ABRAHAM GOAD was born Bef. 16601, and died April 11, 1734 in North Farnham Parish, Richmond Co., VA.2.
Abraham Goad, d 1733, of Richmond Co, Virginia . (INDEX) (OUTLINE of Goad family) . author: Michael D. Nestor, email: mdn3557@yahoo.com
. Abraham Goad,1 ? (Abraham) .
. Probably b prior 1665 (before 1643, assuming he was over age 18 in the 1661 document below); d 11 Apr 1733 North Farnham . Parish (NFP), Richmond Co, Va. (some sources give his death date as 1734) . He may have been s/o Abraham Byram Goad, who was listed in the Lancaster Co, Va 1661 and 1662 tax lists. One source (Ref 5 . below) thinks he may have been born 1625 in St Giles, Cripplegate, London, Eng. This Abraham supposedly had a brother Peter. . Another claimed ancestry is given in Note 2 below. . m in early 1690's to Katherine Williams, d 23 May 1741 NFP, d/o John and Eve Williams. John was a planter in Old Rappahannock . Co and died young. Eve m(2) to William Smith (Smyth) of Old Rappahannock Co.
. Some of the following references are for the older Abraham Goad; the ones prior to 1685 apparently the older, and some of the ones . after could be either the older or the younger:
. 1652 Lancaster Co, Va: Abraham Goade tithed. . 1661, 23 Oct: A list of tithable persons "in this Countie of Lancr", p 163: Abraham Goade, 1 lb of tobacco. . 1662, 20 Oct, p 62, Lancaster Co: Abrah Goade tithed the same amount. . 1661-62 Lancaster Co order books: Ann Goade. . 1663, Nov: Lancaster County Court: "that Abraham Goade stands indebted to John Simpson in the quantitie of One hndred seaven- . tie & three pounds of tob: and ca: by bill." . 1668 Gloucester Co, Va: Abraham Goad had a land patent. . 1674: Catherine Williams witnessed a will, along with Abraham Goad. . 1674, 2 Nov, Lancaster Co: William Bendall arrested "at the suitte of Abraham Goarde", and "the said Goard" to bear court costs. . Nine days later the court found against Abraham and he that was indebted to Bendall for 340 lbs of tobacco. . 1677, Sep: Gloucester Co: Vestry Book, of Petsworth Parish: Abraham Good tithed 50 lbs of tobacco. . 1680, 27 Nov: Lancaster Co: bill of Abraham Goards appeared on the inventory of the estate of Robert Brian, dec. . 1682 Abraham was in Lancaster Co, Va by this date (earlier per above records). He moved further up the northern neck into Rich- . mond Co (formed in 1692 from Old Rappahannock Co), where he was a planter and owned several tracts of land, some of . which he may have acquired from his mother-in-law Eve Smith. . 1685 Abraham Goard named to Lancaster Co militia. (could be either Abraham Sr or Jr) . 1687, 9 Nov: Lancaster Co: levy ordered on every tithable person in the county, including Abraham Goade. . 1687, 14 Dec, p 66, Lancaster Co: "persons appointed for foot service", Abra Goard. . 1699, 24 Mar: Richmond Co Deed Bk 3, p 54: William Smyth of NFP deeded 150 acres on Moratico Creek, on the north side of the . Rappahannock River, part of a quarter order of 498 acres to Abraham Goad. . 1701 Halifax Co, Va: Abraham Goad supposedly obtained a land grant there. . 1704 Richmond Co: Abraham Goad was granted 208 acres on Bryary Swamp, from the Fairfaxes. . 1712, 1 Dec: Richmond Co (rec 5 Feb 1712/13): Acct between Edward Jones and John Dalton settled in court, Abra. Goard was . paid 204 Lb "By tob'o paid: Abra. Goard". . 1724, 1 Mar: Richmond Co Deed Bk 8, p 273: Abraham Goad and son William deeded a tract of land to William Downman. . 