1st wife, Rambam Maimonides

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1st wife, Rambam Maimonides (1130 - d.)

Hebrew: אשת הרמב״ם הראשונה
Also Known As: "Rambam's first wife"
Death: Died young epidemics
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Nathaniel Baruch ben Eli al-Baghdādī al-Baladī, haRoffe al-Musil al-Baghdād
Wife of Maimonides "Rambam"
Sister of Abu 'l-Hasan Sa'id ibn Hibat Allah al-Baghdādī al-Baladī, haRoffe

Managed by: Malka Mysels
Last Updated:

About 1st wife, Rambam Maimonides

Some sources say that Maimonides was married twice but his first wife died young. Her name was not mentioned.

Rambam/The Story of Maimonides 

Official Film of the "Maimonides 800th Anniversary Festival" - Tiberias, Israel.

In the film about The Rambam, Maimonides for Rabbi Wein's Destiny Foundation Rambam courts his second wife Jamila.

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1st wife, Rambam Maimonides's Timeline