Matching family tree profiles for Abel Aldrich
Immediate Family
About Abel Aldrich
Abel Aldrich is listed as family member #159 in the Aldrich geneology.
he was listed as being a Quaker by Samuel Thayer in a list dated 30 August, 1730.
Abel Aldrich (1704 - 1787)
Abel Aldrich
Born 16 Jan 1704 in Uxbridge, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colonymap
ANCESTORS ancestors
Son of Seth Aldrich and Deborah (Hayward) Aldrich
Brother of Seth Aldrich Jr., Deborah Aldrich, William Aldrich, Sarah (Aldrich) Richardson, Jacob Aldrich, Noah Aldrich, Dinah Aldrich [half], Jonathan Aldrich Sr. [half], Abigail (Keith) Aldrich [half], Deborah (Aldrich) Jepherson [half], Samuel Aldrich [half] and Elisabeth (Aldrich) Curtis [half]
Husband of Elizabeth Aldrich — married 20 Aug 1732 in Glocester, Providence, Rhode Islandmap
Husband of Urania (Sprague) Aldrich — married 3 Nov 1741 in Smithfield, Providence County, Rhode Islandmap
DESCENDANTS descendants
Father of Benjamin Aldrich, Elizabeth Ann Aldrich, Seth Aldrich, Mary (Aldrich) Cook, Sarah (Aldrich) Cook, Enoch Aldrich, Susannah Aldrich, Obadiah Aldrich and Nathan Aldrich
Died 1787 at about age 82 in Uxbridge, Worcester, Massachusetts, United Statesmap
PROBLEMS/QUESTIONSProfile manager: John Sweeney private message [send private message]
Profile last modified 5 Oct 2022 | Created 12 Oct 2016
This page has been accessed 332 times.
1 Biography
1.1 Birth
1.2 Marriage
2 Sources
"Abell Aldrich, s. of Seth and Deborah, b. Jan. 16, 1704".[1]
Abel Aldrich married his first cousin, Elizabeth Aldrich, daughter of David and Hannah on 20 August 1732 in Glocester, Rhode Island.[2][3]
After his first wife dies he remarried.
Abel was born in 1704. He passed away in 1797.
↑ Baldwin, Thomas W. Vital Records of Mendon, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850. Boston, Mass: Wright & Potter printing Company, 1920, p. 13
↑ Glocester, Rhode Island, births, marriages, deaths (1726-1815) and deaths (1902-1915), database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HT-DCN3-MBS : 5 October 2022), FHL microfilm 004250814, image 47, Volume 1, Page 5.
↑ Holden, Frederick A. Genealogy of the Descendants of Banfield Capron, from A.D. 1660 to A.D. 1859. Boston: G.C. Rand & Avery, 1859, p. 194.
"Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915", database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:F458-MB5 : 15 January 2020), Abell Aldrich, 1704.
"Massachusetts, Town Clerk, Vital and Town Records, 1626-2001," database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q29P-MFK9 : 25 October 2020), Abell/Aldrich, 16 Jan 1704; citing Birth, Mendon, Worcester, Massachusetts, Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth, Boston; FHL microfilm 007011111.
"Massachusetts, Town Clerk, Vital and Town Records, 1626-2001," database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:FHD3-W3K : 25 October 2020), Uranna/Sprig in entry for Abel/Aldrich, 17 Oct 1741; citing Marriage, Uxbridge, Worcester, Massachusetts, Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth, Boston; FHL microfilm 007011163.
"Rhode Island Marriages, 1724-1916", database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:F8VJ-G36 : 22 January 2020), Urania Sprague in entry for Abel Aldrich, 1741.
Abel Aldrich's Timeline
1704 |
January 15, 1704
Mendon, Suffolk County, Massachusetts
1733 |
May 1, 1733
Uxbridge, Worcester County, Massachusetts, Colonial America
1741 |
November 14, 1741
Uxbridge, Worcester County, Massachusetts, British Colonial America
1742 |
August 25, 1742
Uxbridge, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
1744 |
June 22, 1744
Uxbridge, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
1747 |
June 3, 1747
Uxbridge, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
1750 |
May 22, 1750
Uxbridge, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
1752 |
January 19, 1752
Uxbridge, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA