Abraham Abrahamsson Forsell

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Abraham Abrahamsson Forsell (Forsius)

Birthplace: Övergård, Andby, Siuntio, Finland
Death: 1812 (44-45)
Siuntio, Finland
Immediate Family:

Son of Abraham Abrahamsson Forsius and Maria Johansdotter Ekroth
Husband of Maria Ericsdotter Forsell
Father of Johan Abrahamsson Forsell; Abraham Abrahamsson Forsell; Gustava Abrahamsdotter Forsell and Gustaf Abrahamsson Forsell
Brother of Johan Abrahamsson Forsius

Occupation: Styrman, Sjöman
Managed by: Johanna Sipola
Last Updated:

About Abraham Abrahamsson Forsell

Siuntio rippikirja 1807-1812 (AP I Aa7) Sivu 100 Andby Bohl, Andby, Öfvergård ; SSHY http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/jasenille/paikat.php?bid=1576... / Viitattu 09.09.2022

Siuntio rippikirja 1813-1819 (AP I Aa8) Sivu 126 Andby Bohl, Andby Öfverg. ; SSHY http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/jasenille/paikat.php?bid=1576... / Viitattu 05.09.2022

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Abraham Abrahamsson Forsell's Timeline

August 6, 1767
Övergård, Andby, Siuntio, Finland
January 20, 1796
Övergård, Andby, Siuntio, Finland
December 4, 1797
Övergård, Andby, Siuntio, Finland
November 6, 1799
Övergård, Andby, Siuntio, Finland
October 6, 1801
Andby, Sjundeå, Finland
Age 44
Siuntio, Finland