Her given name was Abigail who was the daughter of Henry and Mary Howland.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7]
Abigail Elizabeth Howland, daughter of Henry and Mary Howland, was born say 1628 (based on the date of her marriage). It is believed that her father did not immigrate until 1632, so Abigail was probably born in England.[1] Her baptism or birth record has not yet been found, but it is possible that she may have been born in London, England during or after Henry Howland's apprenticeship with the bond of 7 years under his brother, Humphrey Howland between 1623 and 1630 in Drapers' Company in London, England. Unfortunately, his apprenticeship was not completed by 1630 as the agreement required him to complete it. The cause of incompleteness was not explained in the records of Drapers' Company.
Some genealogists believed that she was born in Plymouth Colony[2][3] in 1628.[4] However, it is disproven because her father, Henry Howland was the apprentice under his brother, Humphrey Howland on 1 October 1623 in Drapers' Company in London, England, but he was supposed to complete his apprenticeship by 1630. Her father, Henry Howland and his family emigrated to Plymouth Colony before her father was recorded on a tax list, dated 25 March 1633.
Abigail Howland maried John Young[1][4][5][6][7] on 13 December 1648[4][5][6][7] in Plymouth Colony.[1][5][6][7]
"Abigail Howland died at Eastham, 7 April 1692, where she was identified as the "wife of John Younge Sr." She undoubtedly was the "A[
Background of Abigail Howland's Husband
John Young was born about 1615 in England and he died January 28, 1690/91 in Eastham, Barnstable, Massachusetts. The names of his parents and the location of his birth are unknown but he may be the son of Sir John Young of Devonshire, England, who received with others, on March 19, 1627/8 a grant from the Plymouth Council, of a tract of land three miles north of the Merrimac River and three miles south of the Charles River. Sir John Young had a son John Young, Jr.[9][10]
"John Young sailed from England for Barbados on the sailing vessel Hopewell on 2 Feb 1634 at the age of nineteen (19). He was of a Norfolkshire family.[10]
His stay in Barbados or the fact of his reaching the destination is not known. John first appeared in Plymouth records in 1643 in a list of men eligible for military service.[10]
“In John Young of Eastham by Elisabeth Ridgely Young 1908 - (NEHGS manuscripts), it states that John Young was bound for Barbados and later landed in Plymouth.”[11]
“John Young was living at Plymouth in 1643 when his name appeared on a list as being between 16 & 60 years old and able to bear arms. In 1644 an inventory of John Jenney's estate showed 1 lb & 2 cents as being owed to John Yeonge. About 1650 John removed to Eastham and in 1654 was chosen as constable. He was a soldier from Eastham 1653 when preparations for war against the Dutch were being made.”[12]
Abigail Howland and John Young had 13 known children as follow:
George Young
John Young
Thomas Young
Joseph Young
Joseph Young
Nathaniel Young
Mary (Young Smith
Abigail Young
David Young
Lydia (Young) Murdock
Robert Young
Henry Young
Henry Young
Abigial Young died on 7 April 1692 in Eastham, Barnstable County, Masachusetts Bay.[13][2][3][4][7][14]
Abigail (Howland) Young (abt. 1628 - 1692)
Abigail Young formerly Howland
Born about 1628 in England [uncertain]
Daughter of Henry Howland and Mary (Unknown) Howlan
Sister of Zoeth Howland, Samuel Howland, John Howland, Mary (Howland) Cudworth, Sarah (Howland) Dennis, Elizabeth (Howland) Allen and Joseph Howland
Wife of John Young — married 13 Nov 1648 in Plymouth, Plymouth Colony
Mother of John Young, Thomas Young, Joseph Young, Joseph Young, Nathaniel Young, Mary (Young) Smith, Abigail (Young) Twining, David Young, Lydia (Young) Murdock, Robert Young, Henry Young and Henry Young
Died 7 Apr 1692 at about age 64 in Eastham, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay
Profile last modified 18 Dec 2022 | Created 12 Sep 2010
Probate Records
Her estate had a ruling by the court stating that her estate had been adequately disposed of on 18 October 1692. In the absence of a will for Abigail Young, there are recorded several declarations that were brought to court on 19 April 1692 concerning the estate of the deceased Widow Young of Eastham. Joseph Young said his mother told him that when she died she would leave all her estate with Henry Young if Robert Young still had "that girl." but if Robert Young "had her not," the estate should be divided between Henry Young and Robert Young. Nathaniel Young testified much the same. Sarah, wife of Joseph Young, swore under oath on 25 April 1692 that "mother Young" had told her, some three weeks before, that her daughter Abigail Young had asked her to give each daughter a platter or something to remember her by, but the mother said she would not give them anything except possibly an earthen cup and platter to Lydia Young . All the rest was to go to Henry Young but if Robert Young did not have "that girl," and if Henry Young was willing, Robert Young should have half of her estate. On 18 October 1692, the court ruled that the widow had adequately disposed of her estate, and three of her sons (John, Joseph, and Henry Young) agreed. Robert Young must have kept the girl.[15]
Research Notes
:Note 1: John is listed in different sources as marrying Abigail and Elizabeth on the same day. Abigail and Elizabeth are the same person. [Source needed].
