Aarne Johannes Wahlroos

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Aarne Johannes Wahlroos

Also Known As: "Haaga", "Vahlroos"
Birthplace: Haaga, Aimontappo, Perniö, Finland
Death: May 26, 1969 (71)
Perniö, Finland
Place of Burial: Perniö, Finland
Immediate Family:

Son of August Viktor Kaarlenpoika Wahlroos and Alma Aleksandra Kaarlentytär Wahlros
Husband of Naima Matilda Wahlroos
Brother of Aksel August Wahlroos; Albert William Wahlros and Ida Adolfina Järvinen

Managed by: Private User
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About Aarne Johannes Wahlroos

Perniö - syntyneet, 1898-1921 (AP I C:17) > Sivu 10-11: 11.2.1898; SSHY: https://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/jasenille/paikat.php?bid=250... / Viitattu 14.10.2021

23.6.1920 vihitty Aarne ja Naima

1920- Perniö, Aimontappo

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Aarne Johannes Wahlroos's Timeline

February 22, 1898
Haaga, Aimontappo, Perniö, Finland
May 26, 1969
Age 71
Perniö, Finland
Yliskylän hautausmaa, Perniö, Finland