1733, 1 Jul: Richmond Co Will Bk V, p 238 (dated 7 Mar 1733): Abraham Goad's will was proven. Inventory on p 240. Executrix . was his wife "Catherine". He signed his name "AG". . In the name of God Amen. I Abraham Goad being weak of body but in sound and perfect mind and memory thanks be . given to all mighty God for the same, do make and ordain this to be my last will and testement, but first of all I recommend . my soul to the hands of Almighty God that gave it to me & my body to be buryed in a Christianlike manner at the discretion . of my Executors hereafter mentioned, and as touching my temporal Estate in which it has pleased Almighty God to bless me . with, I give and dispose of the same in manner and form following: . Imprimus - I give and bequeath to my grandson, William Goad, son of William Goad, that plantation whereon Mary Goad . now lives and all the land thereto belonging on that side of the swamp up to Mr. Griffin's line (excepting a small piece of land . I have given bond to Mr. William Downman for the acknowledgement of). . Item - I give and bequeath to my son, John Goad, and his wife all land that lies above the North Fork of briary swamp . belongs to me up to Oakley's line.... . Item - I give to my son, Abraham Goad, all the land lying on the south side of my spring branch.... in case the said Abra- . ham should die without heirs, then the said land to fall to my son Peter..... . Item - I give unto my son, Peter Goad, all the land lying on the north side of my spring branch...... . Item - I give to the heirs of my son, William Goad, dec'd, one shilling to be paid by... . Item - I give to my daughter, Hannah Phillips, one shilling..... . Item - I give to my daughter, Elizabeth Dodson, one shilling..... . Item - I give to my daughter, Alice Dodson, one shilling..... . Item - I give and bequeath to my wife, Catherine, the use of my Negro woman, Judith, and all the remaining part of my . personal Estate during her natural life & after her decease to be equally divided amongst my three sons John Goad, Abraham . Goad, and Peter Goad. My will and desire is that my wife Catherine Goad live on my plantation and not be molested during . her natural life. . Item - I likewise constitute ordain and appoint my son John Goad to be the whole and sole Executor of this my last will . and testament, as witness my hand and seal this 7th day of March, 1733. . Witnesses: Eliza E. Lawson his . Winefed Miskell Abraham AG Goad . Henry Miskell mark
. issue:
1 1. William Goad, b Aug 1693 NFP, m Mary ____.
. 2. Hannah Goad, b 11 Nov 1695 NFP, d ca 1788 Henry Co, Va, m Tobias Phillips (#4), b 12 Jan 1687 NFP, d 1 Nov 1739 NFP, . s/o John Phillips and Elizabeth Tobias. Hannah m(2) ca 1748 to William Dodson, b ca 1706 Richmond Co, s/o Charles and Mary . Anne Dodson.
2 3. John Goad, b 27 Nov 1700 NFP, m(1) Katherine (?Jennings), m(2) Ann (?Isham). . Lived in Bedford Co, Va.
. 4. Alice Goad, b ca 1704, d 27 Sep 1767 Richmond Co, m(1) 9 Sep 1726 Richmond Co to Fortunatus Dodson, b ca 1700-04, d 9 . Sep 1737 NFP, s/o Charles and Anne Dodson. Alice m(2) John Fowler, b ca 1710, d 1750. . issue: . a. Lucy Dodson, b 12 Sep 1728 NFP, d 9 Apr 1730 NFP. . b. James Dodson, b 18 Dec 1730 NFP. . c. Anne Dodson, b 10 Nov 1732 NFP, m(1) Moses Cornelius, m(2) her 1st cousin George Phillips (#42), s/o Tobias Phillips . and Hannah Goad (above). . d. Alice Dodson, b 15 Mar 1733/34 NFP, d 1802 Woodford Co, Ky, m Thomas Dale, b 20 Apr 1730 NFP, d 1773, s/o Abra- . ham Delaware Dale and Winnefred Southern. . e. Hannah Dodson, b 7 Oct 1737 NFP. . ? f. Samuel Dodson. . g. William Fowler. . h. Richard Fowler. . i. John Fowler, d 13 Apr 1750.
. 5. Elizabeth Goad, b ca 1705, d 1784 Shenandoah Co, Va, m 1724 to John Dodson, b 1687 Richmond Co, d ca 1784 Shenandoah . Co, s/o Charles and Anne Dodson. . issue: . a. Martha Ann Dodson, b 7 Nov/Dec 1725 NFP, m Michael Callender. . b. Charles Dodson, b 28 Aug 1726 NFP, d 21 Jun 1797 Greene Co, Tenn, m Mary ____. . c. Moses Dodson, b 12 Jan 1728/29 NFP. . d. John Dodson, b 12 Aug 1731 NFP, d 27 May 1734 NFP. . e. Peter Dodson, b 22 May 1735 NFP, d Sep 1800 Shenandoah Co, m Mary ____, b 1735. . f. Elizabeth Dodson, b 1740/41 Augusta Co, Va, m John Kyle.
3 6. Abraham Goad, b 15 Mar 1710 NFP, m Joanna (?Wheatley). . Lived in Pittsylvania Co, Va.
. 7. Peter Goad, b 27 May 1715 NFP, d 1794 Richmond Co. Apparently single. . 1734 Peter acquired land from his father by inheritance. . 1740, 29 Nov: Richmond Co Deed Bk 9, p 639: Peter Goad was deeded 100 acres from his niece Ann Goad, for 240 lbs of . tobacco. . (Peter also purchased land from his brother Abraham but no deed has been found.) . 1794, 1 Dec: Richmond Co Will Bk 9, p 16 (dated 26 Apr 1786): Peter Goad's will was proven. He left his carpenter and coo- . per tools to Col George Glascock, and the rest of his estate to Miss Sarah Glasscock.
. Ref: 1. "The Goads A Frontier Family", 1984 and 1995, Kenneth F. Haas, email: kennethaas28@live.com . 2. Dodson family history, by Randy. . 3. Jody Goad's website. He listed James Thomas Dodson as Alice Goad's husband, by mistake. . 4. Mike Goad's website, which contains Abraham Goad's will as copied by Wanda June Goad Worland. There are differ- . ences between that version and the one above. He has many of the above cited documents, plus others, on his website: . www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~mikegoad/docindex.htm . 5. Robert L. Hawks' Mar 2012 email (senator.robert.hawks@gmail.com) to Kenneth Haas. . Bob is a Montana state senator. . 6. "The Hennessee Family Genealogy Pages".
. Notes 1. Many websites have claimed that Abraham Goad was a s/o Richard Goode of Essex Co, Va, but there is no evidence for . this zpparently, and in fact the evidence is contrary. Some websites claim his parents were John and Ann Goad, but no . evidence given. This may be a confusion with his grandson Abraham Goad, s/o John and Ann Goad. If the documents . in the early 1660s, quoted above, are correct, then there may be an older Abraham Goad present in early Lancaster Co . who could be his father. Otherwise Abraham was much older than generally estimated and would have been in his 50s . when he married Katherine. Mike Goad cites all the relevant documents on this connection, and his page on that shows . the lack of a connection to Richard Goode: www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~mikegoad/doc00013.htm . 2. trees.ancestry.com, owner rschimtt8, claims that Abraham Goad (b 10 May 1665 Rappahannock Co, Va, d 11 Apr 1734 . NFP, Richmond Co, Va) was s/o John Goad (b 1 Jul 1643 Lancaster Co, Va, d Jun 1666 Old Rappahannock Co, Va) and . Anne ____ (b 1 Jul 1643, d Jun 1666). And this John was s/o Richard Goad/Goard (b 29 Mar 1617 Furness, Lancashire, . Eng, d 27 Sep 1683 Lancaster Co, Va) who m May 1635 Boston, Suffolk Co, Mass to Phoebe Hewes (b 1620 Royston, . Hertfordshire, Eng, d 28 Dec 1678 Lancaster Co, Va), d/o John Hewes and Mary Foote. Richard was s/o Walter Goode . (b 1585 Whitstone, Cornwall, Eng, d 1625 Whitstone) and Alice DeLaMore (b 1588 Whitstone, d 1625 Whitstone), d/o . Richael DeLaMore.
. Misc notes: . 1673, 8 Sep: Aldermaston, Berkshire, Eng: Abraham Goad christened, son of Abraham Goad. . 1680/81, 6 Mar: Old Rappahannock Co Deed Bk 6, p 179: marriage contract between Eve Williams, "relict" of John Williams, dec, . of Moratico Creek, and William Smith, carpenter. States that Eve is widow of John Williams, with two children, John and . 1699, 2 Oct Richmond Co (dated 9 Feb 1699): William Smyth's will prov, mentioning his wife Eve Smith, and Hannah and John . Goard, children of Abraham and Catherine Goad. . 1705, 4 Oct: Richmond Co Will Bk 2, p 86 (dated 24 Apr 1704): Eve Smith's will prov. Inventory of her estate on p 91. These . two documents are detailed in "Sevier Family History", Cora Bales Sevier and Nancy S. Madden, 1961. .
1665 |
March 15, 1665
North Farnham Parish, Richmond County, Virginia, Colonial America
1693 |
August 1693
North Farnam Parish, Richmond County, Virginia, Colonial America
1695 |
February 11, 1695
North Farnham Parish, Richmond County, Virginia, Colonial America
1700 |
November 27, 1700
North Farnham Parish, Richmond County, Virginia, Colonial America
1704 |
North Farnam Parish, Richmond County, Virginia, Colonial America
1705 |
North Farnam Parish, Richmond County, Virginia, Colonial America
1708 |
Richmond, Virginia, United States
1710 |
March 15, 1710
Richmond County, Virginia, Colonial America
1715 |
May 27, 1715
North Farnham Parish, Richmond County, Virginia, Colonial America