:Note 2: John married Abigail Howland on Dec 13, 1648, in Plymouth. He was born circa 1624 in England, and she was born circa 1629 in Plymouth Colony. John died on January 28/29, 1690/91, and his wife Agibail died on April 7, 1692.[2][3]
:Note 3: On 13 December 1648, Abigail Howland married John Young, son of Rev. John Young (circa 1598 - 1671) & Joan Herrington (b. circa 1598), at Plymouth, Massachusetts. Born ca 1624 in England. John died at Eastham, Massachusetts, on 28 Jan 1690/1.[4]
:Note 4: However, the John Young, son of John YONGES married Joan Herrington who was born 10 Apr 1623 and died 12 Apr 1698 in Southold, Suffolk, New York. He secondly married Mary Gardner abt 1653 and after her decease, he then married Hannah Anne Wines.[4]
:Note 5: John YOUNG Rev. was born about 1629 in Devonshire, England. He died on 25 Jan 1690 in Eastham, Barnstable County, Massachusetts. John Young married Abigail HOWLAND daughter of Henry HOWLAND and Mary NEWLAND on 13 Dec 1648. Abigail died on 7 Apr 1692 in Eastham, Barnstable County, Massachusetts. (2/16/14: Material moved from the profile of John Howland.) This section needs to be sourced.[7]
:Note 6: “The date of the marriage of Abigail to John Young is in dispute. According to Howland's History, this Abigail married Young on 2 9m [November] 1678, a date not found in any records relating to Abigail and one too late to accord with her being called Abigail Young in her mother's will of 1674. Howland's alleged date is the one found in the Friends Records for the marriage of an Abigail Howland to Richard Keerby (see Abigail, widow of No.2, Zoeth Howland). The names of some of the children born to John Young and wife Abigail (e.g., Joseph, Henry, and possibly Robert) are Howland names and re compatible with a presumption that the mother was a daughter of Henry Howland; but if she were, Abigail was married many years earlier. A likely record of the marriage is the previously cited one in 1684. Extensive information is available on the family, both published and unpublished. A quick review of the Youngs in Plymouth Colony, made by the the [sic] authors Wakefield and Sherman, suggests that this John is the only Young in the colony likely to be Abigail's husband.”[15] This is a decently sourced out report with lots of potential for further study.
↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633, Volumes I-III. (Online database: AmericanAncestors.org, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2010), (Originally Published as: New England Historic Genealogical Society. Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633, Volumes I-III, 3 vols., 1995).
↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Torrey, Clarence Almon. "John Young of Eastham, Mass. & Some of his descendants" [FIVE GENERATIONS] records from Eastham and & Barnstable.
↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Needham, Vincent. “John YOUNG.” The Needham Family, Vincent Needham, 12 Feb. 2015, jrm.phys.ksu.edu/Genealogy/Needham/d0003/I3423.html.
↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Pane-Joyce, Dave. “Henry Howland (773) & Mary.” Pane-Joyce Genealogy, Mathcs.clarku.edu, Nov. 2018, mathcs.clarku.edu/~djoyce/gen/report/rr02/rr02_066.html#P598.
↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 "Plymouth Colony vital records," Mayflower Descendant, Transcribed by George Ernest Bowman, various volumes. Transcribed form marriages appearing in the Court Orders, and from "Marriages, Births and Burials"
↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 "Eastham Mass., Vital Records," transcribed by George Ernest Bowman, Mayflower Descendant, various volumes, Also printed in Vital Records of the Towns of Eastham and Orleans, with index, edited by Leonard H Smith Jr & Norma H. Smith, 1976.
↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Stockton, Bobbi. “ Rev. John Young.” Everything's Relative... A Study in Genealogy., RootsWeb.com, 28 Mar. 2003, freepages.rootsweb.com/~bobbistockton/genealogy/you.htm. Note: This Young file was listed in the back of the "The Crockett Family" book by Donna Hopkins Scott.
↑ Wakefield, Robert S. and Robert M. Sherman. "Henry Howland of Duxbury, Massachusetts" NGSQ, vol. 75, pp. 105-116 (Jun 1987).
