about age 74 in Danvers, Essex, Massachusetts Bay, British Colonial America" although this is not supported by Danvers VR.
Salem VR has Abraham with these children:
- Hannah, d. Abraham and Hannah (Rhodes), Jan. 24, 1705-6. married Benjamin Shaw, int. Nov. 8, 1729.
- Eliezer, s. Abraham and Hannah (Rhodes), May 12, 1707. married, in Sudbury, Rebecca Witt, of Marlborough, Jan.
- Joshua, s. Abraham and Hannah (Rhodes), Nov. 19, 1708. married (1) Experience Judd, May 21, 1734. 2d m., and Anna Derby, Sept. 10, 1749.
- Thankfull, d. Abraham and Hannah (Rhodes), Sept. 28, 1710. see https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Goodale-1081
- Abraham, s. Abraham, bp. June 8, 1712. married Ruth Houlton, Jan. 5, 1737-8. had issue.
- Anna, d. Abraham, bp. Aug. 15, 1714.
- Henry, s. Abraham, bp. June 30, 1717. must have died young but no record.
- Henry, s. Abraham, bp. July 23, 1727.
- Mary, d. Abraham, bp. Nov. 17, 1728. married, at Danvers, Ebenezer Aborne, jr. of Lynn, Nov. 9, 1752.
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Abraham Goodale's Timeline
1679 |
November 7, 1679
Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, Colonial America
1707 |
May 12, 1707
Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, United States
1753 |
April 1753
Age 73
Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, Colonial America
???? |