1st wife of Ellis David

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1st wife of Ellis David (deceased)

Immediate Family:

Wife of Ellis ap Ellis Davies
Mother of David Davies; Donse David and Katherine Haines

Managed by: Erica Howton
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

About 1st wife of Ellis David



The widower Ellis David/Davies of Goshen married the widow, Hannah (Price) Jones at Merion Meeting on 22 Second Month [April] 1703.[1][2][3] It is known that Ellis David had a previous wife who was the mother of his children (he had no children by Hannah and was called a widdower on his marriage certificate to her).

Ellis David/Davies and his first unknown wife had three children as follows:

  1. Katherine (David/Davis) married Isaac Haines on December 2, 1714 at Chester MM, Chester (now Delaware) County, Pennsylvania. Isaac Haines was born in Burlington County, New Jersey.
  2. David David/Davis born Wales and died 1754. (His will was filed on November 7, 1754 in Goshen Township, and his wife, Jane was his administrator).
  3. Donse Davis was mentioned in her father's will.

Ellis David/Davies and his second wife, Hannah (Price) Jones had no children together.

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