↑ Young, Elizabeth Ridgely and Kendall A. Young. John Young of Eastham, Massachusetts Decent to Elkanah Young of Eastham and Mt. Desert, Maine and his Known Descendants". Baltimore, Maryland: 1950.
↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 Tobin, James. “Re: John YOUNG in 1600's Plymouth, MA; When Arrived?” Genealogy.com, Genealogy.com, 14 Jan. 2009, 12:04:18, www.genealogy.com/forum/surnames/topics/young/16501/.
↑ Young, Keith. “Re: John Young m. Abigail Howland 1648.” Genealogy.com, Genealogy.com, 14 Mar. 1999, 07:25:19, www.genealogy.com/forum/surnames/topics/young/1761/.
↑ Genealogy.com user. “Re: John Young m. Abigail Howland 1648.” Genealogy.com, Genealogy.com, 12 Dec. 1998, 02:43:34, https://www.genealogy.com/forum/surnames/topics/young/1132/.
↑ Town of Eastham, Births, Marriages and Deaths 1749-1755, p 40
↑ Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850 (Online Database: AmericanAncestors.org, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2001-2010). Volume: Eastham-Orleans - V1, p.203.
↑ 15.0 15.1 Howland, Roger. “Wife of Zoeth Howland.” Message Boards, Ancestry.com, 21 Oct. 2005, 07:11, www.ancestry.com/boards/surnames.howland/711.1.1.1/mb.ashx.
See also:
McKinnon-Suggs, Eileen. “Our Kingdom Come.” RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project, RootsWeb.com, 16 Apr. 2009, 01:15:47, wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=emsuggs&id=I37793.
Town records, 1654-1863 [Eastham, Massachusetts], database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QSQ-G979-QNYN : 27 September 2022), , FHL microfilm 007009743, image 330, Eastham, Massachusetts, Volume 2, Transcribed by order of the Town in 1856 by, H. Doane 2d, Town Clerk, Marriages, Births, & Deaths, 1654-1797, Page 2.
Abigail Howland Young
BIRTH 1629
DEATH 7 Apr 1692 (aged 62–63) Eastham, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, USA
BURIAL Cove Burying Ground Eastham, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, USA
MEMORIAL ID 51533778
Daughter of Henry Howland and Mary Newland. Married to John Young(e) on 13 Dec 1648 in Plymouth, Plymouth Co, MA. Died at age 63. Unmarked grave.
Henry Howland 1603–1674
Mary Howland 1609–1674
John Young 1624–1691
Zoeth Howland 1631–1676
Samuel Howland 1638 – unknown
John Howland 1641 – unknown
Mary Howland Cudworth 1643 – unknown
Sarah Howland Dennis 1645–1712
Elizabeth Howland Allen 1647–1733
Joseph Howland 1649–1692
John Young 1649–1717
Joseph Young 1651–1652
Nathaniel young 1656–1704
Mary Younge Smith 1658–1716
Abigail Young Twining 1660–1715
David Young 1662–1745
Lydia Young Murdock 1664–1719
Henry Young 1669–1670
Henry Young 1672–1706
Lydia Young Hatch 1672–1724
Husband https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Young-1542
Born about 1629 in Duxbury, Massachusetts to Henry Howland Jr and Mary (Newland) Howland. She is the sister ofohn Howland, Zoeth Howland [half], Zoeth Howland, Mary (Howland) Cudworth, Samuel Howland, Sarah Howland, Elizabeth (Howland) Allen, Joseph Howland and Henry Howland [half]. She married John Young on 13 Nov 1648 in Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts. She is the mother of George Young, John Young, Thomas Young, Joseph Young, Joseph Young, Nathaniel Young, Mary (Young) Smith, Abigail Young, David Young, Lydia (Young) Murdock, Robert Young, Henry Young and Henry Young. She died on7 Apr 1692 in Eastham, Massachusetts
Profile manager: K Clark
Howland-51 created 12 Sep 2010 | Last modified 23 Feb 2017
Abigail's Husbands Background
John Young was born about 1615 in England and he died January 28, 1690/91 in Eastham, Barnstable, Massachusetts. The names of his parents and the location of his birth are unknown but he may be the son of Sir John Young of Devonshire, England, who received with others, on March 19, 1627/8 a grant from the Plymouth Council, of a tract of land three miles north of the Merrimac River and three miles south of the Charles River. Sir John Young had a son John Young, Jr.[1]
"John Young sailed from England for the Barbados on the sailing vessel ?Hopewell? on 2 Feb 1634 at the age of nineteen (19). He was of a Norfolkshire family. His stay in the Barbados or the fact of his reaching the destination is not known. John first appeared in Plymouth records in 1643 in a list of men eligible for military service."[1]
In John Young of Eastham by Elisabeth Ridgely Young 1908 - (NEHGS manuscripts) it states that John Young was bound for Barbados and later landed in Plymouth. The information below is taken from the Mayflower Descendant volumes and various internet resources[2]
....John Young was living at Plymouth in 1643 when his name appeared on a list as being between 16 & 60 years old and able to bear arms. In 1644 an inventory of John Jenney's estate showed 1 lb & 2 cents as being owed to John Yeonge. About 1650 John removed to Eastham and in 1654 was chosen as constable. He was a soldier from Eastham 1653 when preparations for war against the Dutch were being made.[3]
Name: Abigail Howland[4][5][6][7][8][9][10]
Birth: Date: 1628 Place: England Note: Abigail Howland, daughter of Henry and probably Mary his wife, was born say 1628 (based on date of marriage). It is believed that her father did not immigrate until 1632, so Abigail was probably born in England.[4]. Birth: Date: 1629 Place: Plymouth[5][6] Birth: Date: Born ca 1628.[7]
Husband: John Young[4][7][8][9][10] Marriage: Date: 13 Dec 1648[7][8][9][10] Place: Plymouth, Massachusetts[4][8][9][10] Marriage Notes
:Note1:[11]John is listed in different sources as marrying Abigail and Elizabeth on the same day. Abigail and Elizabeth are the same person.
