Aabraham Heikinpoika Elg

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Aabraham Heikinpoika Elg

Birthplace: Elg, Kaakamo, Finland
Death: June 14, 1750 (19)
Elg, Kaakamo, Finland (hukkkui)
Immediate Family:

Son of Henrik Johansson Elg and Margareta Olofsdotter
Brother of Brita Henriksdotter Elg; Margareta Heikintytär Elg; Juhani vahin Heikinpoika Elg; Abram Heikinpoika Elg; Juhani Heikinpoika Elg and 7 others
Half brother of Johannes Henriksson Sax

Managed by: Pekka Mauno Salmi
Last Updated:
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Aabraham Heikinpoika Elg's Timeline

July 12, 1730
Elg, Kaakamo, Finland
June 14, 1750
Age 19
Elg, Kaakamo, Finland