Abigail Rowe (Alsop)

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Abigail Rowe (Alsop)

Also Known As: "Abigail Alsopp"
Birthplace: New Haven, New Haven County, (Present Connecticut), (Present USA)
Death: 1738 (81-82)
New Haven, New Haven County, Province of Connecticut, (Present USA)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Joseph Alsop and Elizabeth Alsop
Wife of John Rowe
Mother of John Rowe; Matthew Rowe; Stephen Rowe; Abigail Morris; Hannah Peck and 1 other
Sister of Joseph Alsop, Jr.; Elizabeth Talmadge; Mary Miles; Sarah Alsop; Hannah Alsop and 4 others
Half sister of Elizabeth Chase; Mary Potter Bingley; William Bingley and Martha Fitz Randolph Bingley

Managed by: Francis Gene Dellinger
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Immediate Family

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Abigail Rowe (Alsop)'s Timeline

September 4, 1656
New Haven, New Haven County, (Present Connecticut), (Present USA)
April 26, 1657
New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut Colony, (Present USA)
October 23, 1681
New Haven, New Haven County, CT, United States
February 14, 1683
New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut Colony
June 6, 1687
New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut Colony
August 13, 1689
New Haven, New Haven, CT
February 14, 1690
New Haven, New Haven County, Province of Connecticut, (Present USA)
October 15, 1700
New Haven, New Haven, CT
Age 81
New Haven, New Haven County, Province of Connecticut, (Present USA)