:Note2:[5][6] John married Abigail Howland Dec 13, 1648 in Plymouth. He was born ca 1624 in England and she was born ca 1629 in Plymouth. John d. Jan 28/29, 1690/91 and his wife d. Apr 7, 1692.
:Note3:[7]On 13 Dec 1648 Abigail married John Young, son of Rev. John Young (ca 1598-1671) & Joan Herrington (ca 1598-), at Plymouth, MA. Born ca 1624 at England. John died at Eastham, MA, on 28 Jan 1690/1.
:Note4: [7]However, the John Young, son of John YONGES md Joan Herrington, was born 10 Apr 1623 and died, 12 Apr 1698 in Southold, Suffolk, New York, and married Mary Gardner abt 1653 and Hannah Anne Wines abt 1691
:Note5:[10] John YOUNG Rev. was born about 1629 in Devonshire, England. He died on 25 Jan 1690 in Eastham, Mass.. John married Abigail HOWLAND daughter of Henry HOWLAND and Mary NEWLAND on 13 Dec 1648. Abigail died on 7 Apr 1692 in Eastham, Mass.. 2/16/14 Material moved from profile of John Howland This section needs to be sourced.
:Note6:[10]The date of the marriage of Abigail to John Young is in dispute. According to Howland's History, this Abigail married Young on 2 9m [November] 1678, a date not found in any records and one too late to accord with her being called Abigail Young in her mother's will of 1674. Howland's alleged date is the one found in the Friends Records for the marriage of an Abigail Howland to Richard Keerby (see Abigail, widow of No.2, Zoeth Howland). The names of some of the children born to John Young and wife Abigail (e.g., Joseph, Henry, and possibly Robert) are Howland names and re compatible with a presumption that the mother was a daughter of Henry Howland; but if she were, Abigail was married many years earlier. A likely record of the marriage is the previously cited one in 1684. Extensive information is available on the family, both published and unpublished. A quick review of the Youngs in Plymouth Colony, made by the the authors Wakefield and Sherman, suggests that this John is the only Young in the colony likely to be Abigail's husband. CONT Note: This is a decently sourced out report with lots of potential for further study.
