Mother of Daniel Burr II and Abigail (Burr) Sherman
In his 1669 will, Dr. Thomas Pell left legacies to his late wife Lucy’s grandchildren from her first marriage to Dr. Francis Brewster, II (died 1646):
WILLS OF EARLY RESIDENTS OF WESTCHESTER CO., N. Y., 1664-1784. I, Thomas Pell, "In the Name of God, Amen." " Yt hath pleased ye all wise God, for many years to exercise me with much weakness of body, and having lately taken to himself my beloved wife Lucy " I make my nephew John Pell, living in Old England, the only son of my only brother John Pell, Doctor of Divinity, sole heir of all my lands and houses. Mentions "my brother's daughters." Leaves legacies to Abigail wife of Daniel Burr, Francis French, Nathaniel French, Elizabeth White, Nathaniel White, " my ancient maid Katharine Ryster." "I give these poor men their debts, viz. Joseph Patten, James Evens, Tho. Bassett, Roger Percey." Makes Daniel Burr and John Banks, executors. Witnesses. Nathan Gould John Cabell Dated Sept. 21, 1669. Liber i. P. 39. [2]