Aarne Johannes Sundelin

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Aarne Johannes Sundelin

Birthplace: Turku, Finland
Death: August 27, 1911 (3 months)
Turku, Finland
Immediate Family:

Son of Juha Brynolf Sundelin and Anna Johanna Karlsdotter Sundelin
Brother of Anna Siviä Sundelin; Alli Sofia Sundelin and Arvo Brynolf Sundelin

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Aarne Johannes Sundelin

Turun tuomiokirkkosrk rippikirja 1910-1920 (AP_XVI I Aa3:57) ; SSHY http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/jasenille/paikat.php?bid=4428... / Viitattu 14.01.2025

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Aarne Johannes Sundelin's Timeline

May 22, 1911
Turku, Finland
August 27, 1911
Turku, Finland