Husband: John Young Wife: Abigail Howland Child: Abigail Young Child: Joseph Young Child: Robert Young Child: Nathaniel Young Child: John Young Child: Mary Young Child: David Young Child: Lydia Young Child: Henery Young Child: Thomas Young Child: Joseph Young Child: Henerie Young Marriage: Date: 13 DEC 1648 Place: Plymouth, Massachusetts[12] Husband: John Young Wife: Abigail Howland Child: Robert Young Child: Nathaniel Young Child: Joseph Young Marriage: Date: 13 DEC 1648 Place: Plymouth, Massachusetts (Plymouth)[13] Child: George Young PREF Y Child: John Young Child: Thomas Young Child: Joseph Young Child: Joseph Young Child: Nathaniel Young Child: Mary Young Child: Abigail Young Child: Robert Young Child: Henry Young Child: Henry Young Death
Death: Date: 7 April 1692[5][6][7][10] Place: Eastham, Barnstable, Massachusetts[14][7][10] Event
Event: had a ruling by the court stating that her estate had been adequately disposed of Type: Misc Date: 18 OCT 1692[15] Sources
↑ 1.0 1.1 John Young of Eastham, Massachusetts Decent to Elkanah Young of Eastham and Mt. Desert, Maine and his Known Deceendants" by Elizsabeth Ridgely Young and Kendall A Young, Baltimore, Maryland, 1950. ↑ http://genforum.genealogy.com/cgi-bin pageload.cgi?john,young,abigail,howland::young::1761.html Re: John Young m. Abigail Howland 1648 Posted by: Keith Young Date: March 14, 1999 at 19:25:19 In Reply to: Re: John Young m. Abigail Howland 1648 by Elisha Mallory Grant, Jr. 1761 of 14950 ↑ http://genforum.genealogy.com/young/messages/1132.html Re: John Young m. Abigail Howland 1648 Posted by: Wynnette Date: December 12, 1998 at 14:43:34 In Reply to: Re: John Young m. Abigail Howland 1648 by Elisha Mallory Grant, Jr. 1132 of 14950 ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633, Volumes I-III. (Online database: AmericanAncestors.org, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2010), (Originally Published as: New England Historic Genealogical Society. Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633, Volumes I-III, 3 vols., 1995). ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Clarence Almon Torrey's book, "John Young of Eastham, Mass. & Some of his descendants" [FIVE GENERATIONS] records from Eastham and & Barnstable. ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 http://jrm.phys.ksu.edu/Genealogy/Needham/d0003/I3423.html "New England Marriages Prior To 1700" Clarence A. Torrey, (as found on NEHGS CD-ROM, Boston, 2001) "YOUNG, John (-1691) & Abigail HOWLAND (1630-1692); 13 Dec 1648, 1647; Plymouth" ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/gen/report/rr03/rr03_233.html ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 "Plymouth Colony vital records," Mayflower Descendant, Transcribed by George Ernest Bowman, various volumes. Transcribed form marriages appearing in the Court Orders, and from "Marriages, Births and Burials", ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 "Eastham Mass., Vital Records," transcribed by George Ernest Bowman, Mayflower Descendant, various volumes, Also printed in Vital Records of the Towns of Eastham and Orleans, with index, edited by Leonard H Smith Jr & Norma H. Smith, 1976. ↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~bobbistockton/you.htm This Young file was listed in the back of the "The Crockett Family" book by Donna Hopkins Scott: ↑ http://genforum.genealogy.com/cgi-bin/pageload.cgi?john,eastham::yo... Re: John YOUNG in 1600's Plymouth, MA; When Arrived? Posted by: James Tobin Date: January 14, 2009 at 12:04:18 In Reply to: Re: John YOUNG in 1600's Plymouth, MA; When Arrived? by arthur young 16501 of 16998 ↑ Source: #S942 TMPLT FIELD Name: Page ↑ Ancestry trees ↑ Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850 (Online Database: AmericanAncestors.org, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2001-2010). Volume: Eastham-Orleans - V1, p.203. ↑ Source: #S942 TMPLT FIELD Name: Page Data: Text: In the absence of a will for Abigail, there are recorded several declarations that were brought to court on 19 April 1692 concerning the estate of the deceased Widow Young of Eastham. Jospeh Young said his mother told him that when she died she would leave all her estate with Henry, if Robert still had "that girl." but if Robert "had her not," the estate should be divided between Henry and Robert. Nathaniel Young testified much the same. Sarah, wife of Joseph Young, swore under oath on 25 April 1692 that "mother Young" had told her, some three weeks before, that her daughter Abigail had asked her to give each daughter a platter or something to remember her by, but the mother said she would not give them anything except possibly an earthen cup and platter to Lydia. All the rest was to go to Henry; but if Robert did not have "that girl," and if Henry was willing, Robert should have half of her estate. On 18 October 1692, the court ruled that the widow had adequately disposed of her estate, and three of her sons (John, Joseph and Henry) agreed. Robert must have kept the girl. Source: S648 Abbreviation: Our Kingdom Come Title: Eileen McKinnon-Suggs (suggs1@msn.com), Our Kingdom Come (http://awtc.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=emsuggs&id=I39737 CONT Last updated October 10, 2004 CONT Accessed December 2, 2005) Subsequent Source Citation Format: Eileen McKinnon-Suggs (suggs1@msn.com), Our Kingdom Come BIBL Eileen McKinnon-Suggs (suggs1@msn.com). Our Kingdom Come. http://awtc.