The children of Moses Craft & Rebecca Gardner, the first four b. of record at Roxbury, Mass., are:
• v. Abigail Craft, b. circa 1675 prob. at Deerfield, Mass.; m. Dec. 2, 1691 at Wethersfield, Conn., Jonathan Goodrich, eldest surviving son of the immigrant John Goodrich, Jr. & his wife Elizabeth, b. Oct. 23, 1657 at Wethersfield, Conn. He was living on July 15, 1742
1676 |
June 16, 1676
Probably, Deerfield, Franklin, Massachusetts
1694 |
November 28, 1694
Wethersfield, Hartford County, Connecticut Colony
1700 |
Age 23
Hartford, Washington, New York
1933 |
October 28, 1933
Age 24
1934 |
February 2, 1934
Age 24
November 23, 1934
Age 24
1938 |
August 6, 1938
Age 24
August 6, 1938
Age 24