Abraham Cilliers

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Abraham Cilliers (1709 - 1781)

Afrikaans: Abraham
Also Known As: "Cellier", "Cillier", "Abraam"
Birthplace: Paarl, Drakenstein, Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa
Death: December 02, 1781
Land van Waveren, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Immediate Family:

Son of Josué Seille Cellier; Josué Cilliers and Elisabeth Couvret, SM/PROG
Husband of Anna Rossouw and Anna Cilliers
Father of Abraham Cilliers, b7c1; Anna Elizabeth Cillers; Maria Celliers, b7c3; Susanna Francina Marais; Hester Fouche and 9 others
Brother of Josue Seille Silije Cellier, b1; Jan Cilliers; Pierre Cellier, b3; Elizabeth Cilliers; Francoise Seille Celliers b5 and 5 others

Occupation: Farming
DVN: b7
Managed by: Hester Maria Christina Marx
Last Updated:

About Abraham Cilliers

  • 6 Dec. [1744]. Abraham Cillier van Cabo de Goede Hoop Burger aan Drakensteijn Jong man en Anna Roussouw van Cabo voornoemd. Jonge Dogter. Drakenstein.
  • Spelling for his surname "Cellier" is taken from page six of the book: Cillié - Rhebokskloof en sy mense, by J.A. Kok. Published by the Hugenote Vereniging van Suid-Afrika.
  • de overgebleevene kinderen en kindskinderen van wijlen Abraham Cilliers, genaamt a) Abraham Cilliers Abr:m z:n mondig
  • b) Josua Pieter Cilliers mondig
  • c) Anna Cilliers geh:wd met Daniël Hugo Pieters z:n
  • d) Susanna Cilliers huijsv:w van Charl Marais Isaak z:n
  • e) Petronella Cilliers w:dw Daniël Rossouw Pieters z:n
  • f) Martha Cilliers geh:wd met Gerhardus van Biljon
  • g) Helena Cilliers get:d met Philip Fouché
  • h) de vier kinderen van wijlen Hester Cilliers in echt verwekt bij Hendrik Fouché, met namen 1) Paul Fouché alle vier minderjarig
  • 2) Anna Fouché
  • 3) Catharina Fouché
  • 4) Hendrina Fouché
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Abraham Cilliers's Timeline

September 21, 1709
Paarl, Drakenstein, Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa
September 21, 1709
Paarl, Drakenstein, Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa
September 21, 1709
Paarl, Cape Province, South Africa
September 21, 1709
Paarl, Cape Province, South Africa
September 21, 1709
Paarl, Cape Province, South Africa
February 20, 1746
Paarl, Drakenstein, Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa
July 13, 1749