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=emsuggs&id=I39737 CONT Last updated October 10, 2004. Accessed December 2, 2005. Name: Footnote VALUE Eileen McKinnon-Suggs (suggs1@msn.com), Our Kingdom Come (http://awtc.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=emsuggs&id=I39737 CONT Last updated October 10, 2004 CONT Accessed December 2, 2005) FIELD Name: ShortFootnote VALUE Eileen McKinnon-Suggs (suggs1@msn.com), Our Kingdom Come FIELD Name: Bibliography VALUE Eileen McKinnon-Suggs (suggs1@msn.com). Our Kingdom Come. http://awtc.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=emsuggs&id=I39737 CONT Last updated October 10, 2004 CONT Accessed December 2, 2005. Source: S942 Abbreviation: RE: wife of Zoeth Howland & early Howland line, Lisarog@pacbell.net Title: RE: wife of Zoeth Howland & early Howland line, Lisarog@pacbell.net, http://boards.ancestry.com/mbexec?htx=message&r=an&p=surnames.howla... Text: The date of the marriage of Abigail to John Young is in dispute. According to Howland's History, this Abigail married Young on 2 9m [November] 1678, a date not found in any records relating to Abigail and one too late to accord with her being called Abigail Young in her mother's will of 1674. Howland's alleged date is the one found in the Friends Records for the marriage of an Abigail Howland to Richard Keerby (see Abigail, widow of No.2, Zoeth Howland). The names of some of the children born to John Young and wife Abigail (e.g., Joseph, Henry, and possibly Robert) are Howland names and re compatible with a presumption that the mother was a daughter of Henry Howland; but if she were, Abigail was married many years earlier. A likely record of the marriage is the previously cited one in 1684. Extensive information is available on the family, both published and unpublished. A quick review of the Youngs in Plymouth Colony, made by the the authors Wakefield and Sherman, suggests that this John is the only Young in the colony likely to be Abigail's husband. Note: This is a decently sourced out report with lots of potential for further study. RE: wife of Zoeth Howland & early Howland line, Lisarog@pacbell.net, http://boards.ancestry.com/mbexec?htx=message&r=an&p=surnames.howla... Name: Bibliography Repository: #R73 Repository: R73 Name: Ancestry.com Address: Acknowledgements
WikiTree profile UNKNOWN-126253 created through the import of Kingsbury-Avery Family Tree.ged on Nov 3, 2011 by Andrew Simpson. See the Changes page for the details of edits by Andrew and others.
Daughter of Henry and niece of John Howland of the "Mayflower.".
'Abigail Howland
married John Young on Dec 16, 1648 in Plymouth Colony.
John was born in England in 1624
(according to Pratt Records History of Aslen by sidney Perley).
He was recorded as resident in 1637.
In a will dated 1688 he left all his real and personal property to his wife and kids -
most the family probably died at the old Duxbury homestead.
See http://www.geni.com/documents/view?doc_id=6000000026523772112
Massachusetts" By William Richard Cutter, William Frederick Adams
Published by Lewis Historical Pub. Co., 1910 Item notes: v. 4Original from Harvard University
Abigail Young formerly Howland was born about 1628 in Englandp[uncertain] to Henry Howland Jr. and Mary (Unknown) Howland. She is the sister of John Howland, Zoeth Howland, Samuel Howland, Mary (Howland) Cudworth, Sarah (Howland) Dennis, Elizabeth (Howland) Allen and Joseph Howland. She married John Young on13 Nov 1648 in Plymouth, Plymouth Colony. She is th mother of George Young, John Young, Thomas Young, Joseph Young, Joseph Young, Nathaniel Young, Mary (Young) Smith, Abigail (Young) Twining, David Young, Lydia (Young) Murdock, Robert Young, Henry Young and Henry Young. She died on 7 Apr 1692 in Eastham, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay.
Profile manager: Thomas Falvey
Profile last modified 21 Oct 2019 | Created 12 Sep 2010 | Last significant change: 21 Oct 2019
05:29: Anonymous Howland edited the Biography for Abigail (Howland) Young (abt.1628-1692). [Thank Anonymous for this]
Her given name was Abigail who was the daughter of Henry and Mary Howland.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7]
Abigail Howland, daughter of Henry and Mary Howland, was born say 1628 (based on the date of her marriage). It is believed that her father did not immigrate until 1632, so Abigail was probably born in England.[1] Her baptism or birth record has not yet been found, but it is possible that she may have been born in London, England during or after Henry Howland's apprenticeship with the bond of 7 years under his brother, Humphrey Howland between 1623 and 1630 in Drapers' Company in London, England. Unfortunately, his apprenticeship was not completed by 1630 as the agreement required him to complete it. The cause of incompleteness was not explained in the records of Drapers' Company.
Some genealogists believed that she was born in Plymouth Colony[2][3] in 1628.[4] However, it is disproven because her father, Henry Howland was the apprentice under his brother, Humphrey Howland on 1 October 1623 in Drapers' Company in London, England, but he was supposed to complete his apprenticeship by 1630. Her father, Henry Howland and his family emigrated to Plymouth Colony before her father was recorded on a tax list, dated 25 March 1633.
