Matching family tree profiles for Aaron Freeman
Immediate Family
About Aaron Freeman
A Patriot of the American Revolution for NORTH CAROLINA with the rank of SERGEANT. DAR Ancestor #: A041982
Served in the American Revolution. Married Judith Fleetwood 9 Sept 1777 in Bertie County, NC and they had the following children: Alexander (1778-1829) Elizabeth (1779-1805) John Parker (1781-1786) Edmund (1785-1790) Ann (1787-1858) Christian (1790- ? ) John W (1792- ? ) Mary "Polly" (1794-1874) Delilah (1796-1893) Jersey (1798- ? ) Patsey (1800-1805) Henry (1802-1825) Hardy Fleetwood (1804- ? )
bequith unto my Well beloved son Thomas Freeman the plantation and Land where on he now Lives in the Indian neck and also my neagro boy called Emprorour to be delivered to him at the change of my well beloved wife Mary Freemans condition either by death or mariage which shall first happen and then I say to him and his heirs for ever I give devise and bequieth unto my well beloved son Richard Freeman the plantation and Land on which I now Live and also my neagro girle Callie Rachell to ... of my well belove wife Mary Freemans condition either by death or maridge which shall first hapen but my will and pleasure is that my son Richard Freeman shall not seek to debar my well beloved wife Mary Freeman of her right of Dowrey on the plantation now and not during the time of her widdowhood and the change of her condition than the plantation and Land and neagro to go to him and his heirs for ever I give devise and bequith unto my two well beloved sons Aron Freeman and Samuel Freeman my plantation and Land containing five hundred and forty acres is to be eaqually divided to both them and the Land now lieng in Aerle presenct also I give to my son Aron Freeman my negaro girle called Jude and my will and pleasure is that my son Samuel Freeman shall have the first neagro child that shall be borne of any of the neagro women or girls before mentioned that neagros to be delivered is my tow sons before mentioned at the change of my well beloved wife Mary Freemans condition either by death or mariage which shall first happen and then I say to them and their heirs for ever I leave my well beloved wife Mary Freeman the use of all my personall estate with the neagros before mentiond and what the profis of the plantation wher on I now Live during the time of her widdowhood and at the change of her condition either by death or mariage which shall first happen to be orgreally decided the Leagusies above ... or having first paid out between my well beloved wife Mary Freeman and my five sons John William Thomas Richard Aron and Samuel Freemans only my will and pleasure is that my three youngest sons Richard Aron and Samuel Freeman shall have each of them a feather bed and the furniture belonging to it in their ..before the devison is made and then to be oagrially .
- Updated from Find A Grave Memorial via daughter Ann Womelsdorf (born Freeman) by SmartCopy: Jul 25 2015, 19:22:33 UTC
Aaron Freeman's Timeline
1758 |
January 30, 1758
Bertie County, Province of North Carolina
1778 |
April 23, 1778
Bertie County, North Carolina, United States
1779 |
September 15, 1779
Bertie County, North Carolina, United States
1781 |
June 23, 1781
Bertie County, North Carolina, United States
1785 |
February 12, 1785
Bertie County, North Carolina, United States
1787 |
October 22, 1787
Hertford County, North Carolina, United States
Age 28
Freemans District, Bertie County, New Caledonia
1790 |
March 22, 1790
Bertie County, North Carolina, United States
1794 |
December 2, 1794
Bertie, North Carolina, United States