public profile
Rami b. Abba [1] (or Rammi b. Abba II;[2] Hebrew: (רמי בר אבא (השני) was a sixth generetion Amora sage of Babylon. In the Talmud it is storied that he applied to Rav Papa and R. Huna b. Joshua with an Halakhaic question (or according to another version, in Dikdukei Soferim, it was Rav Papi and R. Huna b. Tahlifa that he applied to),[3] concerning an Halachic ruling prohibiting one from pulling down a synagogue until he has built another to take its place. The question revolves about a new synagogue Rami b. Abba wanted to build to his fellow-townsmen, by taking bricks and beams from an old synagogue and use them for the new synagogue in a different location and without building a new synagogue in the old location. He was not sure whether he is allowed to pull down the old synagogue in case the whole purpose is to pull down the old synagogue in order to build a new one in a different location. Then he applied to R. Papa who forbade him, and so did R. Huna, who both were in the opinion that the Halachic ruling applies to this case as well, since they were concerned that the old synagogue will be pulled down without any new synagogue being built in its place. According to Sheiltot d’Rav Achai, Rami b. Abba was Rav Ashi's father-in-law,[4] and probably, according to Jehiel ben Solomon Heilprin, Seder ha-Dorot, it is this Rami b. Abba (and not Rami b. Abba I). [edit]References
1 Megillah 26b [1] 2 Aaron Hyman, Toledot tannaʿim ve-amoraʾim, III, p. 1100 3 Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Megillah 26b 4 This is how it is stated in Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Hullin 111a, though in Tractate Bezah 29b, it is stated that it is was Rami bar Hama who was his father-in-law and not Rami b. Abba, and according to Aaron Hyman, in Tractate Bezah 29b it was simply a misprint. However, There are those who think otherwise.
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Mahoza, Bābil, Iraq
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Age 75