Abigail Howland maried John Young[1][4][5][6][7] on 13 December 1648[4][5][6][7] in Plymouth Colony.[1][5][6][7]
"Abigail Howland died at Eastham, 7 April 1692, where she was identified as the "wife of John Younge Sr." She undoubtedly was the "A[
Background of Abigail Howland's Husband
John Young was born about 1615 in England and he died January 28, 1690/91 in Eastham, Barnstable, Massachusetts. The names of his parents and the location of his birth are unknown but he may be the son of Sir John Young of Devonshire, England, who received with others, on March 19, 1627/8 a grant from the Plymouth Council, of a tract of land three miles north of the Merrimac River and three miles south of the Charles River. Sir John Young had a son John Young, Jr.[9][10]
"John Young sailed from England for Barbados on the sailing vessel Hopewell on 2 Feb 1634 at the age of nineteen (19). He was of a Norfolkshire family.[10]
His stay in Barbados or the fact of his reaching the destination is not known. John first appeared in Plymouth records in 1643 in a list of men eligible for military service.[10]
“In John Young of Eastham by Elisabeth Ridgely Young 1908 - (NEHGS manuscripts), it states that John Young was bound for Barbados and later landed in Plymouth.”[11]
“John Young was living at Plymouth in 1643 when his name appeared on a list as being between 16 & 60 years old and able to bear arms. In 1644 an inventory of John Jenney's estate showed 1 lb & 2 cents as being owed to John Yeonge. About 1650 John removed to Eastham and in 1654 was chosen as constable. He was a soldier from Eastham 1653 when preparations for war against the Dutch were being made.”[12]
Abigail Howland and John Young had 13 known children as follow:
George Young John Young Thomas Young Joseph Young Joseph Young Nathaniel Young Mary (Young Smith Abigail Young David Young Lydia (Young) Murdock Robert Young Henry Young Henry Young Death
Abigial Young died on 7 April 1692 in Eastham, Barnstable County, Masachusetts Bay.[2][3][4][7][13]
Probate Records
Her estate had a ruling by the court stating that her estate had been adequately disposed of on 18 October 1692. In the absence of a will for Abigail Young, there are recorded several declarations that were brought to court on 19 April 1692 concerning the estate of the deceased Widow Young of Eastham. Joseph Young said his mother told him that when she died she would leave all her estate with Henry Young if Robert Young still had "that girl." but if Robert Young "had her not," the estate should be divided between Henry Young and Robert Young. Nathaniel Young testified much the same. Sarah, wife of Joseph Young, swore under oath on 25 April 1692 that "mother Young" had told her, some three weeks before, that her daughter Abigail Young had asked her to give each daughter a platter or something to remember her by, but the mother said she would not give them anything except possibly an earthen cup and platter to Lydia Young . All the rest was to go to Henry Young but if Robert Young did not have "that girl," and if Henry Young was willing, Robert Young should have half of her estate. On 18 October 1692, the court ruled that the widow had adequately disposed of her estate, and three of her sons (John, Joseph, and Henry Young) agreed. Robert Young must have kept the girl.[14]
Research Notes
:Note 1: John is listed in different sources as marrying Abigail and Elizabeth on the same day. Abigail and Elizabeth are the same person. [Source needed].
:Note 2: John married Abigail Howland on Dec 13, 1648, in Plymouth. He was born circa 1624 in England, and she was born circa 1629 in Plymouth Colony. John died on January 28/29, 1690/91, and his wife Agibail died on April 7, 1692.[2][3]
:Note 3: On 13 December 1648, Abigail Howland married John Young, son of Rev. John Young (circa 1598 - 1671) & Joan Herrington (b. circa 1598), at Plymouth, Massachusetts. Born ca 1624 in England. John died at Eastham, Massachusetts, on 28 Jan 1690/1.[4]
:Note 4: However, the John Young, son of John YONGES married Joan Herrington who was born 10 Apr 1623 and died 12 Apr 1698 in Southold, Suffolk, New York. He secondly married Mary Gardner abt 1653 and after her decease, he then married Hannah Anne Wines.[4]
:Note 5: John YOUNG Rev. was born about 1629 in Devonshire, England. He died on 25 Jan 1690 in Eastham, Barnstable County, Massachusetts. John Young married Abigail HOWLAND daughter of Henry HOWLAND and Mary NEWLAND on 13 Dec 1648. Abigail died on 7 Apr 1692 in Eastham, Barnstable County, Massachusetts. (2/16/14: Material moved from the profile of John Howland.) This section needs to be sourced.[7]
:Note 6: “The date of the marriage of Abigail to John Young is in dispute. According to Howland's History, this Abigail married Young on 2 9m [November] 1678, a date not found in any records relating to Abigail and one too late to accord with her being called Abigail Young in her mother's will of 1674. Howland's alleged date is the one found in the Friends Records for the marriage of an Abigail Howland to Richard Keerby (see Abigail, widow of No.2, Zoeth Howland). The names of some of the children born to John Young and wife Abigail (e.g., Joseph, Henry, and possibly Robert) are Howland names and re compatible with a presumption that the mother was a daughter of Henry Howland; but if she were, Abigail was married many years earlier. A likely record of the marriage is the previously cited one in 1684. Extensive information is available on the family, both published and unpublished. A quick review of the Youngs in Plymouth Colony, made by the the [sic] authors Wakefield and Sherman, suggests that this John is the only Young in the colony likely to be Abigail's husband.”[14] This is a decently sourced out report with lots of potential for further study.
↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633, Volumes I-III. (Online database: AmericanAncestors.org, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2010), (Originally Published as: New England Historic Genealogical Society. Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633, Volumes I-III, 3 vols., 1995). ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Torrey, Clarence Almon. "John Young of Eastham, Mass. & Some of his descendants" [FIVE GENERATIONS] records from Eastham and & Barnstable. ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Needham, Vincent. “John YOUNG.” The Needham Family, Vincent Needham, 12 Feb. 2015, jrm.phys.ksu.edu/Genealogy/Needham/d0003/I3423.html. ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Pane-Joyce, Dave. “Henry Howland (773) & Mary.” Pane-Joyce Genealogy, Mathcs.clarku.edu, Nov. 2018, mathcs.clarku.edu/~djoyce/gen/report/rr02/rr02_066.html#P598. ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 "Plymouth Colony vital records," Mayflower Descendant, Transcribed by George Ernest Bowman, various volumes. Transcribed form marriages appearing in the Court Orders, and from "Marriages, Births and Burials" ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 "Eastham Mass., Vital Records," transcribed by George Ernest Bowman, Mayflower Descendant, various volumes, Also printed in Vital Records of the Towns of Eastham and Orleans, with index, edited by Leonard H Smith Jr & Norma H. Smith, 1976. ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Stockton, Bobbi. “ Rev. John Young.” Everything's Relative... A Study in Genealogy., RootsWeb.com, 28 Mar. 2003, freepages.rootsweb.com/~bobbistockton/genealogy/you.htm. Note: This Young file was listed in the back of the "The Crockett Family" book by Donna Hopkins Scott. ↑ Wakefield, Robert S. and Robert M. Sherman. "Henry Howland of Duxbury, Massachusetts" NGSQ, vol. 75, pp. 105-116 (Jun 1987). ↑ Young, Elizabeth Ridgely and Kendall A. Young. John Young of Eastham, Massachusetts Decent to Elkanah Young of Eastham and Mt. Desert, Maine and his Known Descendants". Baltimore, Maryland: 1950. ↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 Tobin, James. “Re: John YOUNG in 1600's Plymouth, MA; When Arrived?” Genealogy.com, Genealogy.com, 14 Jan. 2009, 12:04:18, www.genealogy.com/forum/surnames/topics/young/16501/. ↑ Young, Keith. “Re: John Young m. Abigail Howland 1648.” Genealogy.com, Genealogy.com, 14 Mar. 1999, 07:25:19, www.genealogy.com/forum/surnames/topics/young/1761/. ↑ Genealogy.com user. “Re: John Young m. Abigail Howland 1648.” Genealogy.com, Genealogy.com, 12 Dec. 1998, 02:43:34, https://www.genealogy.com/forum/surnames/topics/young/1132/. ↑ Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850 (Online Database: AmericanAncestors.org, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2001-2010). Volume: Eastham-Orleans - V1, p.203. ↑ 14.0 14.1 Howland, Roger. “Wife of Zoeth Howland.” Message Boards, Ancestry.com, 21 Oct. 2005, 07:11, www.ancestry.com/boards/surnames.howland/711.1.1.1/mb.ashx. See also: McKinnon-Suggs, Eileen. “Our Kingdom Come.” RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project, RootsWeb.com, 16 Apr. 2009, 01:15:47, wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=emsuggs&id=I37793.
1629 |
November 29, 1629
Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America
1649 |
November 16, 1649
Plymouth, (Present Plymouth County), Plymouth Colony (Present Massachusetts)
1651 |
November 12, 1651
Eastham, Massachusetts, New England Colonies
1654 |
December 19, 1654
Eastham, Cape Cod, Plymouth Colony
1656 |
April 1656
Eastham, Cape Cod, Plymouth Colony
1658 |
April 28, 1658
Eastham, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, Colonial America
1659 |
1660 |
October 20, 1660
Eastham, Barnstable County, Pennsylvania
1662 |
April 17, 1662
Eastham, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, Colonial America