Abraham Adolf Neuhaus

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Abraham Adolf Neuhaus

Birthplace: Herleshausen, Eschwege, Hessen, Germany
Death: July 17, 1943 (64)
Ghetto Theresienstadt, Litoměřice District, Ústí nad Labem Region, Czech Republic (Holocaust)
Immediate Family:

Son of C/Kallmann Joseph Neuhaus and Sara Neuhaus
Husband of Emma Neuhaus
Brother of Joseph Neuhaus; Baruch Bernhard* Neuhaus; Moritz Neuhaus; Berta Neuhaus; Fogel Neuhaus and 3 others

Managed by: Danny Gershoni
Last Updated:

About Abraham Adolf Neuhaus

  • Date/place of birth in German National Archives, Memorial Book
  • Identified as son of Kallmann Joseph and Sara (née Garlindacher) Neuhaus in birth record; see Ancestry.com. Hesse, Germany, Births, 1851-1901 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2016.
  • Identified as husband of Emma Steindler in Kollmann and König, Namen und Schicksale der jüdischen Opfer des Nationalsozialismus aus Eschwege, p. 164. They married in Cham in 1913.
  • From 6 August 1914 until 16 December 1918, Adolf Neuhaus fought for his homeland (Kollmann and König)
  • On 20 September 1942, Adolf Neuhaus was forced to sign a so-called "retirement home purchase contract" for room and board in Theresienstadt. All his remaining assets were transferred to the Reich Association of German Jews, to be further transferred to Reich coffers. The contract, called a "Heimeinkaufsvertrag," can be found in the Sikaron Felsberg Lehmann-Library.
  • Date/place of death in German National Archives, Memorial Book Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:

Neuhaus, Adolf
geboren am 27. April 1879 in Herleshausen / Eschwege / Hessen-Nassau
wohnhaft in Eschwege und Erfurt
ab Kassel-Chemnitz
07. September 1942, Theresienstadt, Ghetto
Todesdatum: 17. Juli 1943
Todesort: Theresienstadt, Ghetto

cf.: http://www.herleshausen.de/Stolper/03_NeuhausB.pdf

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Abraham Adolf Neuhaus's Timeline

April 27, 1879
Herleshausen, Eschwege, Hessen, Germany
July 17, 1943
Age 64
Ghetto Theresienstadt, Litoměřice District, Ústí nad Labem Region, Czech Republic